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Morrowind:Baleni Salavel

< Morrowind: People / Transport
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Quests: not written

Services: not written

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Forfeit (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Hargrimm

Spells: written by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
Baleni Salavel (baleni salavel)
Home Town Hla Oad
Location Docks
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 4 Class Shipmaster
Gnaar Mok
Molag Mar
Other Information
Health 49 Magicka 106
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Baleni Salavel

Baleni Salavel is a Dark Elf shipmaster operating from Hla Oad. Baleni Salavel can be found at docks in Hla Oad, and provides transportation services aboard her ship, the Harpy.

Baleni also engages in other activities; if you check the crates and sacks on her ship, you'll find quite a stash of illegal substances.

She wears a boiled netch leather cuirass, netch leather greaves with matching pauldrons, boots, and shield, and a common shirt with matching pants. She carries a steel shortsword along with a pair of common shoes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.


  • Greetings:
    • [Disposition ≥ 20] "I'm %Name, shipmaster of Hla Oad. What's your destination?"
    • [Disposition ≥ 20] "These are the docks of Hla Oad, outlander. And I'm %Name, shipmaster of Hla Oad, at your service. What's your destination? Or are you new to Hla Oad? I can tell you about the local services, such as they are, or point you to a specific place nearby. If you're looking for someone in particular, I might be able to help."
    • [Disposition ≥ 40] "Welcome to Hla Oad, stranger. I'm %Name, Hla Oad's shipmaster, at your service. What's your destination? Or, if you're new to Hla Oad, I can point you to the local services, or to a specific place nearby. If you're looking for someone in particular, I might be able to help."

  • destination: "From Hla Oad I can take you to Ebonheart, Gnaar Mok, or the Foreign Quarter of Vivec on my ship 'Harpy.'"