This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Skyrim Quest Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Details
Walkthrough: written by multiple users, not checked
Reward: written by Nephele, not checked |
Quest GiverEdit
This is a radiant quest; however, unlike most of the other thane quests, you can only receive it when Vignar Gray-Mane is Jarl of Whiterun. If Balgruuf is the jarl, you can only become Thane of Whiterun by completing Dragon Rising.
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Assist the people of Whiterun Hold.
- Purchase Breezehome.
- Return to the jarl for your reward.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
This is an umbrella quest for several other quests that must be completed if you wish to become Thane of Whiterun. In order for Vignar to be jarl, you have to have completed Battle for Whiterun for the Stormcloaks. Completing this quest befriends him automatically.
Speak with the jarl and he will ask you to assist the people of the hold. You must assist five people in the hold, usually by completing favor quests for them. Note that many of the quest givers are non-essential NPCs, so their deaths would result in a loss of potential quests to complete. If they die after you assist them, they still count towards your Thane status. You can also befriend merchants if you have the Investor perk by investing in their stores.
You must also purchase Breezehome, which costs 5,000 gold, if you have not done so already. Simply purchasing it is enough, there is no requirement to decorate, although it becomes more useful if decorated.
Whiterun Favor QuestsEdit
Highlighted quests can be easily completed without any skill use. If any citizen offers multiple favor quests, only the first completed one will count towards Thaneship.
Quest Giver | Giver Location | Quest | Objective(s) |
Alfhild Battle-Born | Battle-Born Farm | Gather Wheat: Get paid to gather crops. (radiant) | |
Faendal | Riverwood, Faendal's House | A Lovely Letter: Use a forged letter to resolve a love triangle. |
Hod | Riverwood, Hod and Gerdur's House | Chop Wood: Get paid to chop firewood. (radiant) | |
Sven | Riverwood, Sven and Hilde's House or Sleeping Giant Inn | A Lovely Letter: Use a forged letter to resolve a love triangle. |
Lemkil | Rorikstead, Lemkil's Farmhouse | Gather Wheat: Get paid to gather crops. (radiant) | |
Reldith | Rorikstead, Cowflop Farmhouse | Gather Wheat: Get paid to gather crops. (radiant) | |
Severio Pelagia | Pelagia Farm | Gather Wheat: Get paid to gather crops. (radiant) | |
Adrianne Avenicci | Whiterun, Warmaiden's | Greatsword for a Great Man: Adrianne asks you to deliver a sword to Proventus Avenicci, her father. |
Amren | Whiterun, Amren's House | Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a bandit hideout. (radiant) |
Andurs | Whiterun, Hall of the Dead | Andurs' Arkay Amulet: Retrieve Andurs' Amulet of Arkay from the catacombs. |
Brenuin | Whiterun, The Bannered Mare | Quest all Beggars Have: Take pity on a beggar. (radiant) | |
Argonian Ale Extraction: Brenuin longs for the taste of Argonian Ale. Can you steal some for him? |
Carlotta Valentia | Whiterun, Carlotta Valentia's House | A Few Words with You: Do a favor by talking to someone about a problem. (radiant) |
Farengar Secret-Fire | Whiterun, Dragonsreach | Salt for Arcadia: Farengar asks you to deliver some frost salts to Arcadia. |
Hulda | Whiterun, The Bannered Mare | Chop Wood: Get paid to chop firewood. (radiant) | |
Lars Battle-Born | Whiterun, House of Clan Battle-Born | Bullying Braith: Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars. |
Ysolda | Whiterun, Ysolda's House | Rare Gifts: Do a favor by finding a rare item. (radiant) |
Uthgerd the Unbroken | Whiterun, Uthgerd's House | Fight! Fight!: Prove your strength by wagering on a fist fight with another. (radiant) |
Note that completing Erik the Slayer does not count towards this objective, as it does not affect anyone's disposition.
Whiterun StoresEdit
Investing 500 gold in certain stores will count towards Thaneship if you have not befriended the store's owner by other means. If the original owner dies and you had already invested in their store, you [can / cannot [verification needed]] also befriend their replacement.
Merchant Name | Store Name | Store Location | Merchandise |
Alvor | Alvor and Sigrid's House | Riverwood | Blacksmith |
Lucan Valerius (Camilla Valerius) | Riverwood Trader | Riverwood | General; sells Blue Mage Robes, several Spell Tomes |
Adrianne Avenicci | Warmaiden's (Outside) | Whiterun | Blacksmith |
Ulfberth War-Bear | Warmaiden's (Inside) | Whiterun | Blacksmith |
Arcadia | Arcadia's Cauldron | Whiterun | Apothecary |
Belethor | Belethor's General Goods | Whiterun | General |
Elrindir | The Drunken Huntsman | Whiterun | Armor, Arrows, Food, Tools, Weapons |
Farengar Secret-Fire | Dragonsreach | Whiterun | Spells |
Other QuestsEdit
The following quests also increase the disposition of citizens of Whiterun, and therefore count towards this objective:
- The Blessings of Nature: Restore the Gildergreen for Danica Pure-Spring.
- The Golden Claw: A shopkeeper wants you to retrieve his family heirloom from a bandit.
- Missing In Action: Rescue a missing Stormcloak supporter from the Thalmor.
After helping five inhabitants and purchasing Breezehome, the journal tells you to return to the jarl. The reward, the Blade of Whiterun, is a random, leveled, enchanted blade. There is a 50% chance that it will be a sword (one-handed), and a 50% chance it will be a greatsword (two-handed).
Quest StagesEdit
Thane of Whiterun (Favor253) | ||
Stage | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 |
Objective 10: Purchase a house in Whiterun
20 |
Objective 15: Return to <Alias.ShortName=QuestGiver>
- The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 15, 25, 200.
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering
setstage Favor253 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest usingresetquest Favor253