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Commit a series of conspicuous safebox robberies.
Faction: Thieves Guild
Quest Giver: Tip Board
Location(s): Abah's Landing, Alliance Zones
Prerequisite Quest: The Cutpurse's Craft
Reward: Small Laundered Shipment (for completing 2 zones)
Large Laundered Shipment, Counterfeit Pardon Edict (for completing 3 zones. Laundered Goods are worth 400 Gold)
Average Leveled Gold
5 Thieves Guild RepReputation
+5 Thieves Guild Rep for completing all three zones
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: Varies
RepeatableRepeatable: Immediately
Ensure the locals of the Thieves Guild's ever-strong presence by emptying some safeboxes
Rumors are floating around that the Thieves Guild isn't a threat anymore. The Thieves Guild wants to quash the rumors with a series of conspicuous thefts.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Read the Tip Board in the Thieves Den.
  2. Break into a safebox in the indicated zone.
  3. (Optional) Break into a safebox in a second zone.
  4. (Optional) Break into a safebox in a third zone.
  5. Return to Kari in the Thieves Den.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Read the Tip Board inside the Thieves Den. A new listing announces,

"Rumors that the guild isn't a threat are starting to gain credence. A good string of safebox robberies ought to dispel that myth real quick. If you've got deft fingers, put them to work!"

Your task will be to break into any safebox in the indicated areas of a specific zone. For possible locations, see the safebox article. It's important to note that safeboxes will disappear if looted by someone else, placing you in direct competition with other thieves or players attempting this quest.

Once you have opened a safebox, you will be given the option to continue the crime spree by breaking into safeboxes in an additional two zones, or return to Kari. When you are ready to report back to Kari, return to the Thieves Den. She will reward you according to how many safeboxes you decided to empty.


  • The areas vary, but are always within the same alliance territory and the area order always follows the area difficulty, starting from the easiest.
    • For example: Grahtwood -> Greenshade -> Malabal Tor; or Auridon -> Grahtwood -> Greenshade.
  • Looting the opened safeboxes is optional, and it may prove prudent to leave the objects behind in order to minimize your bounty if you've been caught in the act.
  • The quest will show circles around the major cities and towns in the zone, but these are only a suggestion. While the cities will have the most available safeboxes to choose from, they also tend to have more potential witnesses.
    • Any safeboxes found anywhere in the zone will qualify, and those outside of major settled areas may be easier to break into undetected, or will at least give an easier means of escape if you are in fact spotted.
    • It is suggested to target towns over cities, as towns can have little to no guards that can apprehend you.
  • Safeboxes found outdoors are generally easier marks, as you can easily flee if caught. If you are caught indoors, some NPCs will attack you, and you may find yourself unable to leave the building without resorting to murder and earning a much higher bounty.
    • Alternatively, if you have the Blade of Woe, you can break into a house and stealthily kill the resident (or residents) within. This will allow you to pick the safebox safely, and if executed properly without an added bounty.
  • Inns usually have a Safebox around. Mind you, there will be lots of witnesses.

Safebox LocationsEdit

See: Locations

Quest StagesEdit

Crime Spree
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to break into a safebox somewhere in <area> to start the crime spree.
Objective: Break into Any Single Safebox in <area>
Objective Hint: Find in Businesses, Guilds, and Locked Homes
With one major theft down, I can call this accomplished... or I can knock over another safebox in <area>.
Complete one: Break into Any Single Safebox in <area> or Head Back to the Thieves Den for a Small Reward
Objective Hint: Find in Businesses, Guilds, and Locked Homes
With two major thefts, I can call this accomplished... or I can knock over another safebox in <area>.
Complete one: Break into Any Single Safebox in <area> or Head Back to the Thieves Den for a Moderate Reward
Objective Hint: Find in Businesses, Guilds, and Locked Homes
Finishes quest  I've pulled off a string of thefts to boost the Thieves Guild's notoriety. I should expect more than a pat on the back when I get back.
Objective: Talk to Kari in the Thieves Den
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.