This page lists mementos acquired in DLC and Chapter zones.
Hidden Pressure VentEdit
Obtained by exploring the ruins of Rkindaleft.
- Rkindaleft's pressure release system was, and is, unusual.
Malacath's Wrathful FlameEdit
Obtained by exploring Old Orsinium.
- A relic of the Cult of Malacath, useless in combat but very impressive.
Thieves Guild
Coin of Illusory RichesEdit
Acquired by becoming a Master Thief.
- Remind yourself at any time what you went into thieving for!
Dark Brotherhood
Blade of the Blood OathEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Bane of the Gold Coast."
- Perform a blood oath as the Bane of the Gold Coast to receive the Blade of the Blood Oath.
Box of Forbidden RelicsEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Flawless Sacrament."
- Perform the Black Sacrament after completing all of the Black Sacrament contract achievements to receive a Box of Forbidden Relics.
Dreamer's ChimeEdit
Acquired by exploring the Forgotten Wastes.
- Even choked with ash, this bell recovered from the Forgotten Wastes emits a haunting tone and glows when struck.
Neramo's Lightning StickEdit
Obtained by exploring the ruins of Nchuleftingth.
- The artificer Neramo rewarded you with this Dwarven electrified cane as a memento of your adventure in the ruins of Nchuleftingth.
Replica Tonal InverterEdit
Acquired by defeating Chodala and retrieving Sunna'rah.
- Recall your bravery as Vivec's Champion with this replica of the Tonal Inverter, an invention which creates sound waves that temporarily disrupt the flow of energy within magical devices.
Clockwork City
Umbral ProjectorEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Hero of Clockwork City."
- Want to relive the horror of watching a harmless shadow become a bloodthirsty killer? This mechanical marvel will let you do just that—without the harmful effects, of course.
Gryphon Feather TalismanEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Sunhold Sundered."
- An enchanted feather from the gryphon Sunnawel, the living symbol of Sunhold. With this item you can, for a few moments, at least, rule the air! Summon a miniature windstorm and blow your troubles away.
Psijic Scrying TalismanEdit
Acquired by purchasing either the physical or digital Collector's Edition for Summerset.
- The spellcasting monks of the Psijic Order are the acknowledged masters of the art of magical scrying, with distinctive gestures and visual effects. Use of this memento enables one to simulate such farseeing.
Sea Sload Dorsal FinEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "An Unexpected Betrayal."
- This Sea Sload body part radiates with mind magic and simulates a Sea Sload mind trap without most of the debilitating effects.
Werewolf Behemoth SigilEdit
Awarded for completing the "The Great Indrik Hunt" achievement in the March of Sacrifices dungeon.
- When your rage and bloodlust cannot be contained in your usual meager mortal form, then it is time to become … the Werewolf Behemoth.
Dream Amulet of ArgonEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Hero of Murkmire."
- When invoked, this creates a brief, ephemeral image of the Remnant of Argon.
Archaic Lore TabletsEdit
Acquired as part of the Elsweyr Collector's Edition digital items.
- Invoke these Tablets of Archaic Lore and they glow with the wisdom of ancient knowledge!
Brittle Burial UrnEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Relatively Speaking."
- Show the strength of your emotions by destroying this hapless urn! Beware the consequences….
Winnowing Plague DecoctionEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Unhealthy Preoccupation."
- "The Peryite cultists have an…interesting world view. For instance, some will carry around that bottle and—no, don't open that!"—Dar'ava
Corruption of MaarselokEdit
Awarded for completing the "Lair of Maarselok Conqueror" achievement in the Lair of Maarselok veteran dungeon.
- That sickening blue glow you picked up while adventuring in the Lair of Maarselok? Yeah, it's all over you. Just remember what Selene taught you, and you'll be rid of it in seconds!
Wall of Life BrushEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Chiaroscuro Crossroads."
- The artists of Black Heights honor their lives through their paintings on the Wall of Life. Now, to commemorate their practices, you can paint a tree in mid-air.
Antiquarian's TelescopeEdit
- "When looking for your dig site, use your telescope—unless you love baking under the desert sun or freezing your arse off in snow-covered valleys for weeks on end because you chose to eyeball it instead."—Ugron gro-Thumog, Antiquarian
Kyne's Tablet of StormsEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "The Fading Fire"
- Study this stone tablet that calls upon the might of the Warrior Goddess and Mother of Nords, Kyne.
Miniature Dwarven SunEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "The Tones of the Deep."
- Lighten the darkest places with your own handheld sun!
Orb of MagnusEdit
The Orb of Magnus is acquired by purchasing either the physical or digital Collector's Edition for Greymoor.
- Vampirism and sunlight just don't mix. Hide from the oppressive light of Magnus with this memento.
Ritual Circle TotemEdit
The Ritual Circle Totem is acquired by completing the "Kyne's Deliverance" achievement.
- Form a prayer circle for you and three of your boon companions, then watch your prayer take form in spectacular visual displays.
Mostly Stable Juggling PotionsEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Stone Garden Conqueror."
- You're pretty sure that these potions won't explode when tossed about, but a little uncertainty adds to the excitement, right?
Void ShardEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "A Feast of Souls."
- A remembrance of your times traversing void portals, this void shard still creates interesting visual effects even if it can't help you move through breaches in reality.
Flames of Ambition
Illusory Salamander StoneEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Black Drake Villa Conqueror."
- A hidden fire burns within this gem. With a quick invocation, you can draw it out to create the illusion of charging salamanders in a stunning display of magic.
Full-Scale Golden Anvil ReplicaEdit
Acquired by completing "The Golden Anvil" quest in Blackwood.
- Using its focus item, summon one of Divine Zenithar's many symbols: a golden anvil. Perfect for when you're sharing tales of triumphs gained through honest toil.
Temperamental GrimoireEdit
Acquired by purchasing the digital Collector's Edition for Blackwood.
- Most books share all sorts of knowledge with their readers. Some, however, don't have "sharing" in their index. They do have fire though. Lots of fire.
Wilting Weed Killer PhialEdit
Earned by completing the "Harrada Harvest" quest in Blackwood.
- Never again suffer the indignities of a weed-filled garden! This potent phial contains a defoliating decoction that hastily rids you of any and all corrupting creepers.
Waking Flame
Agonymium StoneEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "The Dread Cellar Conqueror".
- While concentrating on this stone, pain breaks you into slivers of individualized torment. Seconds later, you reform. Impressive? Definitely. But dare you repeat the excruciating experience?
The Deadlands
Incarnate Illusion GemEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Hopeful Rescuer".
- Use this gem to create the illusion of a ruby-hued incarnate and direct its movements with your own! It's sure to startle even the most unflinching spectator.
Ascending Tide
Guardian's Frozen ShardEdit
Awarded by earning the "Coral Aerie Conqueror" achievement.
- A glacial fragment from the body of one of the timeless guardians found in the Coral Aerie. It freezes anything it touches.
Maormer Ocean PearlEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Seafaring Sleuth".
- This perfectly smooth, aquamarine pearl is supposedly the essence of the ocean itself. Holding it makes you feel at one with the sea.
High Isle
Crimson Bone HammerEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Blood, Books, and Steel."
- Crafted from an executioner's block and a bone, this unsettling hammer picked up at the Spire of the Crimson Coin requires quenching before use against a certain bloodmage's phylactery. Why not quench it again for old time's sake?
Ghost Haven CaravelEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Buried at the Bay."
- The stories of the Ghost Haven caravel still make the rounds at taverns and campfires on High Isle. With this astounding illusion device, you can recreate the caravel's appearance to add evocative detail to every story you tell.
Hoard of the SchemersEdit
Acquired by purchasing the digital Collector's Edition for High Isle.
- This war chest? It's all yours now, and you're not afraid to defend it! Schemers seeking to retrieve it best beware if they try anything.
Lost Depths
Dhulef's Bubble WardEdit
Acquired by completing the achievement "Graven Deep Conqueror".
- "Ever visited the bottom of the sea? I overheard a Redguard talking about doing just that with some spell he's working on. A warding trinket, maybe. It's like walking in a bubble, I guess."—Enri Coulon of the Ancient Anchor
Draoife Old Growth Sigils BasinEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "A Heart Turned Black"
- "This basin served many druids, yet now you possess it. How came you to such a gift? No, don't tell me quickly. Let's linger over this tale. I'm sure it's a good one."—Druid Antoine
Scribes of Fate
Iterative Onyx GlyphicEdit
Acquired by completing the "Scrivener's Hall Conqueror" achievement.
- An ancient relic of Hermaeus Mora, the Onyx Glyphic is resonant with eldritch power and temporal forces. Best to hand it off to someone you trust. You know, like yourself.
Dark Lady's HeadrestEdit
Acquired by purchasing the digital Deluxe Edition for Necrom.
- Blessed—or cursed—by Vaermina, this pillow looks comfortable, but acts as a summons to dreadful nightmares. Dare you rest on it?
Meln's Soul GemEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "Spirit of Fate."
- With the soul of Meln the Mouthless tucked away in your rucksack, you'll never be at a loss for advice, commentary about the world, and other tidbits he decides to (over) share with you.
Prism of Moribund SapienceEdit
Acquired by completing the quest "In a Troubled House."
- A replica of the cursed Daedric relic once gifted to the powerful portal mage Dreynis by an envoy of Sheogorath. Though only a facsimile, some say it has some of the same insanity inducing properties as the original.
Scions of Ithelia
Echonir ExaminationEdit
Echonir Examination is acquired by completing the "Bedlam Veil Conqueror" achievement.
- Forged by Hermaeus Mora, the Echonir collects remnants of ancient memories and shows them to you. Perhaps a closer examination is in order before the Lord of Secrets reclaims it.
Malacath Helm HauntEdit
Malacath Helm Haunt is acquired by completing the "Oathsworn Pit Conqueror" achievement.
- Look at you! So scary when wearing Malacath's helm. Oh, oops. Maybe you weren't meant to wear it for long? You cannot use this if you have a polymorph equipped.
Gold RoadEdit
Echo of the AbolisherEdit
Echo of the Abolisher is acquired by completing the "Echo of the Abolisher" achievement, which requires players to collect 25 Remnants of Deception and 25 Remnants of Cruelty from the West Weald Public Dungeons Silorn and Leftwheal respectively.
- While it won't cut a path to Mirrormoor, this echo of the sword crafted by Boethiah nonetheless looks impressive. Just watch where you swing it.
Echonir FragmentEdit
Echonir Fragment is acquired by completing the quest "The Untraveled Road" in the West Weald.
- This fragment of the Memory Stone created by Hermaeus Mora may not have the powers of the fully intact version, but it can play with your vision for a time.
Ulfsild's Tome of LegendsEdit
Ulfsild's Tome of Legends was distributed to players who had purchased the Gold Road Deluxe Edition when the content launched in June of 2024.
- Guild Archmage Ulfsild penned many tomes as she researched the origins of magic. One such, the Tome of Legends, may delight you with its accompanying illusions. Care to know more? Crack open the tome!