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Morrowind:House Redoran

< Morrowind: Factions
House Redoran

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Favored Skills:
Favored Attributes:
Friends & Foes:
Tribunal Temple +2
Fighters Guild +1
Imperial Legion +1
Camonna Tong -1
House Hlaalu -1
House Telvanni -1
Mages Guild -1
Thieves Guild -1
Ashlanders -2
Vampires -2
MW-banner-House Redoran.png
Areas of Vvardenfell controlled by House Redoran (red areas)
House Redoran prizes the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living.Great Houses of Morrowind

House Redoran is one of the five remaining Great Houses of the Dunmer. It governs the Redoran District of northwestern Morrowind from the city of Blacklight, close to the border with Skyrim. In the District of Vvardenfell, the House's council seat is located in Ald'ruhn, and all councilors live there in the hollowed shell of a colossal prehistoric Emperor Crab, in the district known as Ald'ruhn-under-Skar. Other Redoran-dominated towns on Vvardenfell include Khuul, Maar Gan and Ald Velothi.

The main focus of House Redoran is maintaining the traditions of the settled Dunmer and, more specifically, the way of the warrior. Due to this focus, the Tribunal Temple was a natural ally. There is also mutual respect between them and the Fighters Guild and Imperial Legion. They have less respect for the other Imperial institutions, such as the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Imperial Cult religion.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Joining House RedoranEdit

Joining House Redoran is relatively simple: you need to talk with Neminda, who is located on the main floor of the Redoran Council Hall in Ald'ruhn. The Redoran Council Hall is located in the Manor District, Under-Skar, on the north side of town. Under-Skar is the large Emperor Crab shell building in front of you when you climb the second set of stairs through the middle of town.

Normally, you can join only one Great House in the game, but there is a bug which allows you to join both House Redoran and House Hlaalu. For more information, see the Glitches article.

After visiting the Cavern of the Incarnate and receiving Moon-and-Star, Neminda will not allow you to join House Redoran due to your conflict with the Temple. The ban is lifted after Athyn Sarethi names you Redoran Hortator.

If you have achieved at least level 21 and reputation of 50 or higher, and then bypassed becoming Redoran Hortator in the main quest, Neminda may not allow you to join House Redoran, even if you have completed the rest of the main quest. This can be fixed by visiting Athyn Sarethi, talking to him about Redoran Hortator and completing the Hortator quests. Bolvyn Venim may not give the option to defeat him, but you will still be able to join the house if you gain the support of the other councilors. It is not necessary to officially become Hortator in order to join the other Great Houses.


  • When asked about Requirements, members of House Redoran will, in addition to the aforementioned skills, mistakenly claim that Block and Marksman are favored skills.

Expelled from House RedoranEdit

If expelled, go to Neminda or Athyn Sarethi and ask to make amends. You can make amends only once; if expelled again you are out forever. Being expelled does not let you join another house.

House Redoran RanksEdit

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills
0. Hireling Endurance 30 Strength 30
1. Retainer Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 10
2. Oathman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 20
3. Lawman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 30 and two at 5
4. Kinsman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 40 and two at 10
5. House Cousin Endurance 31 Strength 31 One skill at 50 and two at 15
6. House Brother Endurance 32 Strength 32 One skill at 60 and two at 20
7. House Father Endurance 33 Strength 33 One skill at 70 and two at 25
8. Councilman Endurance 34 Strength 34 One skill at 80 and two at 30
9. Archmaster* Endurance 35 Strength 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35

* Archmaster doesn't actually require the listed skills and attributes, as the final promotion is automatically given from dueling Bolvyn Venim.


  • Being the Archmaster of House Redoran comes with a few privileges.
    • You may take Raw Ebony or Raw Glass from the mines belonging to House Redoran. Guards will not be aggressive in response to such personal mining.
    • If you have completed the Redas Tomb quest for Faral Retheran, when you speak to her again as Archmaster, you will receive the Redas Chalice, War Axe, and Robe of Deeds.

House Redoran QuestsEdit

House Redoran MembersEdit

Character Name   Race Class Ranking Location Comments
Orero Omothan   Dark Elf Smith 1 Retainer Ald Velothi Smith Service
Theldyn Virith   Dark Elf Scout 4 Kinsman Ald Velothi, Outpost
Sedam Omalen   Dark Elf Trader Service 2 Oathman Ald Velothi, Outpost Trader Service
Trivura Arenim   Dark Elf Trader Service 0 Hireling Ald Velothi, Outpost Trader Service
Bolyn Elval   Dark Elf Archer 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Arobar Guard Quarters
Miner Arobar   Dark Elf Crusader 8 Councilman Ald'ruhn, Arobar Manor Bedrooms
Gandosa Arobar   Dark Elf Noble 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Arobar Manor Bedrooms
Llavane Hlas   Dark Elf Archer 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Arobar Manor Bedrooms
Ethes Evos   Dark Elf Commoner 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Arobar Manor Entrance
Vindyne Belvani   Dark Elf Commoner 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Arobar Private Quarters
Boldrisa Andrano   Dark Elf Agent 2 Oathman Ald'ruhn, Boldrisa Andrano's House Trainer: Short Blade, Light Armor, Sneak
Volene Llervu   Dark Elf Knight 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Council Club
Galsa Gindu   Dark Elf Noble 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Galsa Gindu's House
Mivanu Andrelo   Dark Elf Savant 3 Lawman Ald'ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House
Goras Andrelo   Dark Elf Scout 2 Oathman Ald'ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House Trainer: Long Blade, Athletics, Block
Guls Llervu   Dark Elf Priest Service 3 Lawman Ald'ruhn, Guls Llervu's House Priest Service
Fathasa Llethri   Dark Elf Noble 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Llethri Manor Bedrooms
Sanvyn Llethri   Dark Elf Noble 1 Retainer Ald'ruhn, Llethri Manor Bedrooms
Dinara Othrelas   Dark Elf Commoner 1 Retainer Ald'ruhn, Llethri Manor Entrance
Eindel   Wood Elf Archer 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Llethri Manor Entrance
Llanel Brenos   Dark Elf Archer 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Llethri Manor Entrance
Garisa Llethri   Dark Elf Warrior 8 Councilman Ald'ruhn, Llethri Private Quarters
Tens Nolar   Dark Elf Warrior 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Llethri Private Quarters
Ureval Dralayn   Dark Elf Warrior 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Llethri Private Quarters
Malpenix Blonia   Imperial Trader Service 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Malpenix Blonia: Trader Trader Service
Mistress Brara Morvayn   Dark Elf Noble 8 Councilman Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Quarters
Mondros Balur   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 2 Oathman Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Quarters Trainer: Long Blade, Blunt Weapon, Axe
Nilos Talds   Dark Elf Warrior 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Quarters
Vonden Mano   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 7 House Father Ald'ruhn, Practice Room Trainer: Long Blade, Blunt Weapon, Axe
Garvs Ramarys   Dark Elf Commoner 1 Retainer Ald'ruhn, Ramoran Manor
Hlaren Ramoran   Dark Elf Knight 8 Councilman Ald'ruhn, Ramoran Private Quarters Main quest
Favilea Sathendas   Dark Elf Commoner 0 Hireling Ald'ruhn, Ramoran Private Quarters
Neminda   Redguard Drillmaster 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Redoran Council Entrance
Mivanu Retheran   Dark Elf Savant Service 3 Lawman Ald'ruhn, Redoran Council Hall Savant Service, Trainer: Mercantile, Speechcraft, Athletics
Athyn Sarethi   Dark Elf Agent 8 Councilman Ald'ruhn, Sarethi Manor Trainer: Short Blade, Light Armor, Sneak
Domesea Sarethi   Dark Elf Noble 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Sarethi Manor
Lloros Sarano   Dark Elf Priest Service 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Temple Priest Service
Tuveso Beleth   Dark Elf Smith 2 Oathman Ald'ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith Smith Service
Dilvene Venim   Dark Elf Noble 4 Kinsman Ald'ruhn, Venim Manor Bedrooms
Bolvyn Venim   Dark Elf Crusader 9 Archmaster Ald'ruhn, Venim Manor Private Quarters
Varvur Sarethi   Dark Elf Noble 2 Oathman Ald'ruhn, Venim Manor Right Wing
Broder Garil   Dark Elf Spellsword 3 Lawman Bal Isra
Hetman Guls   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 2 Oathman Bal Isra
Gaden Folvyn   Dark Elf Farmer 1 Retainer Bal Isra
Llerar Mandas   Dark Elf Crusader 6 House Brother Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
Fonas Retheran   Dark Elf Trader Service 5 House Cousin Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Trader Service
Galore Salvi   Dark Elf Publican 4 Kinsman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Publican
Dronos Llervu   Dark Elf Smith 4 Kinsman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Smith Service
Berela Andrano   Dark Elf Savant Service 3 Lawman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Savant Service, Trainer: Mercantile, Speechcraft, Short Blade
Taluro Athren   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 3 Lawman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Trainer: Long Blade, Blunt Weapon, Axe
Elvasea Thalas   Dark Elf Scout 2 Oathman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level
Mandran Indrano   Dark Elf Drillmaster Service 2 Oathman Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Trainer: Athletics, Block, Long Blade
Mansilamat Vabdas   Dark Elf Miner 0 Hireling Gnisis, Underground Stream
Banden Indarys   Dark Elf Warrior 6 House Brother Indarys Manor
Mavis Nadram   Dark Elf Drillmaster Service 5 House Cousin Indarys Manor Trainer: Athletics, Block, Long Blade
Garila Vedas   Dark Elf Scout 3 Lawman Indarys Manor Trainer: Long Blade, Athletics, Block
Treram Milar   Dark Elf Warrior 3 Lawman Indarys Manor
Galvene Othrobar   Dark Elf Archer 2 Oathman Indarys Manor
Ienas Nadus   Dark Elf Battlemage 2 Oathman Indarys Manor
Uvele Berendas   Dark Elf Priest Service 5 House Cousin Indarys Manor, Berendas' House Priest Service
Heniele Milielle   Breton Commoner 0 Hireling Indarys Manor, Berendas' House
Lliros Tures   Dark Elf Trader Service 5 House Cousin Indarys Manor, Manor Services Trader Service
Gilyne Omoren   Dark Elf Smith 3 Lawman Indarys Manor, Manor Services Smith Service
Arvs Raram   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 3 Lawman Indarys Manor, Raram's House Trainer: Long Blade, Blunt Weapon, Axe
Alds Baro   Dark Elf Smith 4 Kinsman Maar Gan, Outpost Smith Service
Nuleno Tedas   Dark Elf Scout 3 Lawman Maar Gan, Outpost Trainer: Long Blade, Athletics, Block
Saryn Sarothril   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 2 Oathman Maar Gan, Outpost Trainer: Long Blade, Short Blade, Blunt Weapon
Sedris Omalen   Dark Elf Priest Service 1 Retainer Maar Gan, Outpost Priest Service
Dathus Selvilo   Dark Elf Knight 4 Kinsman Marandus
Tanel Faren   Dark Elf Healer 3 Lawman Marandus
Tevyn Athin   Dark Elf Barbarian 3 Lawman Marandus
Virvyn Athren   Dark Elf Bard 3 Lawman Marandus
Milvonu Terandas   Dark Elf Warrior 2 Oathman Marandus, Lower Level
Nathyn Ilnith   Dark Elf Crusader 2 Oathman Marandus, Lower Level
Ferynu Indrano   Dark Elf Barbarian 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Raldenu Ieneth   Dark Elf Bard 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Relamu Ulom   Dark Elf Witchhunter 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Ruthrisu Andoril   Dark Elf Crusader 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Trivon Llaren   Dark Elf Warrior 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Vuldronu Girith   Dark Elf Knight 1 Retainer Marandus, Lower Level
Norus Marvel   Dark Elf Crusader 3 Lawman Marandus, Upper Level
Sodres Nerethi   Dark Elf Knight 3 Lawman Marandus, Upper Level
Dorynu Verendas   Dark Elf Bard 2 Oathman Marandus, Upper Level
Driloru Uvaram   Dark Elf Healer 2 Oathman Marandus, Upper Level
Golven Hleran   Dark Elf Witchhunter 2 Oathman Marandus, Upper Level
Nethyn Valno   Dark Elf Knight 2 Oathman Marandus, Upper Level
Tavilu Moren   Dark Elf Barbarian 2 Oathman Marandus, Upper Level
Balynu Teran   Dark Elf Healer 1 Retainer Marandus, Upper Level
Anise Romoran   Dark Elf Warrior 3 Lawman Shishi
Brerama Selas   Dark Elf Warrior 3 Lawman Shishi
Temis Romavel   Dark Elf Warrior 1 Retainer Shishi
Darns Tedalen   Dark Elf Crusader 2 Oathman Sudanit Mine
Golana Giralvel   Dark Elf Archer 0 Hireling Sudanit Mine
Galviso Heran   Dark Elf Warrior 3 Lawman Vivec, Dralor Manor
Daroso Sethri   Dark Elf Knight 3 Lawman Vivec, Redoran
Saruse Hloran   Dark Elf Warrior 3 Lawman Vivec, Redoran Plaza
Tenaru Romoren   Dark Elf Scout 3 Lawman Vivec, Redoran Plaza Trainer: Long Blade, Athletics, Block
Brildraso Nethan   Dark Elf Drillmaster Service 3 Lawman Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster Trainer: Athletics, Block, Long Blade
Minglos   Wood Elf Scout 2 Oathman Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster Trainer: Sneak, Block, Medium Armor
Ulyno Uvirith   Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 1 Retainer Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster Trainer: Long Blade, Short Blade, Blunt Weapon
Savard   Nord Smith 2 Oathman Vivec, Redoran Smith Smith Service
Relms Gilvilo   Dark Elf Priest Service 1 Retainer Vivec, Redoran Temple Shrine Priest Service
Balen Andrano   Dark Elf Trader Service 1 Retainer Vivec, Redoran Trader Trader Service
Faral Retheran   Dark Elf Agent 5 House Cousin Vivec, Redoran Treasury Trainer: Short Blade, Light Armor, Sneak
Beldrose Dralor   Dark Elf Noble 6 House Brother Vivec, Redoran Vaults
Drelse Dralor   Dark Elf Noble 5 House Cousin Vivec, Redoran Vaults
Elms Llervu   Dark Elf Savant Service 4 Kinsman Vivec, Redoran Waistworks Trainer: Mercantile, Speechcraft, Athletics
Arns Saren   Dark Elf Noble 5 House Cousin Vivec, Saren Manor
Toris Saren   Dark Elf Noble 5 House Cousin Vivec, Saren Manor
Thoryn Samori   Dark Elf Commoner 1 Retainer Vivec, Saren Manor
Danasi Ralen   Dark Elf Commoner 0 Hireling Vivec, Saren Manor
Guril Retheran   Dark Elf Assassin 3 Lawman Vivec, The Flowers of Gold
Talis Drurel   Dark Elf Barbarian 1 Retainer Vivec, The Flowers of Gold Trainer: Athletics, Block, Medium Armor
Sason   Redguard Commoner 1 Retainer West Gash Region