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Online:Repeatable Quests

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests
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There are 675 repeatable quests that can be completed by each of your characters. Some of these quests can only be completed once a day (commonly called daily quests or dailies) while others can be repeated as many times as wanted (commonly called repeatables). Repeatable quests are aimed at offering end-game characters an option for earning further rewards and experience. The specific details of each type are described below. Note that there is a cap of 50 repeatable quests that may be accepted and completed per character each day.

An alphabetical listing of all repeatable quests can be found in the category page. See also: Immediately Repeatable Quests.

Undaunted PledgesEdit

Undaunted Pledges are daily quests available at Undaunted Enclaves. You must be level 45 to receive a Normal pledge and level 50 to receive a Veteran pledge. Only one of each type of pledge is offered per day, although technically a pledge from a previous day can also be completed if it was obtained but not completed. For more information, including the pledge rotation order, see this page.

Maj al-Ragath's PledgesEdit

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Glirion the Redbeard's PledgesEdit

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Urgarlag Chief-bane's PledgesEdit

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Guild Daily QuestsEdit

Fighters Guild Daily QuestsEdit

These are offered by Cardea Gallus, who can be found at the Fighters Guild Halls in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.

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Mages Guild Daily QuestsEdit

These are offered by Alvur Baren, who can be found at the Mages Guild Halls in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.

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Undaunted Daily QuestsEdit

These are offered by Bolgrul, who can be found at the Undaunted Enclave in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.

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Crafting WritsEdit

Crafting Writs are repeatable quests available to certified crafters. After the initial certification quest, a daily writ can be accepted from the relevant noticeboard in most major cities. Days for crafting writs reset at 10:00AM UTC (5:00AM EST or 6:00AM EDT, 2:00AM PST or 3:00AM PDT).

Consumables Crafting WritsEdit

These are available from Consumables Crafting Writs Boards. Each writ can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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Equipment Crafting WritsEdit

These are available from Equipment Crafting Writs Boards. Each writ can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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Master WritsEdit

Sealed Master Writs may be awarded at the higher levels for completing normal crafting writs, and opening one will start a Master Writ quest. These can be completed as many times as you have collected Sealed Master Writs, and are not restricted in the number you can complete per day. You can only have one Master Writ quest active at one time, but you may have items for other writs pre-crafted before starting them, allowing you to turn in as many writs as you want in one visit. They cannot be shared with others.

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Holiday WritsEdit

Deep Winter Charity Writs and Imperial Charity Writs are awarded for completing quests during the New Life Festival. These can be completed as many times as you have collected Deep Winter Charity Writs and Imperial Charity Writs, and are not restricted in the number you can complete per day. You can only have one Deep Winter Charity Writ and Imperial Charity Writ quest active at one time, but you may have items for other writs pre-crafted before starting them, allowing you to turn in as many writs as you want in one visit. They cannot be shared with others.

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Trial quests can be repeated immediately, but will only provide loot containers once per week per character. They can be accepted at the entrance to the trial itself. Those in Craglorn are also offered at the Star-Gazer's Observatory.

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Arena quests can be repeated immediately, but not all provide loot containers. They can be accepted at the entrance to the arena itself.

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Craglorn QuestsEdit

Almost all side quests in Craglorn can be repeated daily. This even extends to Quest Hubs, which can only be completed once in other zones. While you will earn Quest XP every time you complete the quest, you only get the extra Completion XP reward for the Quest Hub once.

Lower CraglornEdit

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Upper CraglornEdit

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Cyrodilic CollectionsEdit

After completing the prologue for Murkmire, you will be able to assist Jee-Lar, a representative of the Cyrodilic Collections in preparing for expeditions into Black Marsh.

You can do one quest per day.

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Northern Elsweyr Defense ForceEdit

After completing the prologue for Elsweyr, you will be able to assist Zahari, a representative of the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in preparing their defense.

You can do one quest per day.

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Imperial City QuestsImperial CityEdit

In the Imperial City, daily quests will be offered in each of the six Districts. Originally this required completion of the quest The Sublime Brazier, but this prerequisite was removed in Update 26.

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Wrothgar QuestsOrsiniumEdit

There are two types of daily repeatable quests in Wrothgar.


These are given by Arzorag in Skalar's Hostel and involve defeating World Bosses in Wrothgar. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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These are given by Guruzug in Morkul Stronghold and involve exploring Delves in Wrothgar. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Thieves Guild QuestsThieves GuildEdit

Larceny quests are repeatable quests offered in the Thieves Den to members of the Thieves Guild. Heists are unlocked only after reaching the requisite rank in the Thieves Guild skill line. Larceny quests are the only way to continue gaining Reputation with the guild once you've exhausted the story content, which is needed to max out the skill line. Delve quests can be done whenever desired.

Guild JobsEdit

These are given by the Tip Board in the Thieves Den and involve going to all base-game, non-starter, and non-PvP zones and involve thievery. They are repeatable immediately and cannot be shared with others.

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These quests will take you to instanced heist areas with the goal of obtaining stolen goods and can be completed solo or in a group. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other four.

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These are given by the Reacquisitions Board in the Thieves Den and involve exploring Delves or World Bosses in Hew's Bane. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other three.

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Gold Coast QuestsDark BrotherhoodEdit

Three different types of repeatable quests are available in the Gold Coast as part of the Dark Brotherhood DLC. Contract and Sacrament quests are offered to members of the Dark Brotherhood, while Bounty quests are available in the zone's two major cities, Kvatch and Anvil.

Dark Brotherhood ContractsEdit

These are given by the Marked for Death ledger in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and involve assassinating a target and involve going to all base-game, non-starter, and non-PvP zones to perform assassinations. The introductory quest Contract: Kvatch is excluded from this list since it can only be done once. They are repeatable immediately and cannot be shared with others.

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Dark Brotherhood SacramentsEdit

These are given by Speaker Terenus in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and involve assassinating a target in an instanced area. One can be obtained per day and they cannot be shared.

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These are given by the Bounty Board in Kvatch and involve defeating World Bosses in the Gold Coast. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.

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These are given by Bounty Board in Anvil and involve exploring Delves in the Gold Coast. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain another one.

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Vvardenfell QuestsMorrowindEdit

There are four types of daily repeatable quests in Vvardenfell. Beleru Omoril and Traylan Omoril in the Vivec City Hall of Justice give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests (after you have completed A Call For Aid), and Numani-Rasi and Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar in Ald'ruhn give out Relic and Hunt quests (after you have completed Ancestral Ties and Ashlander Relations).


These are given by the Beleru Omoril in the Hall of Justice and involve defeating World Bosses in Vvardenfell. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Traylan Omoril in the Hall of Justice and involve exploring Delves in Vvardenfell. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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These are given by Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar in Ald'ruhn and involve hunting a unique version of Vvardenfell's creatures (and returning with a trophy). One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.

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These are given by Numani-Rasi in Ald'ruhn and involve going to a Daedric ruin and recovering its relics. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.

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Clockwork City QuestsClockwork CityEdit

There are four types of daily quests given out in the Clockwork City. The Clockwork Facilitator and Novice Holli in the Brass Fortress give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, respectively. Razgurug and the Bursar of Tributes in Slag Town give out the Tarnished and Blackfeather Court quests, respectively.


These are given by the Clockwork Facilitator in the Brass Fortress and involve defeating World Bosses in the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.

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These are given by Novice Holli in the Brass Fortress and involve exploring Delves in the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Halls of Regulation:

The Shadow Cleft:


These quests are given out by Razgurug in Slag Town and involve performing various tasks at gathering nodes throughout the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Blackfeather CourtEdit

These quests are given out by the Bursar of Tributes in Slag Town and involve finding certain items to give to the Blackfeather Court

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Summerset QuestsSummersetEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Summerset. Justiciar Farowel and Justiciar Tanorian at Rinmawen's Plaza in Alinor give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Battlereeve Tanerline at the Plaza of the Hand gives out Abyssal Geyser quests (after you have completed The Abyssal Cabal).


These are given by Justiciar Farowel at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve defeating World Bosses in Summerset. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Justiciar Tanorian at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve exploring Delves in Summerset. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Abyssal GeysersEdit

These are given by Battlereeve Tanerline at the Plaza of the Hand and involve completing Summerset's Abyssal Geysers. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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Murkmire Quests MurkmireEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Murkmire. Bolu and Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, respectively. Tuwul in Root-Whisper Village gives out the Root-Whisper dailies (after you have completed By River and Root).


These are given by Bolu in Lilmoth and involve defeating World Bosses in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth and involve exploring Murkmire's Delves in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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These are given by Tuwul in Root-Whisper Village and require completion of By River and Root. They involve completing a variety of tasks in the delves and overland in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Elsweyr Quests ElsweyrEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Northern Elsweyr. Nisuzi and Ri'hirr at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Battlereeve Tanerline gives out Dragon World Events quests.


These are given by Ri'hirr at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen and involve defeating World Bosses in Northern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Nisuzi at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen and involve exploring Delves in Northern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Dragon World EventsEdit

These are given by Battlereeve Tanerline and involve Dragon World Events. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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Dragonhold Quests DragonholdEdit

There are four types of daily repeatable quests in Southern Elsweyr. Bruccius Baenius and Guybert Flaubert at the Merchant Square in Senchal give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Chizbari the Chipper and Dirge Truptor at the Dragonguard Sanctum give out the Dragon Hunt and New Moon quests.


These are given by Bruccius Baenius at the Merchant Square in Senchal and involve defeating World Bosses in Southern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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These are given by Guybert Flaubert at the Merchant Square in Senchal and involve exploring Delves in Southern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Dragon HuntsEdit

These are given by Chizbari the Chipper at the Dragonguard Sanctum and involve Dragon World Events. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

New MoonEdit

These are given by Dirge Truptor at the Dragonguard Sanctum and involve fighting against the New Moon at various locations throughout Tamriel. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Western Skyrim Quests GreymoorEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Western Skyrim that can be acquired in Solitude. Hidaver gives out the Bounty quests, Tinzen gives out the Exploratory quests, and Swordthane Jylta gives out the Harrowstorm quests.


These are given by Hidaver in Solitude and involve defeating World Bosses in Western Skyrim or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.

Quest List


These are given by Tinzen in Solitude and involve exploring Delves in Western Skyrim or Blackreach.One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.

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These are given by Swordthane Jylta in Solitude and involve defeating Harrowstorms in Western Skyrim or Blackreach. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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The Reach Quests MarkarthEdit

There are four types of daily repeatable quests in The Reach that can be acquired in Markarth. Gwenyfe gives out the Bounty quests, Bralthahawn gives out the Exploratory quests, and Swordthane Jylta gives out the Harrowstorm quests.


These are given by Gwenyfe in Markarth and involve defeating World Bosses in The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Bralthahawn in Markarth and involve exploring Delves in The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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These are given by Nelldena in Markarth and involve defeating Harrowstorms in The Reach or Blackreach. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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Wayward GuardianEdit

These are given by Ardanir in Markarth and involve assorted quest locations all across The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.

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Blackwood Quests BlackwoodEdit

There are two types of daily repeatable quests in Blackwood that can be acquired in Leyawiin. Britta Silanus gives out the Bounty quests and Deetum-Jas gives out the Exploratory quests.


These are given by Britta Silanus in Leyawiin and involve defeating World Bosses in Blackwood. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Deetum-Jas in Leyawiin and involve exploring Delves in Blackwood. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List

Deadlands Quests The DeadlandsEdit

There are two types of daily repeatable quests in The Deadlands that can be acquired in Fargrave. Vaveli Indavel gives out the Bounty quests and Luna Beriel gives out the Exploratory quests.


These are given by Vaveli Indavel in Fargrave and involve defeating World Bosses in the Deadlands. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Luna Beriel in Fargrave and involve exploring Delves in the Deadlands and Fargrave. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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High Isle Quests High IsleEdit

There are five types of daily repeatable quests in High Isle that can be acquired in Gonfalon Bay. Parisse Plouff gives out the Bounty quests, Wayllod gives out the Exploratory quests, and Druid Peeska gives out the Volcanic Vents quests. Kishka the Broker and Marunji the Broker are both found in the Gonfalon Gaming Hall, and give out Tales of Tribute quests.


These are given by Parisse Plouff in Gonfalon Bay and involve defeating World Bosses in High Isle. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Wayllod in Gonfalon Bay and involve exploring Delves in High Isle. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Volcanic VentsEdit

There are two with the same name offered by Druid Peeska in Gonfalon Bay and involve completing High Isle's Volcanic Vents. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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Tales of TributeEdit

These are given by Kishka the Broker in Gonfalon Gaming Hall and involve defeating other NPCs in Tales of Tribute. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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These are given by Marunji the Broker in Gonfalon Gaming Hall and involve defeating other players in Tales of Tribute. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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Galen QuestsFiresongEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Galen that can be acquired in Vastyr. Druid Gastoc gives out the Bounty quests, Juline Courcelles gives out the Exploratory quests, and Druid Aishabeh gives out the Volcanic Vents quests.


These are given by Druid Gastoc in Vastyr and involve defeating World Bosses in Galen. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

Quest List


These are given by Juline Courcelles in Vastyr and involve exploring Delves in Galen. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.

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Volcanic VentsEdit

These are given by Druid Aishabeh in Vastyr and involve completing Galen's Volcanic Vents. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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Necrom Quests NecromEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha that can be acquired in the city of Necrom. Ordinator Nelyn gives out the Bounty quests, Ordinator Tilena gives out the Exploratory quests, and Ordinator Tandasea gives out the Bastion Nymic world event quests.


These are given by Ordinator Nelyn in the city of Necrom and involve defeating World Bosses on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.

Quest List


These are given by Ordinator Tilena in the city of Necrom and involve exploring Delves on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.

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Bastion NymicEdit

These are given by Ordinator Tandasea in the city of Necrom and involve defeating enemies of Hermaeus Mora in Bastion Nymic, a stronghold in Apocrypha. Only one of each type can be completed per day, though you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

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West Weald Quests Gold RoadEdit

There are three types of daily repeatable quests in the West Weald that can be acquired in the city of Skingrad. Lieutenant Agrance gives out the Bounty quests, Commandant Salerius gives out the Exploratory quests, and Legionary Jaida gives out the Mirrormoor Incursion world event quests.


These are given by Lieutenant Agrance in the city of Skingrad and involve defeating World Bosses in the West Weald. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.

Quest List


These are given by Commandant Salerius in the city of Skingrad and involve exploring Delves in the West Weald. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.

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Mirrormoor IncursionEdit

These are given by Legionary Jaida in the city of Skingrad and involve destroying Mirrormoor Incursions. Only one of each type can be completed per day, though you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.

Infinite Archive QuestsEdit

There is are two daily repeatable quests in the Infinite Archive. They can be completed once per day, and can be done either solo or with a partner. One is given by Master Malkhest in the Infinite Archive Index Chamber, and the other is given by Destozuno after completing Restoring the Resurrected.

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Cyrodiil Settlement QuestsEdit

Although not all PvE quests in Cyrodiil are repeatable, those found in the zone's major settlements can all be completed daily. Each of the below can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.


These are offered by Grigerda and Hjorik.

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These are offered by Sylvian Herius and Vyctoria Girien.

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Chorrol and Weynon PrioryEdit

These are offered by Lliae the Quick and Mael.

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These are offered by Prefect Antias and Ufgra gra-Gum. Although the quest Goblin's Delight is also needed for the Cropsford Adventurer achievement, it is not repeatable.

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These are offered by Nelerien and Jurana.

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Fighters Guild Bounty QuestsEdit

These quests are available at your Alliance's Border Keeps once you've unlocked the Bounty Hunter passive skill in the Fighters Guild skill line. One can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.

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PvP QuestsEdit

The below are all repeatable if the ownership conditions are met and cannot be shared with others.

Battle MissionsEdit

These are given by the Battle Mission Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Bounty MissionsEdit

These are given by the Bounty Mission Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Conquest MissionsEdit

These are given by the Conquest Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Scouting MissionsEdit

These are given by the Scouting Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Warfront MissionsEdit

These are given by the Warfront Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Elder Scrolls MissionsEdit

These are given by Grand Warlord Sorcalin in the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, Grand Warlord Dortene in the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or Grand Warlord Zimmeron in the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.

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Battlegrounds MissionsEdit

These are given by Battlemaster Rivyn, who can be found at any of the Gladiator's Quarters in Alinor, Daggerfall, Davon's Watch, Gonfalon Bay, Leyawiin, Rimmen, Solitude, Vivec City, or Vulkhel Guard, or at any of the three Battlegrounds found on Vvardenfell.

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Hadran's Caravan QuestsEdit

These carnival games can be repeatedly completed at Hadran's Caravan in Reaper's March, although there is no reason to do so outside of the related quest. They cannot be shared with others.

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Event QuestsEdit

These event quests are repeatable, but can only be completed while the event is live.

New Life FestivalEdit

These quests were given by Breda south of Windhelm after you've completed the introductory quest. They can all be completed daily.

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Jester's FestivalEdit

These quests were available during the Jester's Festival once you've completed the introductory quest. One quest is available from each of the three jesters: Jester King Emeric northeast of Daggerfall, Jester King Jorunn south of Ebonheart, and Jester Queen Ayrenn north of Vulkhel Guard. They can all be completed daily.

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Whitestrakes's MayhemEdit

These quests were given when speaking to Predicant Maera in Cyrodiil at any gate garrison or at the Battlegrounds camps. It can be completed once per event.

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Witches FestivalEdit

These quests were given using a Crow Caller or speaking to Witchmother Taerma in Olyve's Brewery. They can be completed daily.

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Dawn of the DragonguardEdit

This quest was available during the Dawn of the Dragonguard event. It can be completed daily.

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Year One CelebrationEdit

This quest was available during the Year One Celebration. It can be completed once per event.

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Bounties of BlackwoodEdit

This quest was available during the Bounties of Blackwood. It can be completed once per event.

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Daedric War Celebration EventEdit

This quest was available during the Daedric War Celebration Event. It can be completed once per event.

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  •   Guidance for Guides: Complete tasks in Vvardenfell, Summerset, Artaeum, and Clockwork City for limited-time rewards. (disabled)

Set Sail for High IsleEdit

This quest was available during the Set Sail for High Isle. It can be completed daily.

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  •   The Island Tour: Help an enterprising noble with his new business venture. (disabled)

Zeal of ZenitharEdit

These quests were available during the Zeal of Zenithar. One can be completed daily, and the other once per event.

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Dark Heart of Skyrim CelebrationEdit

This quest was available during the Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration. It can be completed once per event.

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Secrets of the TelvanniEdit

These quests were available during the Secrets of the Telvanni event. One can be completed daily, and the others once per event.

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Gates of Oblivion CelebrationEdit

These quests were available during the Gates of Oblivion Celebration. It can be completed once per event.

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