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Online:Crafting Sites

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places(Redirected from Online:Set Stations)
Tinkerer Tobin's Workshop

This page lists all the Crafting Sites in Elder Scrolls Online. These are locations containing special Set StationsCrafting Stations where items may be created in sets. Equipping multiple items from the same set will provide an additional bonus. There are additional mundane crafting stations in most cities and many other locations.

Aldmeri DominionEdit




  •   Arananga — An Ayleid ruin in southern Greenshade, north of the Labyrinth. (map)
  •   Lanalda Pond — A small pond at the base of a crumbling tower in northern Greenshade, north of Dread Vullain. (map)
  •   Rootwatch Tower — A ruin in central Greenshade, northeast of Woodhearth. (map)

Malabal TorEdit

Reaper's MarchEdit

Daggerfall CovenantEdit

Alik'r DesertEdit

  •   Alezer Kotu — An ancient Yokudan ruin in the western Alik'r Desert, southeast of Sentinel. (map)
  •   Artisan's Oasis — A camp in the central Alik'r Desert, north of Bergama. (map)
  •   Rkulftzel — A Dwemer ruin in the northern Alik'r Desert, south of Tava's Blessing. (map)




  •   Trader's Rest — A camp in southern Rivenspire, northeast from the Oldgate Wayshrine. (map)
  •   Veawend Ede — An Ayleid ruin on an island in northern Rivenspire, northeast of the Staging Grounds Wayshrine. (map)
  •   Westwind Lighthouse — On an island in northern Rivenspire, west of Northsalt Village. (map)


Ebonheart PactEdit



The RiftEdit



Neutral and DisputedEdit




  •   Bruma Armory — A workshop in Bruma where items in the Unchained Aggressor set can be crafted. (map)
  •   Cropsford Armory — A workshop in southwestern Cropsford where items in the Dauntless Combatant set can be crafted. (map)
  •   Vlastarus Armory — A workshop in Vlastarus where items in the Critical Riposte set can be crafted. (map)


Chapter ZonesEdit

Apocrypha Edit

  •   Artisan's Hermitage  — A crafting site located in a cave along the road northeast of Cipher's Midden used for crafting the Shattered Fate set. (map)
  •   Versicolor Carrels  — A crafting site on a hilltop southwest of Apogee of the Tormenting Eye used for crafting the Seeker Synthesis set. (map)

Artaeum Edit

  •   Artaeum Craftworks  — A crafting site on Artaeum, east of the College of Psijics Ruins, for crafting the Sload's Semblance set. (map)

Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Edit

  •   Parasite's Cave  — An abandoned Dwemer ruin located near Dark Moon Grotto in northwestern Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)

Blackwood Edit

High Isle Edit

Northern Elsweyr Edit

  •   Starlight Adeptorium  — A crafting site in northwestern Northern Elsweyr, south of Star Haven Adeptorium, used for crafting the Senche-raht's Grit set. (map)
  •   Rimmen Masterworks  — A building in Northern Elsweyr, southwest of Rimmen, used for crafting the Vastarie's Tutelage set. (map)
  •   Valenwood Border Artisan Camp  — A crafting site in southwestern Northern Elsweyr, northeast of Valenwood Gate, used for crafting the Coldharbour's Favorite set. (map)

Summerset Edit

  •   Augury Basin  — A crafting site hidden in the hills west of the Illumination Academy for crafting the Nocturnal's Favor set. (map)
  •   Shimmerene Dockworks  — A crafting site on the northwestern docks in the town of Shimmerene for crafting the Adept Rider set. (map)

Telvanni Peninsula Edit

  •   Tel Hlurag Ven  — A crafting site located on a hilltop near a mushroom tower, southwest of Necrom used for crafting the Telvanni Efficiency set. (map)

Vvardenfell Edit

West Weald Edit

Western Skyrim Edit

  •   Dragon's Belly  — An abandoned ruin located in northwestern Western Skyrim, just east of Lendoran Ruin. (map)
  •   Hunter's House  — An hunting cabin located in central Western Skyrim, southeast of Dragon Bridge. (map)

Story DLC ZonesEdit

Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern Edit

  •   Philosopher's Cradle  — A Dwemer ruin located in the western corner of Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern, just south of the Library of Arkthzand. (map)

Clockwork City Edit

The Deadlands Edit

Fargrave Edit

Galen Edit

  •   Fort Avrippe  — A crafting site located on Galen, east of Castle Tonnere, for crafting in the Chimera's Rebuke set. (map)
  •   Oaken Forge  — A crafting site located on Galen south of Clohaigh for crafting the Claw of the Forest Wraith set. (map)
  •   Old Port Mornard  — A crafting site located on Galen, east of Vastyr, for crafting the Old Growth Brewer set. (map)

Gold Coast Edit

Hew's Bane Edit

Imperial City Edit

Murkmire Edit

The Reach Edit

  •   Druadach Redoubt  — A crafting site located southeast of Deep Folk Crossing used for crafting the Legacy of Karth set. (map)
  •   Red Eagle Redoubt  — A crafting site located west of Rebel's Retreat used for crafting the Red Eagle's Fury set. (map)

Southern Elsweyr Edit

  •   Cat's-Claw Station  — A crafting site along the southern coast of Southern Elsweyr used for crafting the Daring Corsair set. (map)
  •   Dragonguard Armory  — A crafting site on Tideholm in Southern Elsweyr, used for crafting the Ancient Dragonguard set. (map)
  •   Fur-Forge Cove  — A crafting site in northern Pellitine used for crafting the New Moon Acolyte set. (map)

Wrothgar Edit


Fighters GuildEdit