Permanent Corpses are corpses that don't have the "Dispose of Corpse" option. Consequently, the corpse will never disappear (unless it is caused by a scripted event; in contrast, corpses with the "Dispose of Corpse" option will disappear after three in-game days and after the cell is exited). A corpse can hold an infinite amount of weight (same as your body inventory), and so is excellent for storage. Also, a permanent corpse will never reset or delete items. Permanent Corpses have the "corpses persist" box in the Construction Set. The reason for this is to prevent bodies from disappearing that are either important in quests or have some loot a player might want to grab at some point in their travels.
Already Dead CreaturesEdit
- Bull Netch (2) - north of Gnaar Mok
- Dead Guar - southeast of the Andasreth stronghold
- Dead Rat - next to the Marandus stronghold
- Dead Rat - Punammu - between Pelagiad and the Dren Plantation
- Dead Rat (2) - Shishara - south and a little east of Ghostgate
- Dead Scamp (2) - Assurnabitashpi, Shrine - west of the Urshilaku Camp
- Dead Scamp (3) - Bal Fell, Outer Shrine
- Dead Scamp - Dubdilla, Uncharted Caverns, Lower - northeast of the Zainab Camp
- Dead Scamp - Ibar-Dad - west of the Urshilaku Camp
- Ettiene of Glenmoril WyrdBM - Altar of Thrond - only shows up when you start the quest to cure your Lycanthropy
- Hive Scrib (6) - Bthuand - southwest of the Rotheran stronghold
- Sphere Centurion - Gnisis, Bethamez - accessed through the Gnisis Egg Mine
- Sphere Centurion - Nchuleftingth, Lower Levels - south of Tel Uvirith which is west of Tel Fyr
- Steam Centurion - Gnisis, Bethamez - accessed through the Gnisis Egg Mine
- Steam Centurion - Mournhold, Ignatius Flaccus House
- Verminous FabricantTR - Sotha Sil, Outer Flooded Halls
Alive CreaturesEdit
- Dahrk Mezalf - Bthungthumz - northwest of Maar Gan in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Khash-Ti DhrurTR - Norenen-dur, Citadel of Myn Dhrur
- Lord Dregas Volar - Magas Volar - you can only get there using the amulet found in the small chest next to Divayth Fyr in Tel Fyr
- RieklingBM - east of the Tree Stone
- Skeleton Champion (2) - Sandas Ancestral Tomb - south of the Marandus stronghold
- The UdyrfrykteBM - Solstheim, Lair of the Udyrfrykte - only shows up once you start the quest with Thirsk
- Variner's GhostTR - Old Mournhold: Temple Sewers
Skeletal CorpsesEdit
These are actual creatures with the name "Skeletal Corpse". These are not the same as the skeleton corpses you find in grottos, ancestral tombs, or other similar places (those are classified as containers).
- Assumanu - southeast of Ald Redaynia, on the same island
- Tel Fyr, Corprusarium
- Tel Fyr, Corprusarium Bowels
- Endusal, Kagrenac's Study - southwest of Dagoth Ur's Citadel
- Kogoruhn, Nabith Waterway (3) - right next to Falasmaryon, north and a bit east of Maar Gan
- Mamaea, Sanctum of Awakening - east of Berandas south of Gnisis
- Mamaea, Shrine of Pitted Dreams (2) - east of Berandas, south of Gnisis
- Odrosal, Dwemer Training Academy - south and a bit east of Dagoth Ur's Citadel
- Tureynulal, Kagrenac's Library - northeast of Dagoth Ur's Citadel
- Urshilaku Camp, Astral Burial - south and a bit east of the Urshilaku Camp
- Vemynal, Outer Fortress - northwest of Dagoth Ur's Citadel
Already Dead NPCsEdit
- Aditte Oges - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Amring - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Anes Vendu - Nchuleftingth, Lower Levels - south of Tel Uvirith which is west of Tel Fyr
- Arlowe - Ashamanu Camp, on the small island west of Tel Aruhn.
- Ashamanu - northwest of Tel Vos, near the entrance to Sanit, part of the Dreams of a White Guar quest
- Asum - Rotheran, Arena
- Balyn Omavel - Balmora, Balyn Omavel's House - You need to do the daedric quest for Mephala for his corpse to show up here. Killing his normal form won't give you a perma corpse.
- Captain Roberto Jodoin - near the crashed Patchwork Airship northwest of the Altar of Thrond
- Celegil - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Danders - Nerano Ancestral Tomb - West of Tel Vos on the west side of a hill
- Elberoth - by the shipwreck northwest of Raven Rock
- Ernil Omoran - under the stone arch north of Balmora
- Farare Othril - Odirniran - west of Azura's Shrine
- Feril Salmyn's Corpse - outside of Kogoruhn - west of the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Francois Marquardt - on the crashed Patchwork Airship northwest of the Altar of Thrond
- Indrel - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Irer Nervion - Falasmaryon, Lower Level
- Jonis - Indaren Ancestral Tomb - southwest of the Rotheran stronghold
- Lanie Endre - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- M'nashi - outside Uncle Sweetshare's Workshop
- Manabi Virith - near the crashed Patchwork Airship northwest of the Altar of Thrond
- Manolos Virith - near the crashed Patchwork Airship northwest of the Altar of Thrond
- Mansilamat Vabdas - Gnisis Eggmine, Underground stream.
- Marielle Amedee - Shishi - west of Falasmaryon in the Foyada Bani-Dad
- Mendel Eves - Tureynulal, Bladder of Clovis - northeast of Dagoth Ur
- Methas Hlaalu - Balmora, Morag Tong Guildhall - his body is hidden behind a few heavily locked doors
- Moris - Nerano Ancestral Tomb - west of Tel Vos, on the western side of the hill
- Nads Tharen - Vivec, St. Delyn Canal South-Two
- Nelix Fly-Breath - Dralas Ancestral Tomb - north and a little west of the Rotheran stronghold
- Processus Vitellius - just outside Seyda Neen to the northwest, near the water
- Ralen Hlaalo - Balmora, Hlaalo Manor
- Recently Slain Knight - Baram Ancestral Tomb - on the island north of Tel Aruhn
- Redoran Guard - Ald'ruhn, Sarethi Manor - after a House Redoran quest, there are two guards dead in the manor. Before that, the guard is normal and will respawn.
- Ruran Stoine - Mallapi - northeast of Gnaar Mok
- Ship Captain - Prelude Shipwreck, Lower Level - on a small island east of Bal Fell
- Swims-In-Swells - this Argonian is dead on a rock along the coast to the southeast of Uncle Sweetshare's Workshop
- Talmsa Falas - Odirniran - west of Azura's Shrine
- Urjorad - Ashalmimilkala, Shrine - west of the Hlormaren stronghold
- Ursine - Nerano Ancestral Tomb - west of Tel Vos, on the western side of the hill
- Viciously clawed dead smuggler - outside of Palansour - south of Ald Velothi
- Voruse Bethrimo - Dagoth Ur, Inner Tower
Alive NPCsEdit
- Ahaz - Ashkhan's Yurt, Erabenimsun Camp
- Alven Salas - Sadrith Mora, Morag Tong Guild Hall
- Andrelheim* - Thirsk
- Apronia Alfena - She's by the shipwreck along the coast northwest of Raven Rock. After the quest she follows you to the colony
- Ashu-Ahhe - Erabenimsun Camp, Ashu-Ahhe's Yurt
- Bereditte Jastal - Thirsk - when he is outside after the attack, his corpse is not permanent
- Berengeval - Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Living Quarters
- Bergljot* - Thirsk
- Black Dart Gilur - Old Mournhold: Temple Sewers West
- Brandr - standing by the river south of the Skaal Village
- Brynjolfr - in his hut behind Thirsk
- Divayth Fyr - Tel Fyr
- Duke Vedam Dren - Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
- Durgash gro-Rushub -Ashurnibibi, Shrine - northwest of Hla Oad
- Erich the Unworthy* - Thirsk
- Erna the Quiet - standing by the river south of the Skaal Village
- Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd - her location depends on your progress with your cure for lycanthropy
- Fallaise of Glenmoril Wyrd - Gloomy Cave - north of Brodir Grove (only shows if you are using the witches to cure your lycanthropy)
- Gals Arethi - on his ship in the port of Sadrith Mora
- Galtis Guvron - Ald'ruhn, The Rat in the Pot
- Geilir the Mumbling - Solstheim, Geilir the Mumbling's Dwelling - south of Thormoor's Watch
- Goris the Maggot King - Venim Ancestral Tomb - north of the Zainab Camp
- Ingmar - initially outside the Valbrandr Barrow, in his house in the Skaal Village after you help him - Valbrandr Barrow is south of Uncle Sweetshare's Workshop
- Isobel of Glenmoril Wyrd - Gloomy Cave - north of Brodir Grove (only shows if you are using the witches to cure your lycanthropy)
- Jeleen - Fort Frostmoth, Imperial Cult Shrine
- Karrod - Mournhold, Royal Palace Throne Room
- Kjolver - Solstheim, Kjolver's Dwelling - northwest of Brodir Grove
- Kolfinna - Solstheim, Kolfinna's Dwelling- north of Fort Frostmoth, along the river
- Lassnr - Skaal Village, Lassnr's House
- Louis Beauchamp - outside the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild
- Luven - Venim Ancestral Tomb - north of the Zainab Camp
- Mirisa* - Thirsk
- Novor Drethan - Dissapla Mine - just northeast of Falensarano
- Olfeigr the Fair* - Thirsk
- Ranabi - Erabenimsun Camp, Ranabi's Yurt
- Remasa Othril - Odirniran - west of Azura's Shrine
- Skjoldr Wolf-Runner* - Thirsk
- Sterdecan - by his farmhouse - northwest of Suran
- Svenja Snow-Song* - Thirsk - when she is outside after the attack, her corpse is not permanent
- Tharsten Heart-Fang - his corpse is only permanent at the end of the Bloodmoon Main Quest
- Thormoor Gray-Wave - Thormoor's Watch, then he is in Thirsk after you help him - his corpse is permanent no matter where he is
- Tymvaul - Solstheim, Rimhull - south of Thirsk - if you don't end up killing him, he ends up at Lasnnr's Houe in the Skaal Village and is still a permanent corpse
- Ulath-Pal - Erabenimsun Camp, Ashkan's Yurt
- Ulfgar the Unending - Solstheim, Ulfgar the Unending's Dwelling - right near Brodir Grove
- Ulfrun* - Thirsk
- Uncle Sweetshare - Uncle Sweetshare's Shop - south of Thirsk and east of Brodir Grove
Unnamed Dead Body NPCsEdit
There are many corpses named simply Dead Body, Dead Hero, Dead Adventurer, etc. The list below details the locations.
Dead AdventurersEdit
- Bthuand - southwest of the Rotheran stronghold
- Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility
- Ilanipu Grotto (2) - south of the Rotheran Stronghold
- Ilunibi, Carcass of the Saint - northwest of Gnaar Mok and south of the Andasreth stronghold
- Ilunibi, Marowak's Spine - northwest of Gnaar Mok and south of the Andasreth stronghold
- Ilunibi, Tainted Marrow - northwest of Gnaar Mok and south of the Andasreth stronghold
- Koal Cave - south of Gnisis
- Madas-Zebba Egg Mine - west of Dagon Fel
- Maelu Egg Mine - west of the Falensarano stronghold
- Molag Mar, Underworks
- Nimawia Grotto - northwest of Seyda Neen
- Panabanit-Nimawia Egg Mine - northwest of Ghostgate, inside the Ghostfence
- Pudai Egg Mine - west of Dagon Fel, but on the same island
- Sarimisun-Assa Egg Mine - north of the Andasreth stronghold
- Solstheim, Connorflenge Barrow (2) - east of Uncle Sweetshare's shop, along the coast
- Solstheim, Kelsedolk Barrow (2) - on the peninsula southwest of Raven Rock
- Urshilaku Burial Caverns, Astral Burial - between the Urshilaku Camp and the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Urshilaku Burial Caverns, Fragile Burial - between the Urshilaku Camp and the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Urshilaku Burial Caverns, Kakuna Burial - between the Urshilaku Camp and the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Urshilaku Burial Caverns, Kefka Burial - between the Urshilaku Camp and the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Urshilaku Burial Caverns, Karma Burial - between the Urshilaku Camp and the Falasmaryon stronghold
Dead BodyEdit
- Ald Redaynia, Tower (2) - on the long skinny island west of Dagon Fel
- Andrano Ancestral Tomb - south and a little west of Pelagiad
- Beran Ancestral Tomb - south and a little east of Tel Branora
- Berandas, Underground
- Koal Cave - south of Gnisis
- Maren Ancestral Tomb - southwest of the Erabenimsun Camp
- Mawia - on the island southeast of Molag Mar
- Missamsi - northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort, over the Foyada
- Ravel Ancestral Tomb - north of Azura's Shrine
- Rissun - on the very small island, two islands east of Bal Fell
- Sadryon Ancestral Tomb - north of Sadrith Mora
- Sandus Ancestral Tomb - northwest of the Falensarano stronghold
- Subdun - southwest of Berandas
- Tel Branora, Tower Dungeon
- Tel Uvirith, Tower Dungeon - west of Tel Fyr
- Vas, Tower - small island west of Dagon Fel
- Verelnim Ancestral Tomb - two islands south of Sadrith Mora
- Vivec, Arena Underworks
- Vivec, Foreign Quarter Underworks
Dead DreamerEdit
Dead Egg MinerEdit
- Eluba-Addon Egg Mine - on the peninsula far southwest of Ald Velothi
- Matus-Akin Egg Mine (2) - northwest of the Shrine to Azura
- Matus-Akin Egg Mine, Queen's Lair (2) - northwest of Azura's Shrine
- Panabanit-Nimawia Egg Mine - northwest of Ghostgate, inside the Ghostfence
- Sinamusa Egg Mine - west of the Ahemmusa Camp
Dead Elite OrdinatorEdit
- Ald Daedroth, Antechamber - north of the Ahemmusa Camp
Dead HeroEdit
- Berandas, Underground
- Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility
- Dagoth Ur, Lower Facility
- Endusal, Kagrenac's Study - southwest of Dagoth Ur
- Kogoruhn, Hall of Maki (3) - southeast of the Falasmaryon stronghold
- Maesa-Shammus Egg Mine - northeast of Molag Mar
Dead OrdinatorEdit
- Assemanu (3) - southeast of Seyda Neen
Dead SmugglerEdit
- Palansour (2) - south of Ald Velothi
Dead WarlockEdit
- Ald Daedroth, Antechamber - north of the Ahemmusa Camp
- The bodies in Thirsk will disappear once you leave after you accept the quest to take care of the Udyrfrykte.
- For those NPCs and Creatures that are not already dead, you can Command them to any place you want and kill them there for instant infinite storage (exceptions are pointed out).