Online:Northern Elsweyr Achievements
Achievement | Points | Description | Reward | |
Mural Mender | 50 | Collect and restore all fragments of the Rithana-di-Renada, an ancient Khajiiti mural, for the House of Histories. | Replica Rithana-di-Renada (page) | |
Northern Elsweyr Larcenist | 15 | At the Rimmen Outlaws Refuge in Northern Elsweyr, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items. | ||
Northern Elsweyr Skyshard Hunter | 10 | Discover all 18 Skyshards in Northern Elsweyr. | ||
Northern Elsweyr Master Angler | 5 | Catch all 12 rare fish in Northern Elsweyr. | ||
Savior of Elsweyr | 50 | Complete quests, defeat bosses and explore delves to become the Savior of Elsweyr. | Title: Savior of Elsweyr Anequina Sunrise |
Anequina Dragon Killer | 5 | Kill 1 Dragon in the wilds of Northern Elsweyr. | Khajiit Wagon, Ruined (page) 500 | |
Anequina Dragon Stalker | 10 | Kill 25 Dragons in the wilds of Northern Elsweyr. | Khajiit Wagon, Merchant (page) 1,000 | |
Anequina Dragon Hunter | 15 | Kill 50 Dragons in the wilds of Northern Elsweyr. | Column, Fatal Warning (page) 3,000 | |
Draconic Minion Murderer | 10 | Kill 100 Flame Wyrms, Fire Atronachs, and Iron Atronachs while battling Dragons in the wilds of Northern Elsweyr. |
Achievement | Points | Description | Reward | |
| Sunspire Style Master | 50 | Learn every chapter in the Sunspire style book, found in the Sunspire trial. | |
Needed for Sunspire Dragonbreak | ||||
Sunspire Dragonbreak | 50 | Complete the listed achievements for Sunspire. | Title: Hand of Akatosh Mount: Sunspire Champion Senche-Lion |
Sunspire Completed | 10 | Defeat Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas in Sunspire. | Title: Sunspire Ascendant Door, Akatosh Chancel (page) 100,000 |
Sunspire Conqueror | 10 | Defeat Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas in Veteran Sunspire. | Title: Sunspire Saint Skin: Sunspire Ice-Fire |
Sunspire Vanquisher | 50 | Defeat Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas after extinguishing all of their offering braziers in Veteran Sunspire. | Title: Extinguisher of Flames | |
Sunspire Sprinter | 50 | Defeat all enemies in addition to Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas in Veteran Sunspire within 30 minutes of entering the corridor between the Sunspire Temple Vestibule and the Courtyard in Veteran Sunspire. | ||
Godslayer of Sunspire | 50 | Defeat Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas along with all their hostile followers after extinguishing all their offering braziers, without suffering a group member death, within 30 minutes of entering the corridor between the Sunspire Temple Vestibule and the Courtyard in Veteran Sunspire. | Title: Godslayer | |
Senche-raht Slayer | 10 | Defeat 100 Alkosh's Roars, Jone's Gale-Claws, or Jode's Fire-Fangs in Sunspire. | ||
Dragonbound Demolisher | 10 | Defeat 200 of Alkosh's Fate, Will, Fury, or Ruin in Sunspire. | ||
Strike When the Iron's Hot | 10 | Defeat Yolnahkriin while destroying his Iron Servants only after they have enraged in Sunspire. | ||
Faster Than Lightning | 10 | Defeat Lokkestiiz without any group members being hit by Storm Breath in Sunspire. | ||
Keeping In Sync | 10 | Defeat Nahviintaas without a member of the group Time Shifting through a Time Breach more than once in Veteran Sunspire. | ||
Veteran | ||||
Stoking the Fire | 15 | Defeat Yolnahkriin after extinguishing his offering braziers in Veteran Sunspire. | Statue, Yolnahkriin (page) 50,000 | |
Stormchaser | 15 | Defeat Lokkestiiz after extinguishing his offering braziers in Veteran Sunspire. | Statue, Lokkestiiz (page) 35,000 | |
Dragonsbane | 50 | Defeat all enemies in addition to Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas without suffering a group member death in Veteran Sunspire. |
Moongrave FaneEdit
Achievement | Points | Description | Reward | |
Normal | ||||
Moongrave Fane Vanquisher | 10 | Defeat the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf in Moongrave Fane. | Trophy: Grundwulf (page) | |
| Blood Striker | 10 | Hit 150 enemies with Hemo Helots within Moongrave Fane. | |
| Bloody Kill | 5 | Defeat Dro'zakar after smashing a Hemo Helot that he is consuming in Moongrave Fane. | |
| Moongrave Style Master | 50 | Learn every chapter in the Moongrave style book, found in the Moongrave Fane dungeon. | |
Veteran | ||||
Moongrave Fane Challenger | 50 | Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Moongrave Fane. | Title: Chevalier | |
Moongrave Fane Conqueror | 10 | Defeat the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | Bust: Grundwulf (page) Pet: Undaunted Porter Scamp (page) |
Drunk on Power | 50 | Defeat Grundwulf after using the Sangiin Hemo Helot in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | Title: Hollowfang Exsanguinator | |
Blood Rush | 50 | Defeat all encounters in addition to the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Moongrave Fane. Your timer starts when players engage the first group of enemies. | ||
Escape the Grave | 50 | Defeat all encounters in addition to the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Moongrave Fane without suffering a group member death. | ||
Defanged the Devourer | 50 | Defeat all encounters in addition to the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Moongrave Fane in under 30 minutes without suffering a group member death. | ||
Hollowfang Clan Slayer | 10 | Defeat 200 Hollowfang clan vampires in Veteran Moongrave Fane. Hollowfang Dire-Maws and Bloodpanthers do not give credit for this achievement. | ||
Hollowfang Dire-Maw Slayer | 10 | Defeat 25 Hollowfang Dire-Maws in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | ||
| Bloodless Kill | 5 | Defeat the Risen Ruins without creating a Hemo Helot using the Sangiin Sacrifice Synergy in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | |
| Quench the Thirst | 5 | Land a killing blow on a Sangiin's Thirst using a Hemo Helot in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | |
| Failed Transfusion | 5 | Defeat Nisaazda and Grundwulf without letting Nisaazda use her Blood Ties ability to equalize their health in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | |
| Shared Experience | 5 | Defeat Grundwulf with each member of the group moving the Sliding Stone no more than once in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | |
| Drop the Block | 5 | After using the Sangiin Hemo Helot, squash Ravenous Hoarvors with the Sliding Stone in Veteran Moongrave Fane. | |
| Cubed | 5 | Defeat the Kujo Kethba and block three geysers within three seconds of each other in Veteran Moongrave Fane. |