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Skyrim:Hawk's Egg

< Skyrim: Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Hawk's Egg
Hawk's Egg
Added by Hearthfire
Value 5 Weight 0.5
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Magic Resist Magic
2nd Damage Magicka Regen Damage Magicka Regen
3rd Waterbreathing Waterbreathing
4th Lingering Damage Stamina Lingering Damage Stamina
# Samples 0
Plant Hawks' Nest
# Plants 2
Merchant Avail. None
Hawks' Nest

Hawk's Eggs can be harvested from hawks' nests.

Hawks' nests look like other birds' nests which can be found throughout Skyrim, but you can tell the difference before seeing their name by the hawk feathers which may be lying next to them. They are only found in two places in the game, making these the only two sources of the ingredient: On the roofs of Heljarchen Hall and Lakeview Manor after building the Main Hall addition. You can reach these nests with a tower-style addition (such as the Alchemy Laboratory or the Library), or by using Whirlwind Sprint from a proper position for either property. You can also climb up the rocks next to Lakeview Manor and jump to the roof.


In terms of combinations of two ingredients, Hawk's Eggs can be combined with 45 other ingredients.

4 EffectsEdit

Desired Effect Combine with:
  Damage Magicka Regen   Lingering Damage Stamina   Resist Magic   Waterbreathing Chicken's Egg

2 EffectsEdit

Desired Effect Combine with:
  Damage Magicka Regen   Lingering Damage Stamina Nightshade
  Damage Magicka Regen   Waterbreathing Scalon FinCC (2× ,2.14× ) (1.6× ,1.67× )
  Lingering Damage Stamina   Waterbreathing Luminous RussulaCC (2× ,2.14 ) (1.6× ,1.67× )

1 EffectEdit

Desired Effect Combine with:
  Resist Magic Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.2× ,1.22× ), Bleeding Crown, Bungler's BaneCC (1.2× ,1.22× ), Crimson Nirnroot, Felsaad Tern FeathersDB, GleamblossomDG, Hagraven Claw, Hypha FaciaCC (1.2× ,1.22× ), Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings
  Damage Magicka Regen Ancestor Moth WingDG, Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Burnt Spriggan WoodDB, Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG, Daedroth TeethCC (2× ,2.14× ), Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Minotaur HornCC (2× ,2.14× ), Mort FleshCC, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap
  Waterbreathing Fungus StalkCC (1.6× ,1.67× ), Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.6× ,1.67× ), Histcarp, Nordic Barnacle, Red Kelp Gas BladderCC (1.6× ,1.67× ), Salmon RoeHF (12× ,15.4× ), Scrib JerkyCC (1.6× ,1.67× )
  Lingering Damage Stamina Bittergreen PetalsCC (2× ,2.14 ), Butterfly Wing, Coda FlowerCC (2× ,2.14 ), Daedra SilkCC (2× ,2.14 ), Kagouti HideCC (2× ,2.14 ), Small Antlers


  • Although you can also find a nest and two hawk feathers around it on the roof of Windstad Manor, it is a Rock Warbler nest. (details)
  • Hawk's eggs have the same alchemical properties as chicken's eggs. Combining these two ingredients will therefore result in all four effects being discovered at once.
  • Hawk nests are present in Skyrim without having Hearthfire installed, such as those found in Solitude. However, they cannot be activated and contain no egg, and are usually inaccessible.