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Morrowind:Hla Oad

< Morrowind: Places: Cities & Towns
Hla Oad
(view on map) (lore page)
Alignment: Hlaalu
Region: Bitter Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


MW-banner-Hla Oad.png
Hla Oad
The Harbor with the Harpy

Hla Oad is a small fishing village at the southern end of the Bitter Coast region, southwest of Balmora on Vvardenfell. It offers few services, and is rumored to be a major stopover for smugglers.

Main SquareEdit

There's not much available in the way of services in this small port. A few desolate fisher huts and homes of paupers are centered around a square. Fatleg's Drop Off is the location of the local publican, Trasteve, who has a limited supply of weapons, armor, arrows, potions and various sundries for trade.

The HideoutEdit

Accessed through a trapdoor from Fatleg's, the Camonna Tong maintains a large smugglers' hideout, right under Hla Oad. You might not be specifically welcome, but they do offer various training and thieves tools. A Khajiit slave carries a special load. Dalam Gavyn offers smith services. Llemisa Marys has a supply of lockpicks and probes for sale, and Perien Aurelie is a pawnbroker.

Getting There and AroundEdit

Transportation from Hla Oad to other locations in Vvardenfell is handled by Baleni Salavel, located at the local docks on her transport ship, the Harpy. An uneven path leads north through the swamps to Gnaar Mok. A better path leads east to the Odai River and on to Balmora.

Places of Interest Around Hla OadEdit

  • The daedric ruin of Ashurnibibi has Orcs clad in Orcish armor.
  • The Odai Plateau, the location of Rethan Manor, is within walking distance of the village.
  • The necromancer cave of Shal, just north past the ruin, has high quality alchemist apparatus.
  • The Dunmer stronghold Hlormaren offers bandits and access to a Propylon chamber.

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit

Imperial CultEdit

Thieves GuildEdit



  • The smuggler ship Grytewake is located due southwest.
  • Near Murudius Flaeus's house just above the water level there is a hidden chest.
  • Hla Oad is considered to be House Hlaalu territory, but the only member present is a single guard.


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Baleni Salavel   Dark Elf Shipmaster 4 49 106 0 30 Docks Transport
Dalam Gavyn   Dark Elf Smith Camonna Tong Tough(Tough) 9 116 92 100 30 Fatleg's Drop Off Blacksmith; Merchant
Fadile Balvel   Dark Elf Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 [-6,-5] Although this character's name is officially "Fadile", all other references to her use "Fadila" (including her editor ID and her house name)
Falvis Tunel   Dark Elf Drillmaster 9 94 112 0 30 Fatleg's Drop Off
Glonagoth   Wood Elf Herder 3 48 84 0 30 [-6,-5]
Hrondar Highlander   Nord Smuggler 13 130 80 0 30 Fadila Balvel's House
Llemisa Marys   Dark Elf Thief Service Camonna Tong Tough(Tough) 9 76 106 100 30 Fatleg's Drop Off Trainer; Merchant
Murudius Flaeus   Imperial Pauper 2 45 82 0 30 Murudius Flaeus' House
Okur   Argonian Commoner 2 46 102 0 30 Okur's House
Pallia Ceno   Imperial Agent Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 81 98 0 30 [-6,-5] Trainer
Perien Aurelie   Breton Pawnbroker 7 66 140 100 30 Fatleg's Drop Off Merchant
Ra'Zhid   Khajiit Smuggler 7 74 90 90 50 Fatleg's Drop Off
Rabinna   Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 0 10 Fatleg's Drop Off
Relam Arinith   Dark Elf Smuggler Camonna Tong Brute(Brute) 10 100 94 0 30 Fatleg's Drop Off
Relien Rirne   Breton Commoner 1 40 100 0 30 [-6,-5]
Shurkul gro-Sharga   Orc Pauper 1 47 60 0 30 Shurkul gro-Sharga's House
Trasteve   Redguard Trader Service 9 104 86 100 30 Fatleg's Drop Off Merchant
