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Online:Lyris's Icereach Battle Axe Style

< Elder Scrolls Online: Styles
Not to be confused with the Lyris Titanborn Style battle axe.
Lyris's Icereach Battle Axe Style
Material None
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000000Gold 1-Handed 000000000 Gold
Large Armor 000000000 Gold 2-Handed 000000000 Gold

Lyris's Icereach Battle Axe is a two-handed weapon style acquired by earning the Icereach Conqueror achievement. Once earned, this Outfit style is available to all characters on your account.

This axe is carried by Lyris Titanborn in Icereach.

ON-icon-weapon-Battle Axe-Lyris's Icereach.png
Battle Axe
