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Online:The Final Round

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: High Isle
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Master Razhamad needs your assistance in the final round of the Tournament to help Brahgas.
Zone: High Isle
Quest Giver: Gelekh, Master Razhamad
Location(s): Davon's Watch, Gonfalon Bay, Mournhold, Stormhold
Prerequisite Quest: Tales of Tribute Veteran Rank
Previous Quest: Challenges of the Past
Reward: Red Eagle Deck
Average Leveled Gold
150 Tribute Points
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 6829
I reached the final round of the Tribute Tournament! I will have to summon up all my skill to win the title and take my place as a Tribute Master.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Master Razhamad
  2. Find Sorinne and Brahgas and speak to them.
  3. Win the match in Stonefalls
  4. Win the match in Stormhold
  5. Return to Gonfalon Bay
  6. Defeat Brahgas
  7. Win the match in Mournhold
  8. Return to Gonfalon Bay
  9. Speak to Brahgas

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

After reaching the Veteran rank, you can talk to Master Razhamad to start this quest.

"The time has come, my friend! The final tournament! Your chance to take your place among Tales of Tribute legends!
I hope you have been practicing. This last contest presents…unique challenges."
How is it unique? / Unique how?
"There can be only one winner in this tournament.
Previous matches allowed Brahgas, Sorinne, and yourself to advance as club members. The final challenges in this tournament can only crown one winner. Everyone will be aiming for the title."
What do you mean? / What are you trying to say?
"If our opponents of the rival chapter are defeated, you will have to face any remaining players who has yet to be eliminated. Gonfalon Chapter members included.
With how well you three played thus far…I just hope you're prepared."
I'll be ready.

He will then mention to go see Brahgas and Sorinne before you face off the finalists:

"We do not have much time before your final opponents arrive. You should find Sorinne and Brahgas in town and wish them good luck.
Brahgas could be anywhere, but Sorinne often visits the statue of Kynareth before big matches. Check there first."
Will Sorinne and Brahgas be all right with this?
"With facing each other, you mean? Yes, of course.
Defeating a friend can ruffle some feathers, it is true. But, in the end, it is only a game, right? Plus, haven't you always secretly wondered who is the best player in Gonfalon Bay?"
Other than you, you mean?
"Ha! Yes, that goes without saying.
Truthfully, I cannot think of anything that could lure me out of retirement now. And to be the greatest, you have to play. Is it not so? No, the reign of Razhamad is over. One of you must claim my place."

The quest will direct you to the square near Gonfalon waysrhine, where Sorinne will call out to you, sitting at the edge of the walkway.

Sorinne Gaerard: "Hey! Over here!"

Speaking to her on how she is feeling and where Brahgas is at:

"Hey! You taking a pre-match stroll? I've always loved sitting up here…watching people hustle this way and that. Everyone with their own stories. Their own little adventures.
We've had our own share of adventures, haven't we?"
Yes, we have. Razhamad asked me to find you. The tournament's starting soon.
"So soon? Funny how it feels like an eternity between rounds, then it's a sprint once things start! Honestly, I never thought I'd make it this far.
Mara's mercy. The final round. Did Razhamad tell you the rules? Everyone for themselves and all that?"
Yes. Only one of us can win.
"Whatever happens, I'm rooting for you and Brahgas. But mostly for myself, of course!
I'll tell you, standing here within spitting distance of the champsionship…it's really something. Sorinne the Tribute Champion has a nice ring, doesn't it?"
You'll do great. Speaking of Brahgas, where is he?
"I saw him scuttling down an alley near the docks. Knowing him, he's off making some ill-advised bet. Gods, I hope I'm wrong. He's got a real chance at greatness here! He can't muck it up!
Oh well. Hopefully I'll see you both at the gaming hall soon!"
See you there, Sorinne.

Sorinne wants to stay at her spot for a little while, which you can ask how is she feeling since the last tournament:

"Just going to take another moment with my old friend Kynareth here.
None of the Eight really take an interest in games, as far as I know. But I like to think the old girl will nudge things in my favor at least a little."
How are you holding up since last match?
"Well enough.
Once that initial rush of victory wore off, I remembered how far I still have to go, you know? Once skooma has its hooks in you…it's not something you can just shrug off with a game of cards. But I did open up to Razhamad."
How was that?
"Difficult, at first. But I adore Razhamad. Even when I told him the really difficult stories—the lowest lows—he never once sneered, or laughed, or judged.
I know I can rely on him in the future when the stars aren't quite so bright."
He's proud of you.
"Oh, I know. He told me. Repeatedly! We're lucky to know him. All of us."

The quest will update, pointing you in the direction of the alley. Head there to find Brahgas, engaged in a converstion with Dralcia Keleth. Sorinne was right, it's about bets.

Brahgas: "Look, I don't have the gold yet. But I'm close to winning. I've got a side bet that will cover everything I owe!"
Dralcia Keleth: "In debt to us and making even more bets you can't cover? Pathetic. You don't even know who you're up against."
Brhagas: "It doesn't matter. I'm going to win. I have to!"
Dralcia Keleth: "Optimism. The gambler's eternal foe. Don't even think about running when you fail, Brahgas. We will find you."

Speaking to him on the matter:

"You always catch me at my best, don't you? Look, this was just…just a little disagreement about a side bet. It's nothing. Or it soon will be.
With how well I've been playing, not even Razhamad could beat me! This tournament is in the bag."
There's a fair chance you won't win.
"Yeah? What? And who's going to beat me? Sorinne? You? Listen, you're a talented Tribute player, but I've been playing cards for years. I taught you how to play, remember?
Z'en's price, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…. I just really need this gold."
Have you asked for help?
"Razhamad's already bailed me out twice. Sorinne poured out a month's wages to pay off a Sea Elf I owed. I can't keep hiding behind my friends. I have to settle this on my own.
If I pull off this one last bet, it'll settle my debts and then some!"
You need to be careful.
"It's a bit late for that, chum. I'm eyeball-deep in it now. Only way out of this is a glorious triumph…or, well, let's not think about that.
Come on. Let's head back to the gaming hall. Our opponents might already be there waiting for us."
I'm not going to hold back, Brahgas.
"That's the spirit! I've had it up to my acorns with all the pity. Poor, pathetic Brahgas! Sure, I've stumbled in the past, but this is my ticket to a clean slate!
Come on. Let's head back to the gaming hall and meet our soon-to-be-defeated foes!"

After that, he will head off back to the gaming hall to meet the final opponents. Follow him there to continue the quest. Everyone will be outside in the square, waiting for you and the Mournhold Chapter. You'll see a familiar face amongs them, Dralcia herself.

Sorinne Gaerard: "Surprised to see you out here, Razhamad. And with an empty cup no less!"
Master Razhamad: "Ha! It is the final round! What kind of game-baron would I be if I did not cheer the chapter on? Ah, it looks like your opponents are here."
Teliv Fels: "Honor to you, Razhamad. I, Teliv Fels, champion of the Mournhold Chapter, have come to extend the final tournament challenge."
Brahgas: "Damn…. It's them. I knew it."
Teliv Fels: "Oh, I thought you'd be happy to see us, my dear Brahgas. You needn't take this so seriously. It is just a game. Right?"

Go and speak to Teliv Fels, the head of Mournhold Chapter:

"The Gonfalon Chapter's redeemer, in the flesh. I've look forward to meeting you. The novice who blossomed into a contender within the span of a single tournament season. Quite the feat.
Now, I assume you know the rules of the final tournament?"
Only one of us can win.
"Just so. You and your compatriots will face my associates here. The winners of those contests will then play each other to determine who will have the honor of facing the reigning champion. Me."
How long have you held the title?
"Long enough to know that one should never underestimate an opponent or leave anything to chance. Your leader, Razhamad, taught me that lesson. It's one of the reasons I hold him in such high esteem.
Unlike others in your coterie."
You're talking about Brahgas, aren't you?

He will threaten Brahgas with slavery should he loses the tournament and fail to pay off his debts:

"Indeed. To think that he lives in the company of such a great man and still learns nothing. Heartbreaking.
Well, then this is all over, I expect Brahgas won't trouble anyone else…besides the slavemasters of House Dres, of course."
Is that a threat?
"I'm a Dark Elf. We are not in the habit of making threats. We only state matters as they are. Brahgas has every reason to worry.
But enough of that. We have games to play! The tournament lists are there in front of the gaming hall. Be seeing you."

After speaking to him, he will let in another ominous threat to Brahgas:

Teliv Fels: :"Now, b'vek, I wish you all fair hands and good fortune in this final tournament. Especially you, Brahgas."
Brahgas: :"Eat moss, Teliv.:"
Master Razhamad: :"Brahgas! A word.:"

Go look at the notice board in front of the Hall. You'll see you need to head to Stonefalls first, to face Idrith Keleth. He will be in Davon's Watch. Razhamad will also be present to witness the match. Speak to Idrith:

"So, I face the prodigy first, eh? Excellent. I imagine that if I can beat you, the other two matches will be a snap!
Come on, then. Show me what you've got."
Let's play Tribute.

After winning this match, the quest will prompt you to travel to Stormhold for the next one. After arriving, Sorinne will be already there and will want to speak to you:

"I knew you'd make it! Well, I didn't know, but I certainly hoped!"
So…are you my next opponent?
"Who, me? Ha! No, no. That Mournhold bully over there eliminated me in the first round. You know what, though? It's fine. I had a grand time and there's always the next tournament.
Now, I get to relax and cheer you and Brahgas on!"
Speaking of Brahgas, have you heard from him?
"Nothing yet, but I'm hopeful. Honestly, I've been trying not to think about it. He's in it deep this time. The bets he's making…I don't know the specifics, but I know it's much, much more than he can cover.
I should probably check on him."
All right. Let me know if something's gone wrong.
"I really was looking forward to watching you beat the flin out of this Elf. Ah well.
After your match, I'll head back to Gonfalon Bay and do some investigating. Meet me at the gaming hall when you finish up here. I'm rooting for you!"

You opponent is none other than Dralcia:

"Greetings, Gonfalon. That Sorinne was a pleasant enough appetizer, but you, sera, are the main course.
Are you ready to begin?"
I'm ready when you are.
"Just like that? Are you sure you don't want to make any outrageous bets beforehand. Isn't that the custom among certain members of your chapter?"
You're talking about Brahgas, right?
"Yes, of course.
Quite the cautionary tale, that one. I haven't seen him yet. So, he's either vainly soldiering on against one of my companions, or already someone's property. Are you sure you don't want to place a bet too?"
Enough talk. Let's play.

After you win, your next steps should head back to Gonfalon Bay. Once you enter the Gaming Hall, you'll catch the end of a conversation between Teliv and Razhamad:

Master Razhamad: "So, we have a deal then?"
Teliv Fels: "We do. Don't fret, Razhamad. This won't take long."

Speaking to him will reveal that Brahgas is going to be your next opponent. He wants you to win the match so Brahgas will not have to face Teliv and his debts:

"Tall Papa's breeches, there you are. And victorious, yes? Good. One less burden on my shoulders. Unfortunately, the most difficult part begins now.
I need your help, my friend. As does Brahgas, though he does not know it yet."
What's going on?
"Brahgas defeated Teliv's associate. Only one opponent stands between him and the final match."
Brahgas has never come this close to a title. His life depends on defeating Teliv and winning the tournament. His game has never been stronger. He plays with fierce determination. And that is why he cannot win this match."
What are you saying?
"If Brahgas faces off against Teliv, he will lose. Brahgas mirrors my tournament style. Against a lesser opponent, that might be enough. But Teliv has studied my strategies in detail. He knows every counter.
Brahgas cannot defeat Teliv. But you can."
But if I beat Brahgas, he won't win the gold he needs to pay off his debts.
"Brahgas's debts are…no longer in Brahgas's hands. There is hope still, but you must defeat Teliv in order for my plan to work. And to defeat Teliv, you must beat Brahgas here. Now.
He's upstairs waiting. HoonDing give you strength."
You'll be facing old friends in this tournament

Upstairs will be Sorinne, Teliv and Braghas, all ready for the next match. Speak to Braghas to challenge him:

"Ha! I knew it! I knew you'd be the one. Teliv's little brown-nosers never had a chance against someone at your level. Er, no offense, Sorinne.
Honestly, though, I'm glad it's you. Two of Gonfalon Bay's greatest players here in Razhamad's house!"
You aren't worried I'll win?
"Worried? Chum, I've been worried all my life. Running from gangsters, hiding in fish barrels, scraping for loose coins on filthy tavern floors. I'm done with that. All of it.
It's win or die now. No tricks. No excuses. Just us and the cards."
And what if you don't? Then what?
"Then…I face the consequences. Come what may.
I wouldn't worry about it, though. I'm going to win this match, friend. I've come too far. Now, enough talk."
Yes. Let's play.

After you defeat him, he will have to face the concequences of his bets:

Brahgas: "I…lost."
Teliv Fels: "And with that, your sad, redemptive fantasy meets its end. Do not try to run, Brahgas."
Sorinne Gaerard: "Wait! You and Razhamad had a deal!"
Teliv Fels: "Yes. A deal that remains unresolved. Until it's settled, Brahgas belongs to me."
Brahgas: "Sorinne, no! I'll go with him. A deal…a deal's a deal."

They will depart, leaving you and Sorinne, who you should talk to next. She will enlighten you on exactly what deal Razhamad made.

"Damn it! I thought Razhamad set the terms so Brahgas would go free after the match.
Come on, we have to act fast!"
Calm down and tell me what's going on.
"Razhamad didn't want me to tell you, but you need to know. He struck a new deal with Teliv to settle Brahgas's debts. A big one.
If Razhamad loses this bet…he's signing over the entire gaming hall to the Mournhold Chapter."
Razhamad put the entire chapter on the line to save Brahgas?
"Yeah. Building, staff, licenses, the whole thing. Who knows what Teliv has planned for it?
But there's still a chance. Razhamad bet that a member of the Gonfalon Chapter would win the tournament. It didn't matter who—just one of us."
So, I have to beat Teliv to save Brahgas and the chapter?
"As if you needed more pressure, right? That's why Razhamad didn't want to tell you.
You can do this, though. I believe in you. Razhamad believes in you. The entire chapter is behind you. Now, go to Mournhold and show Teliv what Gonfalon's made of!"

With the stakes clear, head to Mournhold to face off Teliv. Everyone, including Razhamad and Sorinne, will be there:

Master Razhamad: "Teliv, I warn you. If you hurt Brahgas, you will regret it."
Teliv Fels: "Brahgas belongs to me, Razhamad. You have more pressing concerns when it comes to property, I think. Your precious gaming hall, for instance."
Teliv Fels: "Of course, your prodigy here still has a chance to reverse your fortunes!"
Brahgas: "Razhamad…you bet the hall? Y'ffre's viney arse, what were you thinking?"
Dralcia Keleth: "Peace, Brahgas. Or shall I remind you of the penalty for speaking out of turn?"

Now speak to Braghas, Sorinne and Razhamad. Talking to Razhamad will advance the quests, even though all three of them have a quest marker. Talking to Braghas:

"I'm so sorry Razhamad put this on you, chum. I'm so…I'm so sorry about everything.
I deserve this, but Razhamad and the chapter don't. Beat this bug-lover for them, not for me."
I plan on it.
"See? That there's the swagger I saw during our first match. You've got this well in hand.
Keep that confidence and don't hold back. Use everything you've learned and beat this bastard."

Talking to Sorinne:

"You've got this. I know you do. Just try to think of it like any other game. Just…against one of the strongest Tribute opponents you've ever faced.
I…I'm not helping am I?"
We're going to get through this.
"I know we will. Well, you will. This burden is on your shoulders.
The fact is, you've helped each and everyone one of us. Especially me. Just…regardless of what happens, it won't be your fault, all right? Do your best. That's enough."

Talking to Razhamad:

"Sorinne says you know the details of my agreement to save Brahgas. I am sorry, my friend. I did not mean to place so heavy a burden on one of my best students. The championship should be your only concern.
However, this unfolds, the choice was mine."
The choice was yours, but Brahgas's fate is in my hands.
"You are right. And for that, you have my deepest apologies. In my rush to rescue one of my students, I left another exposed to…well, all of this.
You have done nothing but good since you joined the chapter. You deserve better."
What happens if we lose? Tell me the truth.
"I hand over the keys to my gaming hall to Teliv, along with all the hall's assets. He would dissolve the chapter, no doubt. The revels would come to an end.
I hope that the regulars and the staff would still be well-served, but nothing is certain."
And Brahgas?
"Brahgas would become a member of Teliv's house. Against his will.
Regardless of their agreements with the Argonians, the Dark Elves have never been self-conscious about slavery. Service in chains…that's what Brahgas is bound for."
I will do what I can.
"I know. And whatever the outcome, I am grateful for everything."

Now comes the big match. Challenge Teliv himself to a game:

"Greetings, sera. I apologize for Brahgas's atrocious manners. We haven't had time to train him properly yet.
Now then. The final match. You appear to have Razhamad's complete confidence—he wouldn't have made this foolish bet otherwise."
If I win, you'll release Brahgas, right?
"Yes. If you win, I will release Brahgas, debt free. More importantly, Razhamad will retain control of his gaming hall.
Your friend's freedom and your teacher's livelihood…both reliant on a game of cards. I hope you play well under pressure."
I do.
"Then show me, Gonfalon. It's time to find out who will be crowned the next Tribute champion!"
Let's play.

After you defeat him, Teliv will be left nearly speechless with surprise.

Teliv Fels: "You…beat me."
Sorinne Gaerard: "Ha! Go kiss a kwama's arse, Teliv! Our new champion beat you fair and square!"
Master Razhamad: "As per our agreement, Gonfalon Bay now hosts the newest Tribute champion. Release Brahgas. Now."
Teliv Fels: "Razhamad…if you read the contract, I think you'll find—"
Master Razhamad: "The contract is final. If you want to dispute it, our newest Tribute champion has a skill set beyond simple card games. I am sure they'd be happy to put it on display if you try anything."
Teliv Fels: "Brahgas…you may go."
Brahgas: "Like I need your permission!"
Master Razhamad: "Come, friends. We should return to Gonfalon Bay. Revels await!"

Return to Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to celebrate your victory. Patrons will be celebrating, drinking and dancing even outside the Hall. Your friends will be inside.

Sorinne Gaerard: "Three cheers for our very own Tribute Champion! Three cheers, I say!"
Gelekh: "The hero of Gonfalon Chapter! Cheers!"
Brahgas: "Aye! Cheers to the best of us!"
Kishka the Broker: "Ziss'vo! Would you all quiet down? Kishka has work to do, yes? But yes, cheers to you, walker."

Make your way to Braghas, he will want to speak with you.

"My friend, it has been a genuine pleasure. Except for that whole almost being sold into slavery bit.
I suppose it does add a layer of suspense to the tale, though. All the best stories include some fool up to his ear-tips in trouble, right?"
How are you holding up?
"Well, the welts and bruises will take a few weeks to heal. Feels like I fell off a horse…as it was falling off a cliff.
But, a few bumps and scratches are the least of it. The real consequences hurt a lot worse."
What are you talking about?
"Razhamad revoked my chapter sponsorship and suspended my Roister's Club membership—we've barely spoken since we got back.
Looks like my days on the Tribute circuit are over. After what I put Razhamad through, I can hardly blame him."
How about the gambling? Will that stop too?
"You want me to say, "Oh yeah! Of course!" and all that, but the truth is, I just don't know. I've got a problem, chum. A big one. I want to stop. I need to stop, obviously. But I don't think I can do it alone.
I'll find the help I need. Promise."
I hope so.
"Ah, enough of all the mushy stuff. You should head upstairs and talk to Razhamad. He's got a reward for you. Go claim it, champ!
As for me? I'm going to have a bit more of this delicious medicine."

As promised, Razhamad will have the quest reward. Go and find him in the upstairs area.

"I tried to get the others to wait until you arrived to begin the revels, but it is not in the Gonfalon Chapter's nature to delay a celebration!
Sorinne and the others are so proud of you. As am I."
Thank you.
"No, thank you.
This was supposed to be a simple tournament, and to many it was. But not us. Not you. You reclaimed our chapter's honor. Save property…lives. Whatever the future brings, Razhamad and the players of Gonfalon Bay are in your debt."
You're welcome.
"Now, we should discuss the matter of the tournament itself!
I watched you grow from a novice to a veteran. Through dutiful card-collection and countless matches, you stand before me…a Tales of Tribute champion!"
Thank you for sponsoring me.
"Then, let's get to it! I Razhamad, Roister's Club game-baron and master of the Gonfalon Bay Tribute Chapter, hereby declare you a Tales of Tribute master. May you continue to succeed and excel in the years to come.
Congratulations, my friend!"

Quest StagesEdit

The Final Round
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Master Razhamad encouraged me to find Sorinne and Brahgas and wish them good luck prior to our next match. I will probably find Sorinne near the Kynareth statue in Gonfalon Bay.
Objective: Find Brahgas and Sorinne
I found Sorinne. I should speak to her before the tournament begins.
Objective: Talk to Sorinne
I need to find Brahgas and talk to him before the tournament begins. Sorinne told me to look in the alleys by the docks.
Objective: Talk to Brahgas
Our opponents will arrive any moment. I should return to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to meet the chapter we'll face in the final round.
Objective: Go to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall
Our final opponents will be the Morrowind Club. I should speak to their leader, Teliv, to begin this round.
Objective: Talk to Teliv, Morrowind Champion
With the tournament starting, I should check the opponent listing in front of the Tribute club to see who I will be facing off against.
Objective: Read the Tribute Opponent Listing
The first leg of the tournament begins in Stonefalls. I should head to Davon's Watch and meet my first opponent there to begin.
Objective: Go to Davon's Watch to Begin the Tournament
I must defeat the first Tribute player in Davon's Watch if I want to progress in the tournament.
Objective: Win the Tribute Tournament Match in Davon's Watch
The next leg of the tournament takes place in Shadowfen. I should make my way to the Coin Brothers' Corner Club in Stormhold to meet my next opponent.
Objective: Go to Stormhold to Meet Your Next Opponent
I ran into Sorinne while looking for my next opponent. I should talk to her and see why she's here in Stormhold.
Objective: Talk to Sorinne
My next opponent arrived in Stormhold. I need to defeat them for a chance to advance in the tournament.
Objective: Win the Tribute Tournament Match in Stormhold
I defeated my first two opponents. Now, it's time to return to Gonfalon Bay to discover who I'll play next. With any luck, I might learn some useful information about Brahgas's bet, too.
Objective: Return to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall
It appears that Master Razhamad made some sort of deal with Teliv. I should speak to him and find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to Master Razhamad
I must defeat my chapter companion, Brahgas, in a game of Tribute in order to move on to the final match against Teliv Fels of Mournhold. Master Razhamad insists that the only way to save Brahgas is to beat him. I cannot hold back.
Objective: Challenge Brahgas to a Tribute Match
I defeated Brahgas and Teliv took him into custody. I should talk to Sorinne before I set out for the final match in Mournhold.
Objective: Talk to Sorinne
The final match is about to begin. I need to go to Mournhold to challenge Teliv and end this.
Objective: Go to Mournhold For the Final Tribute Match
Hidden Objective: Go to Mournhold For the Final Tribute Match
Before the final match, I should speak to Master Razhamad to learn the details of what this match is all about.
Objective: Talk to Master Razhamad Before the Match
Optional Step: Talk to Brahgas
Optional Step: Talk to Sorinne
Brahgas's fate, the fate of the gaming hall, and the tournament title hang in the balance! I must go to Mournhold and face off against the current champion, Teliv Fels.
Objective: Challenge Teliv Fels in Mournhold
I defeated Teliv in the final match, freed Brahgas, and safeguarded Master Razhamad's gaming hall. I should return to Gonfalon Bay to celebrate my victory with my chapter-mates.
Objective: Return to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall
The chapter celebration has already begun! I should check in with Brahgas to see if he's recovered from his encounter with Teliv.
Objective: Talk to Brahgas
I should seek out Master Razhamad in the upper floors of the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to receive my final reward.
Objective: Talk to Master Razhamad
I should speak with Master Razhamad on the upper floors of the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to receive my final reward.
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.