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Online:Player vs. Player Achievements

< Elder Scrolls Online: Achievements

These achievements are earned by participating in the Alliance War.



Achievement Points Description Reward
Race Slayer
    Argonian Slayer 10 Kill 100 Argonian enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Breton Slayer 10 Kill 100 Breton enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Dark Elf Slayer 10 Kill 100 Dunmer enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    High Elf Slayer 10 Kill 100 Altmer enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Imperial Slayer 10 Kill 100 Imperial enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Khajiit Slayer 10 Kill 100 Khajiit enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Nord Slayer 10 Kill 100 Nord enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Orc Slayer 10 Kill 100 Orc enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Redguard Slayer 10 Kill 100 Redguard enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
    Wood Elf Slayer 10 Kill 100 Bosmer enemies in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
Class Slayer
    Arcanist Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Arcanists.
    Grand Arcanist Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Arcanists.  Mora's Mauve
    Dragonknight Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Dragonknights.
    Grand Dragonknight Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Dragonknights.  Dragonknights' Blood
    Necromancer Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Necromancers.
    Grand Necromancer Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Necromancers.  Spectral Blue
    Nightblade Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Nightblades.
    Grand Nightblade Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Nightblades.  Nightblades' Indigo
    Sorcerer Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Sorcerers.
    Grand Sorcerer Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Sorcerers.  Sorcerers'-Bane Violet
    Templar Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Templars.
    Grand Templar Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Templars.  Templars' Last Dawn
    Warden Slayer 10 Kill 10 enemy Wardens.
    Grand Warden Slayer 15 Kill 100 enemy Wardens.  Warden's Moss Green
   First Avenge 10 Score your first Avenge kill in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   Vindication 15 Score 10 Avenge kills in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   First Revenge 10 Score a Revenge kill in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   Sweet Vengeance 15 Score 10 Revenge kills in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
Close Kills
   Close Call Kill 10 Earn a kill when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   Five Under Five 15 Earn 5 kills when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   Ten Under Five 50 Earn 10 kills when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds.
   Imperial Warbear Seeker 50 Claim the Dragonclaw Imperial Warbear mount! Seek out and purchase shattered warbear items from Battleground, Imperial City, and Cyrodiil vendors. Then combine them with PvP currencies to create the repaired items listed below. Combine all three to claim the Warbear and triumph over your foes!

Alliance WarEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Cyrodiil Recruit 10 Reach level 10 and become eligible to enter Cyrodiil and join the Alliance War.
  Alliance War Skill Apprentice 50 Reach Rank 5 in the Assault and Support skill lines.
  Alliance War Skill Master 50 Reach the max level of the Assault and Support skill lines. Title: Siegemaster
   Glory of the Aldmeri Dominion 50 Bring Glory to the Aldmeri Dominion by capturing Resources, capturing Keeps, killing opposing players, and completing Conquest Missions as a member of the Aldmeri Dominion in Cyrodiil. Head Marking: Aldmeri Dominion War Marks
   Glory of the Daggerfall Covenant 50 Bring Glory to the Daggerfall Covenant by capturing Resources, capturing Keeps, killing opposing players, and completing Conquest Missions as a member of the Daggerfall Covenant in Cyrodiil. Head Marking: Daggerfall Covenant War Marks
   Glory of the Ebonheart Pact 50 Bring Glory to the Ebonheart Pact by capturing Resources, capturing Keeps, killing opposing players, and completing Conquest Missions as a member of the Ebonheart Pact in Cyrodiil. Head Marking: Ebonheart Pact War Marks
   Support the Fight 10 Help capture a resource (Farm, Lumber Mill, or Mine), and Keep in Cyrodiil.  Heartlands Umber
   Keep Capture 10 Capture your first keep or outpost in the Alliance War or district in the Imperial City.
   Capture a Resource 10 Help capture a resource (farm, lumbermill, or mine) in Cyrodiil.
   Siege Specialist 15 Complete both Artillerist and Siege Mechanic achievements. Emote: Wargame Trebuchet
   Artillerist 10 Deal 250,000 points of damage using Siege weapons in Cyrodiil.
   Siege Mechanic 10 Repair 100,000 points of damage to structures in Cyrodiil.
   Damage Dealer 10 Deal 1,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.
   Massive Damage Dealer 15 Deal 5,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.
   Tremendous Damage Dealer 50 Deal 100,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.
   Healer 10 Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.
   Massive Healer 15 Heal 5,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.
   Tremendous Healer 50 Heal 100,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.
   Volendrung Wielder 15 Kill someone with Volendrung in Cyrodiil.
   Volendrung Vanquisher 15 Kill someone who wields Volendrung in Cyrodiil.
   Kill a Grand Overlord 10 Kill an enemy with the rank of Grand Overlord in the Alliance War.  Murder Mahogany
    Emperor Slayer 50 Defeat an enemy Emperor from any campaign.  Regicide Red
   Emperor Assassin 50 Defeat the Emperor of your Home Campaign in the Alliance War.
    Emperor! 50 Dominate the Alliance War battlefield and become Emperor of Tamriel. Long may you reign!  Ruby Throne Red
Title: Emperor
Emperor's Regalia
Throne of Cyrodiil (page) (0250000250,000 )


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Alliance War Volunteer 10 Earn the rank of Volunteer in the Alliance War.  Volunteer's Iron
Title: Volunteer
   Alliance War Recruit 10 Earn the rank of Recruit in the Alliance War. Title: Recruit
   Alliance War Tyro 10 Earn the rank of Tyro in the Alliance War. Title: Tyro
   Alliance War Legionary 10 Earn the rank of Legionary in the Alliance War.  Legionary's Lead
Title: Legionary
   Alliance War Veteran 10 Earn the rank of Veteran in the Alliance War. Title: Veteran
   Alliance War Corporal 10 Earn the rank of Corporal in the Alliance War.  Corporal's Green
Title: Corporal
   Alliance War Sergeant 10 Earn the rank of Sergeant in the Alliance War.  Sergeant's Charcoal
Title: Sergeant
   Alliance War First Sergeant 10 Earn the rank of First Sergeant in the Alliance War. Title: First Sergeant
   Alliance War Lieutenant 10 Earn the rank of Lieutenant in the Alliance War. Title: Lieutenant
   Alliance War Captain 10 Earn the rank of Captain in the Alliance War.  Captain's Violet
Title: Captain
   Alliance War Major 10 Earn the rank of Major in the Alliance War. Title: Major
   Alliance War Centurion 10 Earn the rank of Centurion in the Alliance War.  Centurion Metal
Title: Centurion
   Alliance War Colonel 10 Earn the rank of Colonel in the Alliance War. Title: Colonel
   Alliance War Tribune 10 Earn the rank of Tribune in the Alliance War.  Tribune's Steel
Title: Tribune
   Alliance War Brigadier 10 Earn the rank of Brigadier in the Alliance War. Title: Brigadier
   Alliance War Prefect 10 Earn the rank of Prefect in the Alliance War.  Prefect's Gray
Title: Prefect
   Alliance War Praetorian 10 Earn the rank of Praetorian in the Alliance War. Title: Praetorian
   Alliance War Palatine 10 Earn the rank of Palatine in the Alliance War.  Palatine's White
Title: Palatine
   Alliance War August Palatine 10 Earn the rank of August Palatine in the Alliance War. Title: August Palatine
   Alliance War Legate 10 Earn the rank of Legate in the Alliance War.  Legate's Black
Title: Legate
   Alliance War General 10 Earn the rank of General in the Alliance War.  General's Gold
Title: General
   Alliance War Warlord 10 Earn the rank of Warlord in the Alliance War.  Warlord's Red
Title: Warlord
   Alliance War Grand Warlord 10 Earn the rank of Grand Warlord in the Alliance War.  Grand Warlord's Violet
Title: Grand Warlord
   Alliance War Overlord 10 Earn the rank of Overlord in the Alliance War.  Overlord's Purple
Title: Overlod
   Alliance War Grand Overlord 10 Earn the rank of Grand Overlord in the Alliance War.  Grand Overlord's Brass
Title: Grand Overlord

Note: Alliance War Rank achievements also allow you to purchase certain Furnishings for your home. They have been omitted from this table to save space. For the full list, see: Alliance War Ranks.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Pit Bully 5 Defeat 10 opponents in Battlegrounds.
   Pit Fighter 10 Defeat 250 opponents in Battlegrounds.
   Pit Hero 15 Defeat 1,000 opponents in Battlegrounds. Title: Bloodletter
 Fire Drake's Flame
   Victor 5 Win a Battleground match for the first time.
   Crowd Favorite 10 Win 10 Battleground matches. Banner of the Fire Drakes (page) (0005000050,000  ),
Banner of the Pit Daemons (page) (0005000050,000  ),
Banner of the Stormlords (page) (0005000050,000  )
   Conquering Hero 15 Win 50 Battleground matches. Title: Conquering Hero
Tapestry of the Fire Drakes (page) (00100000100,000  ),
Tapestry of the Pit Daemons (page) (00100000100,000  ),
Tapestry of the Stormlords (page) (00100000100,000  )
Medal Score
   Most Valuable Combatant 10 Earn a medal score of at least 3,000 points in a single Battleground match.
   Gladiator 10 Earn a lifetime medal score of 5,000 points in Battlegrounds.
   Champion 15 Earn a lifetime medal score of 50,000 points in Battlegrounds.
   Grand Champion 50 Earn a lifetime medal score of 250,000 points in Battlegrounds. Title: Grand Champion
Brazier of the Fire Drakes (page) (0005000050,000  ),
Chained Skull of the Fire Drakes (page) (00100000100,000  ),
Weathervane of the Stormlords (page) (00125000125,000  )
Team Deathmatch
   Battleground Butcher 15 Win a Team Deathmatch with 500 points before any other team reaches 200 points. Title: Battleground Butcher
   Paragon 15 Finish a Team Deathmatch battle with at least eight more kills than deaths. Title: Paragon
   Quadruple Kill 15 Earn your first Quadruple Kill Medal by defeating four opponents in a Team Deathmatch battle, each within ten seconds of the next. Title: The Merciless
   Charging Champion 10 Earn your first Champion Medal by dealing at least 500,000 points of damage in a single Team Deathmatch battle.
   Fearless Physician 10 Earn your first Fearless Physician Medal by healing at least 375,000 points of damage in a single Team Deathmatch battle.
Capture the Relic
   Tactician 15 Help your team capture both enemy Relics within 10 seconds of each other. Title: Tactician
   Triple Threat 15 Capture three enemy Relics in a single Battleground match. Title: Relic Runner
   Divine Guardian 10 Earn your first Divine Guardian Medal by healing at least 200,000 points of damage for Relic carriers in a single Battleground match.
   Newblood Relic Hunter 5 Capture your first Relic in Battlegrounds.
   Veteran Relic Hunter 10 Capture 20 Relics in Battlegrounds.
   Grand Relic Hunter 15 Capture 100 Relics in Battlegrounds. Title: Relic Hunter
 Pit Daemon's Poison
   Newblood Relic Guardian 5 Defeat a Relic carrier for the first time in Battlegrounds.
   Veteran Relic Guardian 10 Defeat 20 Relic carriers in Battlegrounds.
   Grand Relic Guardian 15 Defeat 100 Relic carriers in Battlegrounds. Title: Relic Guardian
Crown of the Stormlords (page) (0007500075,000  ),
Fire Drake's Skull (page) (00150000150,000  ),
Skull of the Pit Daemon (page) (00100000100,000  )
Land Grab (Domination or Crazy King)
   Newblood Standard-Bearer 5 Seize your first Capture Point in Battlegrounds.
   Veteran Standard-Bearer 10 Seize 50 Capture Points in Battlegrounds.
   Grand Standard-Bearer 15 Seize 250 Capture Points in Battlegrounds. Title: Standard-Bearer
 Stormlord's Lightning
   Newblood Standard-Guardian 5 Earn 10 Defensive Execution Medals by defeating opponents attacking one of your Capture Points.
   Veteran Standard-Guardian 10 Earn 100 Defensive Execution Medals by defeating opponents attacking one of your Capture Points.
   Grand Standard-Guardian 15 Earn 500 Defensive Execution Medals by defeating opponents attacking one of your Capture Points. Title: Standard-Guardian
Standard of the Fire Drakes (page) (0002500025,000  ),
Standard of the Pit Daemons (page) (0002500025,000  ),
Standard of the Stormlords (page) (0002500025,000  )
   Battleground Dominator 10 Control all four Capture Points simultaneously in a Domination match.
   Claim-Staker 10 Seize at least four Capture Points without dying.
   Steady Centurion 10 Earn your first Steady Centurion Medal by taking at least 250,000 damage in a single Domination match.
   Divine Protector 10 Earn your first Divine Protector Medal by healing at least 375,000 points of damage for Capture Point defenders in a single Domination match.
   Vigilant Defender 10 Earn your first Vigilant Defender Medal while defending a Capture Point in a Domination match.
Crazy King
   Kingdom Come 10 Seize at least 4 Capture Points without dying in a Crazy King match.
   Battleground King 10 Control at least two Capture Points simultaneously in a Crazy King match.
   Newblood King Standard-Bearer 5 Seize your first Capture Point in Crazy King matches.
   Veteran King Standard-Bearer 10 Seize 25 Capture Points in Crazy King matches.
   Grand King Standard-Bearer 15 Seize 125 Capture Points in Crazy King matches.
Chaos Ball
   The Best Defense 5 Get 3 kills, in a single life, while carrying the Chaos Ball.
   Chaos Guardian 5 Earn your first Chaos Guardian Medal by healing at least 275,000 points of damage for Chaos Ball carriers in a single Battleground match. Title: Chaos Guardian
   Chaos Champion 5 Earn your first Chaos Champion Medal by dealing at least 325,000 points of damage to Chaos Ball carriers in a single Battleground match. Title: Chaos Champion
   Walk It Off 5 Take 10,000,000 points of damage, cumulatively, from carrying the Chaos Ball. Title: Chaos Keeper
   Chaos Ball Carnage 5 Win a game of Chaos Ball with 500 points before any other team reaches 200 points.
   Newblood Scorer 5 Gain 100 points from carrying the Chaos Ball.
   Veteran Scorer 10 Gain 2500 points from carrying the Chaos Ball.
   Grand Scorer 15 Gain 10000 points from carrying the Chaos Ball.
    Militant Ordinator Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Militant Ordinator style book, sold in exchange for Alliance Points by Battleground Supplies Merchants.
   Ranked Competitor 5 Complete a Competitive Battleground match for the first time.


  • Note that these are found under the Character section of the Achievements page.
Achievement Points Description Reward
   Blooded Duelist 5 Win your first duel against another player.
   Seasoned Duelist 10 Win 25 duels against other players.
   Master Duelist 15 Win 100 duels against other players. Title: Duelist
Dueling Banner (page) (0001000010,000  )