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Online:High Isle Achievements

< Elder Scrolls Online: Achievements: DLC Achievements

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Achievement Points Description Reward
   Savior of High Isle 50 Complete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of High Isle. Title: Savior of High Isle
 Chivalric Silver
High Isle Door, Ornate Crypt (page) 0001000010,000  
   Coral Haj Mota 15 Acquire and use 25 Coral Haj Mota Lures and 25 Coral Haj Mota Decoys.
   High Isle Larcenist 15 At the Gonfalon Bay Outlaws Refuge in High Isle, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items.
   High Isle Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in High Isle.
   High Isle Master Angler 5 Catch all 12 rare fish in High Isle. High Isle Oar, Gondola (page) 000020002,000  
    Ancestral Breton Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Ancestral Breton style book, obtained by following antiquity leads that are occasionally found by opening treasure map chests.
    Steadfast Society Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Steadfast Society style book, acquired from High Isle world boss daily jobs.
    Syrabanic Marine Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Syrabanic Marine style book, acquired by defeating the final boss in Dreadsail Reef.
    Systres Guardian Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Systres Guardian style book, acquired by completing daily delve jobs in High Isle.

Tales of TributeEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Tales of Tribute Master 50 Complete the following list of achievements in Tales of Tribute.  Patron's Gold
   Part of the Club 5 Complete the Tales of Tribute introductory quest. Tales of Tribute Patron: Psijic Loremaster Celarus
   The Roister's Roost 10 Complete the Tales of Tribute quest: A New Venture. Tales of Tribute Banner (page) 000040004,000  
   Novice No More 10 Complete the Tales of Tribute quest: The Tournament Begins.
   A Friend Indeed 10 Complete the Tales of Tribute quest: Challenges of the Past.
   The Tribute Champion 15 Complete the Tales of Tribute quest: The Final Round. Tales of Tribute Patron: Red Eagle
Decks and Cards
   Deck Builder 50 Collect all eight of the following decks in Tales of Tribute. Tales of Tribute Decks, Display (page)
   Card Connoisseur 50 Upgrade all the cards in the following Tales of Tribute decks.
   Shield of High Rock 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Saint Pelin deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Court Collector 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Duke of Crows deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Peerless Profiteer 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Artaeum Amplifier 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Psijic Loremaster Celarus deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Bonfire Poet 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Red Eagle, King of the Reach deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Master Maormer 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Sorcerer-King Orgnum deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Shadow Dealer 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Rajhin, the Purring Liar deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Shehai Sharpener 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Ansei Frandar Hunding deck in Tales of Tribute.
   Tribute Tactician 15 Complete the following Tales of Tribute Patron Achievements. Title: Club Virtuoso
Emote: Sapphire Heraldry Horn 2
   Blood Benediction 5 Use Saint Pelin's Patron power to refresh Agents 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Siege Weapon Volley
   Dictum of the Duke 5 Use the Duke of Crows's Patron power to gain Power 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Plunder
   Great House's Mandate 5 Use Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu's Patron power to gain Prestige 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Oathman
   Artaeum Assault 5 Use Psijic Loremaster Celarus's Patron power to knock out Agents 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Prophesy
   Hircine's Bounty 5 Use Red Eagle, King of the Reach's Patron power to draw cards 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Elder Witch
   Power of Pyandonea 5 Use Sorcerer-King Orgnum's Patron power to gain Power 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Sea Serpent Colossus
   Rajhin's Trickery 5 Use Rajhin, the Purring Liar's Patron power to create Bewilderment cards 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Shadow's Slumber
   Swordmaster's Splendor 5 Use the Ansei, Frandar Hunding's Patron power to gain Coin 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Hira's End
   Coin Withdrawal 5 Collect a Writ of Coin from the Treasury 10 times in Tales of Tribute matches.
Roister's Club
   Roister's Club Initiate 5 Reach the rank of Initiate in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Initiate
   Roister's Club Trainee 5 Reach the rank of Trainee in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Trainee
   Roister's Club Novice 5 Reach the rank of Novice in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Novice
   Roister's Club Regular 10 Reach the rank of Regular in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Regular
   Roister's Club Adept 10 Reach the rank of Adept in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Adept
   Roister's Club Expert 15 Reach the rank of Expert in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Expert
   Roister's Club Veteran 15 Reach the rank of Veteran in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Veteran
   Roister's Club Master 50 Reach the rank of Master in the Roister's Club. Title: Roister's Club Master
 Cardsharp Crimson
Tales of Tribute Table, Display (page)
   Tales of Travel 15 Play a Tales of Tribute match at each of the following locations.  Roister's Cerulean
   Founder Found 15 Defeat a Tales of Tribute Founder.
   Founder's Foe 50 Defeat the following Tales of Tribute Founders. Emote: Sapphire Heraldry Horn 1
   Club Beginner 5 Complete a Tales of Tribute Daily Quest for the first time.
   Club Contender 10 Complete a Tales of Tribute Daily Quest 10 times.
   Club Phenom 15 Complete a Tales of Tribute Daily Quest 30 times.
   Opening Hand 5 Complete Tales of Tribute ranked placement matches.
   Ebony Roister 5 Reach Ebony Rank in competitive Tales of Tribute ranked play. Title: Cardsharp
   Quicksilver Roister 10 Reach Quicksilver Rank in competitive Tales of Tribute ranked play. Title: Club Contender
   Voidsteel Roister 10 Reach Voidsteel Rank in competitive Tales of Tribute ranked play. Title: High-Stakes Gambler
   Rubedite Roister 15 Reach Rubedite Rank in competitive Tales of Tribute ranked play. Title: Game-Baron
   Home Game 5 Play a Tales of Tribute match in a player house.
   Tribute Trifecta 10 Achieve a Win Streak by winning three consecutive matches in Tales of Tribute ranked play.
   Fresh Player 5 Complete 10 ranked matches of Tales of Tribute.
   Old Hand 10 Complete 50 ranked matches of Tales of Tribute.
   High Roller 15 Complete 100 ranked matches of Tales of Tribute. Emote: Sapphire Heraldry Horn 3
   Fledgling Cardsharp 5 Complete a Tales of Tribute Competitive Daily Quest for the first time.
   Seasoned Cardsharp 10 Complete a Tales of Tribute Competitive Daily Quest 10 times.
   Master Cardsharp 15 Complete a Tales of Tribute Competitive Daily Quest 30 times.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Candies and Cutpurses 50 Gain favor with both Ember and Isobel Veloise.
   Ember's Gang 15 Gain Ember's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Luxury Thieves Tools
   Ember's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Ember.
   Ember's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Ember by completing specific tasks at their side.
   A Knight's Best Friend 15 Gain Isobel's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Stendarr's Sweets Vault
   Isobel's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Isobel Veloise.
   Isobel's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Isobel Veloise by completing specific tasks at their side.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   High Isle Master Explorer 15 Discover and clear all caves and striking locales in High Isle. High Isle Sundial (page) 000030003,000  
   High Isle Pathfinder 10 Discover all the striking locales in High Isle.
   Gonfalon Bay's Master Burglar 10 Steal the Luxurious Lockbox from Gonfalon Palace.
   Flower of Chivalry 10 Perform acts of chivalry across High Isle. Title: Knight Errant
Tales of Tribute Patron: Rajhin
   Seeker of the Green 10 Locate druid shrines across High Isle.
   No Regrets 10 Leap from the highest point in High Isle.
   Inventor of Adventure 10 Help Squire Lyna come up with an adventure for Sir Coliinean.
Public Dungeons
   Ghost Haven Bay Group Event 50 Defeat the Hadolid Broodmother in Ghost Haven Bay.
   Ghost Haven Bay Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Ghost Haven Bay.
   Crimson Coin Group Event 50 Defeat the Crimson Mother at the Spire of the Crimson Coin.
   Crimson Coin Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions at the Spire of the Crimson Coin. Replica Bloodmage's Crystal Heart (page) 0007000070,000  
   High Isle Cave Delver 15 Explore and clear all six explorable caves in High Isle.
   The Firepot Explorer 5 Explore and clear the Firepot.
   Breakwater Cave Explorer 5 Explore and clear Breakwater Cave.
   Death's Valor Keep Explorer 5 Explore and clear Death's Valor Keep.
   Shipwreck Shoals Explorer 5 Explore and clear Shipwreck Shoals.
   Whalefall Explorer 5 Explore and clear Whalefall.
   Coral Cliffs Explorer 5 Explore and clear Coral Cliffs.
World Bosses
   Defender of High Isle 15 Defeat all six world bosses in High Isle.
   Claim Jumper 10 Defeat the Eldertide Theurges near Amenos Station.
   Scrap Iron Collector 10 Defeat the Sable Knight near Steadfast Manor.
   Lobster Cracker 10 Defeat the Hadolid Matron and her Consort near Green Serpent Getaway.
   Deer Hunter 10 Defeat Glemyos Wildhorn near Garick's Rest.
   Harrow the Harrowers 10 Defeat the Ascendant Executioner and the Ascendant Harrower near Stonelore Grove.
   Serpent Slayer 10 Defeat Serpent Caller Vinsha near Tor Draioch.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Antiquarian Chase: High Isle 50 Acquire the Mythic Items discovered by the Antiquarian Circle during your adventures in High Isle.
    Dov-rha Sabatons 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Dov-rha Sabatons, in High Isle.
    Lefthander's Aegis Belt 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Lefthander's Aegis Belt, in High Isle.
    Mora's Whispers 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Mora's Whispers, in High Isle.
    Oakensoul Ring 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Oakensoul Ring, in High Isle.
    Sea-Serpent's Coil 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Sea-Serpent's Coil, in High Isle.
    Druidic Provisioning Station 15 Find all the fragments in High Isle and assemble the Druidic Provisioning Station antiquity.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   High Isle Grand Adventurer 50 Complete 30 unique quests in High Isle.
   Champion of High Isle 50 Investigate the threat against High Isle and restore peace to the region. Title: Three Thrones' Defender
Replica Invitation Medallion (page) 0001500015,000  
   Agent for Arabelle 10 Complete "Of Knights and Knaves" quest on High Isle.
   Life of the Party 10 Complete "People of Import" quest on High Isle. Head Markings: Stonelore's Legend Face Paint
   The Plot Thickens 10 Complete "Deadly Investigations" quest on High Isle. Gonfalon Bay Banner (page) 0001200012,000  
   Goodbye, Amenos 10 Complete "Escape from Amenos" quest on High Isle.
   Ascendant Unmasked 10 Complete "To Catch a Magus" quest on High Isle. Body Markings: Stonelore's Legend Body Paint
High Isle Mausoleum, Ancient Marble (page) 0002000020,000  
   Riding Out the Storm 10 Complete "The Ascendant Storm" quest on High Isle.
   Peace in Our Time? 10 Complete "A Chance for Peace" quest on High Isle. Costume: Courtly Travelling Attire
   High Isle Sojourner 5 Complete 1 solo daily job for Wayllod, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.
   High Isle Agent 10 Complete 10 solo daily jobs for Wayllod, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.
   High Isle Professional 15 Complete 30 solo daily jobs for Wayllod, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.
   High Isle Monster Hunter 5 Complete 1 world boss daily job for Parisse Plouff, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.
   High Isle Monster Slayer 10 Complete 10 world boss daily jobs for Parisse Plouff, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.
   High Isle Monster Exterminator 15 Complete 30 world boss daily jobs for Parisse Plouff, agent of House Dufort, in Gonfalon Bay within the High Isle and Amenos zone.

Volcanic VentsEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Basalt Assault 10 Defeat each of the following Volcanic Vent bosses.
   Quench the Caldera 10 Seal the Volcanic Vent at the following locations.
   Igneous Fighter 5 Seal 1 Volcanic Vent on High Isle.
   Molten Warrior 10 Seal 10 Volcanic Vents on High Isle.
   Eruptive Destroyer 15 Seal 30 Volcanic Vents on High Isle.
   Volcanic Vent Hunter 5 Complete 1 Volcanic Vent daily job for Druid Peeska in High Isle.
   Volcanic Vent Demolisher 10 Complete 10 Volcanic Vent daily jobs for Druid Peeska in High Isle.
   Volcanic Vent Devastator 15 Complete 30 Volcanic Vent daily jobs for Druid Peeska in High Isle.
   Lava Lasher 10 Seal 30 Lava Vents in High Isle.

Dreadsail ReefEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
Needed for Swashbuckler Supreme
   Swashbuckler Supreme 50 Complete the listed achievements in Dreadsail Reef. Title: Swashbuckler Supreme
Mount: Stormsurge Howler
   Dreadsail Reef Vanquisher 10 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria in Dreadsail Reef. Title: Dreadsails' Scourge
 Pyandonean Purple
Dreadsail Door, Grand (page) 0003500035,000  
   Dreadsail Reef Conqueror 10 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria in Veteran Dreadsail Reef. Title: Seaborne Slayer
Body Markings: Stormsurge Body Markings
Replica Maormer Lightning-Rod (page) 0001500015,000  
   Master Marine 50 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria, after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Dreadsail Reef in one run without gaining the benefits of any Prismatic Resonances. Title: Hurricane Herald
Head Markings: Stormsurge Face Markings
   Tip of the Harpoon 50 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria along with all their hostile followers, within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Unsinkable 50 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria along with all their hostile followers, without suffering a group member death in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Fleet Queen's Foil 50 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria, along with all their hostile followers, after raising the challenge banner for each of them and without gaining the benefits of any Prismatic Resonances, without suffering a group member death, and within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Dreadsail Reef. Title: Soul of the Squall
   Dreadsail Slayer 10 Defeat 300 Dreadsail pirates in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Ornaug Slayer 10 Defeat 50 Ornaugs in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Deliberate Disobedience 10 Defeat thirty Frost Hounds that have been unaffected by the Destructive Ember and thirty Flame Hounds that have been unaffected by the Piercing Hailstone in Dreadsail Reef.
   Once into the Depths 10 Defeat the Reef Guardian without any group member descending into the reef rapids more than once during the battle in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Full Tour 10 Defeat the Dreadsail Venom Evoker, Dreadsail Sea Boiler, and Dreadsail Tidal Mage within 10 seconds of each other after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Synchronized Slaying 10 Defeat Bow Breaker and Sail Ripper within 15 seconds of each other in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Inhospitable 10 Assist Ardahan with his research in Dreadsail Reef.
   Peak Pit-Fighter Performance 15 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.
   Reef Wrecker 15 Defeat the Reef Guardian after raising the challenge banner and without gaining the benefits of any Prismatic Resonances in Veteran Dreadsail Reef.