This page lists all the NPC homes in Cyrodiil. For possible player homes, see Houses.
Abandoned House — A run-down, desolate house situated within the Guildgate district of Anvil, located in between Silgor Bradus' House and the Anvil Mages Guild. (map)
Abandoned House — A run-down, desolate house situated along the eastern outskirts of Cheydinhal. (map)
Abandoned Shack — A house in the Imperial City Waterfront District next to Methredhel's House and Dareloth's House. (map)
Adrian Decanius' House — A typical middle class three-story Imperial City building, located in the Elven Gardens District, between Dul gro-Shug's House and the Northwest Watch Tower. (map)
Aengvir's House — A house located in Harlun's Watch, adjacent to Deetum-Ja's House and opposite Drarana Thelis' House. (map)
Agarmir's House — A house found in the southern portion of the Talos Plaza District, neighboring Matthias Draconis' House and opposite Ontus Vanin's. (map)
Ahdarji's House — Located between the northeastern slums and the upper-class southern district of Leyawiin. (map)
Alberic Litte's House — A residence in West Chorrol, across the street from Casta Scribonia's house and the Chapel of Stendarr and next to Jirolin Doran's house. (map)
Aldos Othran's House — A house in southwest Cheydinhal, right next door to Llevana Nedaren's House and The Great Chapel of Arkay. (map)
Aleron Loche's House — A home in the middle of Bravil overlooking the Lucky Old Lady and situated above Henantier's House and next to the Skooma Den above Carandial's House. (map)
Algot's House — Located in the northwest corner of the Temple District between The All-Saints Inn and Hastrel Ottus' house and across from Surius Afranius' house. (map)
Alval Uvani's House — A large house on the southern side of Leyawiin. (map)
Amantius Allectus' House — A house within the Temple District of the Imperial City. The house itself is situated between J'mhad's House and Salomon Geonette's House. (map)
Ambroise Canne's House — A typical lower-class house. (map)
Andragil's House — On Bravil's main island, above Dro'shanji's house in the eastern part of the island and opposite the Bravil Fighters Guild. (map)
Angelie's House — Located next to Samuel Bantien's house in the southwestern corner of the District. (map)
Areldil's House — Located in the southeastern part of the Talos Plaza District and while the ground floor and basement area contains plenty of containers with food, there's little else of interest as all the chests holds clutter and clothing. (map)
Armand Christophe's House — A house along the northern side of the Waterfront District in the Imperial City. The house itself is situated across from Myvryna Arano's House and the Shack for Sale. (map)
Arnora's House — A house in southern Bruma located between Jearl's and Regner's houses. (map)
Arvena Thelas' House — A house situated between the Guildgate and Westgate districts of Anvil. (map)
Arvin Dalvilu's House — Located in the northwest corner of Bleaker's Way. (map)
Astante's Home — A small house in Brindle Home. (map)
Astinia Atius' House — Located in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City, next to Soris Arenim's house. (map)
Baenlin's House — Located on the east side of Bruma, between the House For Sale and Lyra Rosentia's House. (map)
Barthel Gernand's House — In the village of Cropsford southeast of the Imperial City. (map)
Battlehorn Castle Blacksmith HouseFS — A home found inside the courtyard of Battlehorn Castle (download-specific). (map)
Bazur Gro-Gharz's House — A house in eastern Cheydinhal next door to Oghash Gra-Magul's House and across from The Great Chapel of Arkay. (map)
Bernadette Peneles' House — Located a short distance west from the chapel. (map)
Betto Plotius' House — A home located in the northeastern part of Leyawiin. (map)
Biene Amelion's House — A small home located in Water's Edge. (map)
Bincals' House — A house in the village of Cropsford southeast of the Imperial City. (map)
Bradon Lirrian's House — A house in southwestern Bruma adjacent to Istrius Brolus' house and west of the Great Chapel of Talos. (map)
Brotch Calus' House — Located on the east side of the Great Chapel of Talos, between Olav's Tap and Tack and J'Ghasta's House. (map)
Carandial's House — Located in Bravil on the main island, opposite the shop A Warlock's Luck. (map)
Casta Scribonia's House — Located in the west of Chorrol, between Eugal Belette's House and Reynald Jemane's House. (map)
Cingor's House — Located in the northern part of Leyawiin. (map)
City Swimmer's House — Located in the northeast of Bravil, opposite the Silverhome on the Water. (map)
Claudius Arcadia's House — Located on the western wall of the Talos Plaza District. (map)
Coast Guard Station — A building north of Leyawiin. (map)
Cyronin Sintav's House — A home in the north end of the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. The house neighbors the home of Irene Metrick. (map)
Dar Jee's House — A home located in the eastern side of Leyawiin. (map)
Deetum-Ja's House — One of the three homes located in Harlun's Watch. (map)
Dorian's House — An upper-middle class home in the middle of the Imperial City's Talos Plaza District located across the street from Sevarius Atius' House and next to Jakben Imbel's House. (map)
Dovyn Aren's House — Located in the northeastern section of the Elven Gardens District, right next door to Ida Vlinorman's and across the street from Roderic Pierrane's. (map)
Drarana Thelis' House — Located in Harlun's Watch, and is occupied by Drarana Thelis. (map)
Dro'shanji's House — Located on the east side of Bravil's main island, adjacent to Andragil's house and across the street from the Bravil Fighters Guild. (map)
Dul gro-Shug's House — Located in the Elven Gardens District, next to Adrian Decanius' House. (map)
Dynari Amnis' House — A home located inside the northern part of the Imperial City's Talos Plaza. (map)
Eduard Retiene's House — Located in the middle of Water's Edge. (map)
Eugal Belette's House — Located west of the Chapel of Stendarr and is occupied by Eugal Belette. (map)
Fathis Ules' House — Located in the southwestern part of the District, right next to Wumeek's and across the street from Iniel Sintav's. (map)
Floyd Nathan's House — A house in the northern part of the village of Blankenmarch situated between Hanz gro-Hubrag's house and Philip Franc's house. (map)
Francois Motierre's House — A house situated within Chorrol's Great Oak Place district. The house itself is neighboring the local house for sale as well as the inn, The Oak and Crosier, and is somewhat adjacent to Vilena Donton's House. (map)
Ganredhel's House — A middle-class house located opposite the entrance to the Great Chapel of Arkay, next to the Abandoned House. (map)
Geem Jasaiin's House — Located in the southern corner of the Imperial City's Elven Gardens District and serves as the home of Geem Jasaiin. (map)
Gilen Norvalo's House — Located in the southwest corner of Temple District, next to the All-Saints Inn. (map)
Glarthir's House — In the southwestern corner of Skingrad and reflects the Bosmer's personality. (map)
Gogan's House — A house situated within the Westgate district of Anvil. The house itself is between Jesan Sextius' House and Quill-Weave's House. (map)
Gottlefont House — A house in Gottlesfont Priory. (map)
Graman gro-Marad's House — A house within the Temple District where both Graman gro-Marad and his wife, Umog gra-Marad, live. The house itself is situated along the western corner of the district, and both Trenus Duronius' and Gilen Norvalo's houses are found nearby. (map)
Grey-Throat's House — Located among the upper eastern housing complex in the Temple District, neighboring Luronk gro-Glurzog's House. (map)
Guard House — A building in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. (map)
Hagaer's House — A mansion located in the center of the Temple District, and is home to Hagaer. (map)
Hanz gro-Hubrag's House — A house in the western end of the small village of Blankenmarch next to Floyd Nathan's House and across from Philip Franc's House. (map)
Hastrel Ottus' House — A house in the Temple District, northwest of the Temple of the One and next to Algot's House. (map)
Heinrich Oaken-Hull's House — A house situated on the corner of Anvil's Chapelgate and Guildgate districts. The house itself is situated adjacent to Benirus Manor, and beside the Anvil Fighters Guild and the Chapel of Dibella. (map)
Helvius Cecia's House — A house in southeast Bruma between Regner's and J'Ghasta's houses. (map)
Helvo Atius' House — A home located in the Talos Plaza District in the Imperial City. (map)
Henantier's House — A home in the middle of Bravil located underneath Aleron Loche's House and next to Carandial's House. (map)
Herminia Cinna's House — Located in the southeast housing complex of the Elven Gardens District, facing the eastern wall. (map)
Honditar's House — Located just outside Chorrol's city walls, directly west of the stables. It is occupied by Honditar. (map)
Honmund's House — Located south of the Bruma Fighters Guild overlooking the Bruma East Gate. The Great Chapel of Talos is across the plaza to the south. (map)
Hrol Ulfgar's House — Located on the west side of Bleaker's Way. (map)
Ida Vlinorman's House — Located in the northeastern block of the Elven Gardens District. (map)
Iniel Sintav's House — Located in the southwest block of the Elven Gardens District, next door to The King and Queen Tavern and Lorkmir's House. (map)
Irene Metrick's House — Located in the northwest of the Elven Gardens District, next to Cyronin Sintav's House. (map)
Irroki the Wide's House — The easternmost home in Pell's Gate. (map)
Isolated House — An unmarked house between Bravil and Skingrad. (map)
Istrius Brolus' House — A small, lower-class shack in southwest Bruma located between Bradon Lirrian's House and Jearl's House and across from Ongar's House. (map)
J'Bari's House — Located in the upper-class southern district of Leyawiin. (map)
J'Ghasta's House — A house in southeastern Bruma neighboring Helvius Cecia's house and Brotch Calus' house. (map)
J'mhad's House — Located in the eastern part of the Imperial City's Temple District. (map)
J'Riska's House — Located in the southeastern part of Border Watch, just across the street from the town shaman Ri'bassa's House. (map)
Jair's Shack — A shack in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. The shack itself neighbors Kvinchal's Shack and the Shack for Sale, and is adjacent from Myvryna Arano's House. (map)
Jakben Imbel's House — A large manor in the Imperial City Talos Plaza District in the main plaza between The Tiber Septim Hotel and Umbacano Manor (quest-related). (map)
Jastia Sintav's House — A standard middle class house in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. (map)
Jearl's House — A house in southern Bruma in between Istrius Brolus' house and Arnora's house and across from Ongar's house. (map)
Jesan Sextius' House — A house situated within the Westgate district of Anvil. The house itself is adjacent from both Gogan's House and Newheim the Portly's House. (map)
Jirolin Doran's House — Located in the western part of Chorrol. (map)
Jiv Hiriel's House — Located in southeastern Hackdirt. (map)
Kastus Sintav's House — A common house located in the southeastern part of the Elven Gardens District, right across the street from Jastia Sintav's residence. (map)
Kvinchal's Shack — A small house in the Waterfront District in the Imperial City. The shack itself is neighboring Jair's Shack and is also adjacent to Methredhel's House. (map)
Lazare Milvan's House — Located in the northern section of Skingrad, next to Nerastarel's house and across the street from All Things Alchemical. (map)
Llevana Nedaren's House — Located in southeast Cheydinhal, next door to Aldos Othran's house. (map)
Lorkmir's House — An abandoned middle class three-story Imperial City home located in the Elven Gardens District. (map)
Luciana Galena's House — Located on Bravil's southwestern island, adjacent to the Bravil House for Sale. (map)
Luronk gro-Glurzog's House — A house in the Temple District of the Imperial City. (map)
Lyra Rosentia's House — A house located in the northeastern part of Bruma. (map)
M'dasha's House — Located in the middle of Border Watch, and its interior is just as chaotic as most other houses in the village. (map)
M'dirr's House — Located in Border Watch, on the north side and overlooking Ri'bassa's House. (map)
Magrum gra-Orum's House — Located in the western half of Cheydinhal, next door to Rythe Lythandas's house and across from the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild. (map)
Mahei's House — Located in the upper-class southern district of Leyawiin. (map)
Malintus Ancrus' House — Located in the southwestern corner of Chorrol, next to Valus Odiil's House. (map)
Malyani Dalvilu's House — Located in the south end of Bleaker's Way, next to Hrol Ulfgar's House. (map)
Marana Rian's House — A house situated in the Temple District, where Marana Rian lives. (map)
Margarte's House — A two-story home in northern Leyawiin next door to the Three Sisters' Inn, across from The Great Chapel of Zenithar, and behind Cingor's House. (map)
Marie Alouette's House — Located in Water's Edge, and is the southernmost house in the village. (map)
Marinus Catiotus' House — Located in the northeastern section of the Elven Gardens District and he lives door-to-door with Othrelos and shares the building with his "associate" Ida Vlinorman. (map)
Marlena Brussiner's House — Located in the eastern part of Hackdirt and is seemingly worn-out after years of decline. (map)
Matthias Draconis' House — Located in the southwestern housing complex of the Talos Plaza District, opposite Ontus Vanin's House. (map)
Melus Petilius' House — A small house in Brindle Home, in the woods north of Skingrad (quest-related). (map)
Methredhel's House — A house on the waterfront, where Methredhel, Adanrel and Carwen live. The house is situated between the abandoned shack and Myvryna Arano's house. (map)
Modryn Oreyn's House — In southwest Chorrol, between Alberic Litte's and Valus Odiil's houses. (map)
Myvryna Arano's House — A house in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. The house is situated adjacent from Jair's Shack and between Armand Christophe's House and Methredhel's House. (map)
Natch Pinder's House — A typical worn-out and spooky home in the northwest part of Hackdirt located next door to Moslin's Inn. (map)
Nerastarel's House — A derelict manor in the northern half of Skingrad. (map)
Newheim the Portly's House — A house situated within the Westgate district of Anvil. (map)
Nivan Dalvilu's House — Located on the northern edge of Bleaker's Way, between Arvin Dalvilu's House and the Bleaker's Way Goodwill Inn. (map)
Oghash Gra-Magul's House — Located in eastern Cheydinhal, between Bazur Gro-Gharz's House and the Abandoned House. (map)
Ohtimbar's House — Located in southeastern Cheydinhal, next door to Ganredhel's house. (map)
Ongar's House — A house in southern Bruma, behind the Great Chapel of Talos and facing Istirus Brolus' and Jearl's houses. (map)
Ontus Vanin's House — Located on the lower section of the western wall in the Talos Plaza District. (map)
Othrelos' House — A typical middle-class Elven Gardens affair, three stories high and, in genuine Thieves Guild-fashion, dimly lit by several candles. (map)
Otumeel's House — A home located in the northeastern part of Leyawiin. (map)
Pennus Mallius' House — A home in the Temple District of the Imperial City. (map)
Philip Franc's House — A house in the eastern part of the Blankenmarch settlement next to Floyd Nathan's House and across from Hanz gro-Hubrag's House. (map)
Pinarus Inventius' House — Situated within the Westgate district of Anvil. (map)
Quill-Weave's House — A house situated within the Westgate district of Anvil. The house itself is situated between Gogan's House and the local inn, The Count's Arms. (map)
Ra'Jahirr's House — Across from Best Goods and Guarantees in Leyawiin. (map)
Ra'jhan's House — Located in the northeastern block in the Elven Gardens District on the south side of the street and next to Roderic Pierrane's house. (map)
Ra'jiradh's House — Located in the north of the Talos Plaza District, next to The Foaming Flask. (map)
Ranaline's House — A second floor apartment located in the north of Bravil, above Ungolim's House. (map)
Redas Dalvilu's House — Located in the southeastern part of Bleaker's Way, next to Satha Dalvilu's House. (map)
Regner's House — A home located in the southern part of Bruma, between Arnora's House and Helvius Cecia's House, behind the Great Chapel of Talos. (map)
Reman Broder's House — A typical lower-class residence in the western part of Skingrad. (map)
Reynald Jemane's House — Reynald's house is in the southwest of Chorrol, between Casta Scribonia's House and Malintus Ancrus' House. (map)
Ri'bassa's House — Located in Border Watch, at the bottom of the town's stairs in the northeast corner and next to M'dirr's House. (map)
Rimalus Bruiant's House — Located in the north of Chorrol, between the Chorrol Fighters Guild and Vilena Donton's House. (map)
Riverview — A house in Cheydinhal between Llevana Nedaren's House and Ohtimbar's House. (map)
Roderic Pierrane's House — A house located in the Elven Gardens District, next to Ra'Jhan's House and opposite Dovyn Aren's House. (map)
Roland Jenseric's House — Located in the southern quadrant of the Temple District and sits between J'mhad's and Stantus Varrid's houses. (map)
Rosentia Gallenus's House — Located in the southern part of Leyawiin. (map)
Ruslan's House — Located in the northeastern quarter of the Temple District, opposite J'mhad's House. (map)
Rythe Lythandas's House — A two-story house in southwestern Cheydinhal next door to Magrum gra-Orum's House and across from the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild. (map)
S'krivva's House — Located in the north of Bravil, just inside the city gates. (map)
S'rathad's House — Located in the west of the Talos Plaza District, northwards of the city gate. (map)
Sakeepa's House — Located in the north of Aleswell, opposite Aleswell Inn. (map)
Salmo the Baker's House — Located in the southeast of Skingrad, next to the Two Sisters Lodge. (map)
Salomon Geonette's House — Located in the southeast corner of the Temple District, next to Amantius Allectus' House. (map)
Samuel Bantien's House — Located in the southwestern most quarter of the Talos Plaza District, next to Angelie's House and opposite the Southwest Watch Tower. (map)
Satha Dalvilu's House — Located in Bleaker's Way, between Redas Dalvilu's House and the Ulfgar Family's House. (map)
Seridur's House — In the southeast corner of the Temple District, around the corner from Salomon Geonette's House and across from the door to the South Watch Tower. (map)
Sevarius Atius' House — A house in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. The house itself is situated in the southwestern part of the district, neighboring Helvo Atius' House and adjacent from Dorian's House. (map)
Shafaye's House — A house on the western side of Pell's Gate, across from Irroke the Wide's House. (map)
Shagol gro-Bumph's House — Located in Aleswell and is the westernmost house. (map)
Shameer's House — Located in Skingrad, opposite The Great Chapel of Julianos and next to Glarthir's House. (map)
Silgor Bradus' House — A house situated in between the Guildgate and Westgate districts of Anvil. (map)
Skingrad Town Guard House — The guard house just inside the East Gate of Skingrad. It is next to Summitmist Manor and across from Toutius Sextius' house. (map)
Skooma Den — A house in Bravil above Carandial's House. (map)
Soris Arenim's House — Located in the northwest portion of the Talos Plaza District beside Astinia Atius' house and across from Usheeja's house. (map)
Stantus Varrid's House — Located in the southeastern quarter of the Temple District, next to Roland Jenseric's House and on the street around the Temple of the One. (map)
Summitmist Manor — A large house located in the northeastern part of Skingrad, just west of the east gate. (map)
Surilie Brothers' House — A home located in the southwest part of Skingrad. (map)
Surius Afranius' House — Located in the northernmost quarter of the Temple District, entering from the Talos Plaza District through the arches Surius' house is the first door on the left. (map)
Tamika's House — Located in southern Skingrad and is a four-level affair including three main levels and a basement. (map)
Tertius Favonius' House — Located in the north part of the city, between Othrelos' house and the Guard House. (map)
Thamriel's House — A house located in the northern part of the Imperial City's Talos Plaza District. The house is situated beside Dynari Amnis' House. (map)
The Ulfgar Family's House — A house in the southwestern part of Bleaker's Way next to Malyani Dalvilu's House and across the street from Hrol Ulfgar's House. (map)
Torbal the Sufficient's House — Small house in Brindle Home, in the woods north of Skingrad. (map)
Toutius Sextius' House — An upper-class home located in the northeastern part of Skingrad, just west of the east gate. (map)
Trenus Duronius' House — Located in the southwestern quarter of the Temple District, next to Hastrel Ottus' House and on the street around the Temple of the One. (map)
Tsalajma's House — Located at the top of the hill on the north side of Border Watch, overlooking the town. (map)
Ulen Athram's House — Located in the expensive middle part of the Talos Plaza District. (map)
Ulfgar Fog-Eye's House — A house situated within the Harborside district of Anvil. The house itself is connected to the Anvil Lighthouse. (map)
Umbacano Manor — A large house in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. The manor itself is surrounded by both Ulen Athram's House and Jakben Imbel's House. It is also adjacent to the Tiber Septim Hotel. (map)
Undena Orethi's House — Located in the southwestern corner of Skingrad, next to Uuras the Shepherd's House. (map)
Ungolim's House — A home located on the north side of Bravil, adjacent to Ranaline's house. (map)
Usheeja's House — Located on the west side of the district between the gate to the city isle and Northwest Watch Tower. (map)
Uuras the Shepherd's House — A house near the West Gate of Skingrad. (map)
Valus Odiil's House — A home located in the southwest corner of Chorrol. (map)
Varon Vamori's House — Located in north Bravil, across the street from the Great Chapel of Mara and next to Ungolim's House. (map)
Vilena Donton's House — Located in the north of Chorrol, overlooking the Great Oak, between Rimalus Bruiant's House and Fire and Steel. (map)
Weebam-Na's House — Located near the pond in the eastern part of Leyawiin. (map)
Weye — A farmhouse in the village of Weye, occupied by Aelwin Merowald. (map)
Weynon House — The main residence of Weynon Priory. (map)
Weynon Lodge — One of the three buildings which make up Weynon Priory. (map)
Willow Bank — A house in Cheydinhal next to the House for Sale and Rythe Lythandas's House. (map)
Wumeek's House — Located in the southern quarter of Elven Gardens District, next to Fathis Ules' House. (map)