Overview | Numeric A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | By Author | By Subject | Mentioned Texts
Title | Author | Description | Game(s) |
Fable of the Crow | A fable about Ulfsild and Shalidor's life | ||
Fable of the Dragon | The story of Mizbi and the Dragon in her head | ||
Fable of the Gryphon | The story of Gray the fox and Zariah | ||
Fable of the Indrik | A story of a hunter and an Indrik | ||
Fable of the Netch | Priest Lucilan searches for the mysterious source of blessings | ||
The Fabricated Fauna of Clockwork | Endilaril, Naturalist | A naturalist's research notes on the Clockwork City's artificial wildlife | |
Factotum Classification - Log 233 | Proctor Neimos, Apostle of Sotha Sil | A description of each factotum subgroup found in the Clockwork City | |
Factotum Model Registry | A record of Factotum models | ||
The Factotum's Secret Voice | Lector Tidras Dran, Clockwork Apostle | A scholarly essay exploring the origins of the factotum's inner voice | |
Faenalir's Letter | Faenalir | An unsent letter about the Recollection's stymied efforts to make the Oathsworn bend | |
The Faerie | Szun Triop | Discussion of the various types of Faeries and how they relate | |
Fahamal, Trader | Fahamal | A Redguard's thoughts on the Breton use of magic | |
Fair Argonian Maiden | A lewd Argonian poem | ||
Faith in the Shadow of Red Mountain | Canon Llevule | A Tribunal priest's sermon regarding the Dunmer faith | |
The Falconer's Log | An Aldmeri Dominion sailor's logbook | ||
The Fall and Rise of Reman's Bluff | Praetor Aemilianus Lector | Details of an Imperial fort besieged by Orcs in the late First Era | |
Fall from Glory | Nithilis Lidari | Theories on the weakening of the Skyrim Thieves Guild | |
The Fall of Carac Dena | On the great lost Ayleid fortress in Valenwood | ||
The Fall of Queen Nurnhilde | Helgreir Lute-Voice, Bard of Windhelm | An ode to a fallen queen | |
Fall of the Snow Prince | Lokheim | An account of the Battle of the Moesring as transcribed by Lokheim, chronicler to the chieftain Ingjaldr White-Eye | |
The Fall of the Usurper | Palaux Illthre | A speculative analysis as to the part played by Baron Othrok of Dwynnen in the downfall of the Camoran Usurper | |
The Fall of Trinimac | The Faithless One | An essay on the defeat and rebirth of Trinimac | |
Fall of Vitharn | A history of Keep Vitharn and its Count during the second generation of rule | ||
The Falmer: A Study | Ursa Uthrax | A study on Falmer, recounting their war with the Dwemer | |
The False Revanchism of the Maormer | Hadendril of Skywatch | An essay on the age old conflict between Altmer and Maormer | |
Faltonia's Promise | A tale of divination, greed, and foolishness | ||
Famed Artifacts of Tamriel | Yagrum Bagarn | The Mournhold Museum of Artifacts catalogue of Famed Artifacts that it desires for its collection | |
Fang of the Sea Vipers | Telenger the Artificer | An Aldmeri Dominion report on the Maormer threat | |
Fan of False-Face | Speaker Gilzaron | Instruction on how to use an identity-stealing artifact | |
Fantos Epilion's Journal | Fantos Epilion | An aspiring mage's struggles to complete a task to join the Mages Guild | |
Farewell Note to Lauriel | Selenwe | A letter between sisters | |
Fargrave: A City of Myth | An introduction to a book about Fargrave | ||
Fargrave Happenings | Ilark Kynval, Witness of Fargrave, volume 94 | An ongoing chronicle of the events of Fargrave | |
Fargrave's Song | A song about the city of Fargrave | ||
Father Of The Niben | Florin Jaliil | Translation of the fragmented journal of Topal the Pilot | |
The Father's Promise | A poem dedicated to Sithis and the Shadowscales | ||
Fauns' Thicket Research Notes | Druid Madena, Fauns' Thicket | A druid's log of observations about the Fauns in Fauns' Thicket | |
The Favored Daughter of Fadomai | Amun-dro, the Silent Priest | A pre-ri'Datta Khajiiti tale about the creation of the first dro-m'Athra | |
Fearless as the Sun | Nynelle Dumaris, Poet of Galen | A poem by a Galen poet | |
A Feast Among the Dead | Severia Quasitto, renowned traveler | An account of attending a feast for an Honored Ancestor in Necrom | |
The Feast of Saint Coellicia | Arfons Jellicandante, Expert on Nibenese Cuisine | A detailed list of the meals served during an epic, eight course, forty dish feast | |
Felhorn | A record of the eighth Champion of the Blessed Crucible | ||
The Felling of Windweaper's Grove | A knightly edict calls for the death of any creature that threatens the construction of a temple of Arkay | ||
Fellowship of the Temple | Archcanon Tholer Saryoni | Evangelical and documentative orthodox work of the Tribunal Temple | |
Fenrik's Journal | Fenrik | A journal documenting a Vigilant's attempts to cure his vampirism | |
Ferian Darkstorm | A record of the seventh Champion of the Blessed Crucible | ||
Feyfolken | Waughin Jarth | The Great Sage tells a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic Enchanters | |
The Fickle Nature of Mudcrabs | A researcher's notes on the behavior of Mudcrabs | ||
Field Guide to River Trolls | Phrastus of Elinhir | A treatise on the River Troll | |
Field Guide to Spriggans | Phrastus of Elinhir | A guide to spriggans | |
Fighters Guild Charter | The purpose, authority, tenents, and membership requirements for the Fighters Guild | ||
Fighters Guild Recruitment Poster in Wayrest | A recruitment poster for the Fighters Guild | ||
The Final Dream of Kasorayn | Druid King Kasorayn | The Druid King's complete prophecy | |
The Final Lesson | Aegrothius Goth | Two apprentices are separated | |
Final Will and Testament of Fovus Rivul | Fovus Rivul | A villager's harrowing encounter with the Order of the Waking Flame | |
Fire and Darkness | Ynir Gorming | The history of the Morag Tong assassin guild | |
The Firmament | Ffoulke | A book of constellations and their meanings | |
The First Charter | Notes on an ancient Orcish legal document | ||
The First Day | A Razor Master is made | ||
The First Gleaner | Haryfire | A compilation of notes written about the founder of the Gleaners of Aurbis | |
The Firsthold Revolt | Maveus Cie | The story of how Hlaalu Helseth's sister kept the Summerset Isle city of Firsthold | |
First Letter from EEC | Vittoria Vici | A rejection letter about re-establishing business ventures on Solstheim | |
The First Scroll of Baan Dar | Arkan | A book about the true Baan Dar, God and Man | |
First Signs of the Flu | An Orcrest citizen's thoughts on the Knahaten Flu | ||
Fishing Mastery | Swims-In-Deep-Water | A fish-loving Argonian's guide to fishing | |
The Five Far Stars | Zershishi Mus-Manul | Ashlander poetry | |
Five-Fold Felicitations! | Ambarre | An aunt writes to her niece about her options for a mate | |
The Five Points of the Star | Sigillah Parate | Five major aspects of Azura worship | |
Five Songs of King Wulfharth | A summary of five epic songs of the Ash King, plus an apocryphal song of the Tribunal, Dagoth-Ur and Nerevar | ||
The Five Tenets | Speaker Terenus | Annotated version of the Dark Brotherhood's honorable code | |
The Five Tenets | The honorable code of the Dark Brotherhood | ||
The Flames of the Fetcherfly | Zabia-ko | A treatise on the Fetcherfly | |
Flaminius Auctor Answers Your Questions | Flaminius Auctor | Flaminius Auctor answers questions on lore | |
Fleeing Senchal | Riifa, Itinerant Healer | A healer's thoughts on how to face a crisis | |
Flesh to Cut from Bone | A sea shanty | ||
Flight from the Thalmor | Hadrik Oaken-Heart | A written epitaph of a Nordic skald | |
The Flight of Gryphons | An essay on the relationship between Sunhold and its gryphons | ||
The Flora and Fauna of Galen | Elise Aglilmir, Traveling Naturalist | A list of creatures and plant-life encountered on Galen | |
Flora and Fauna of the Burn | Anthropus Galia, Mages Guild Researcher | A treatise on the flora and fauna of the Burn | |
Flora and Fauna of the Druadach Mountains | Telraves Decanis, Imperial Botanist | A catalogue of flora and fauna native to the Druadach Mountains | |
Flora and Fauna of the Sever | Anthropus Galia, Mages Guild Researcher | A treatise on the flora and fauna of the Sever | |
Flora of Hammerfell | A brief description of the flora to be found in Hammerfell | ||
Florian Lanctot, priest of Zenithar | Florian Lanctot | A Breton priest's thoughts on finding common religious grounds within the Daggerfall Covenant | |
The Flourishing of Elinhir | Garold Farfly | The history of Elinhir and the establishment of the Blackcaster Mages Guild | |
Flu Victim's Note | A Knahaten Flu afflicted's final thoughts | ||
A Folk Tale | The story of how Lanalda Pond was formed | ||
Followers of the Gray Fox | Detailing the principles and guidelines of membership in the Thieves Guild | ||
Folly in Fixation | Estiraamo | An essay extolling the virtues of mastering both spell and sword | |
The Folly of Isolation | Sheogorath | Fragments of a play | |
Folly of Man | An elven poem lamenting the rise of mankind | ||
Food of the Deadlands | Fralav Polus, House Hexos Quartermaster | A guide to edible foods found in the Deadlands | |
Foolish Wings | Romien Garvette of the Whispering Shadows | A Nocturnal cultist's thoughts on the Daedric Crows of their Mistress | |
The Fool of Fargrave | The lyrics of a song about Fargrave's Anchorite | ||
Fools' Ebony | Frincheps | The playful story of an adventurer and fool's ebony | |
The Footsteps of Shezarr | Sister Priscia Stolvo | A look at mentions of Shezarr in Nedic oral traditions | |
A Forebear Warrior's Song | A traditional Forebear song | ||
The Forest Dark | Joseryne Madier | Poetry about an encounter in the woods | |
Forged in the Heart of Mundus | the Dragonsmith of Bruma | Notes on the abilities granted unto the Children of the Mundus | |
Forge, Hammer and Anvil | Adolphus Eritius | Poorly-written notes on smithing by a Nordic blacksmith in the late Second Era | |
Forgotten Seasons, v1 | Elberon Blackthorn | A wizard's expedition into the ruins of Vardnknd | |
For my Gods and Emperor | Imperial Cult | A handbook for new Imperial Cult members | |
The Fort Sphinxmoth Ruins | Calantius of Skingrad | How the mighty Elsweyr fort fell into ruins | |
A Fortune Behind Those Walls | A treasure hunter's journal recording his discovery of Frandar Hunding's riches | ||
The Founding of Bloodtoil | The history of the village of Bloodtoil | ||
The Founding of Southpoint | the Provincial Office of Governor Zantonius | Imperial propaganda for citizens of Southpoint | |
Founding of the Spirit Wardens | Janise Muric, Third Warden of the Faithful Circle | A brief account of Abbot Durak's early life and his encounter with Azura | |
The Founding of Zuuk | Ashalaku, Black Marsh | On the Kothringi tribesman Zuuk and the settlement named after him | |
The Four Abominations | Vinicius Imbrex, Archbishop of Chorrol, 1E 1051—1087 | A description of the unnatural enemies of mortals, which are hated by Stendarr | |
Four Coins of Yore | A love poem | ||
The Four Suitors of Benitah | Jole Yolivess | A man quests to marry his childhood crush through the use of Fortify Attribute spells | |
The Four Totems of Volskygge | A logic puzzle holding the secret to opening a barred gate | ||
Fragmentae Abyssum Hermaeus Morus | Fragmented mythical account of Ysgramor's encounter with Herma Mora, the Woodland Man | ||
Fragment: On Artaeum | Taurce il-Anselma | A work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of Artaeum | |
Fragment: On Artaeum | Taurce Anselma | A work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of Artaeum | |
Fragments from a Nedic poem, title unknown | An ancient poem surrounding the Celestial guardians | ||
A Free Argonian's Manifesto | A paper denouncing slavery | ||
Freedom's Price | A tragic tale of forbidden love between a Dunmer slavemaster and her Argonian slave | ||
Free Our Goblin Brothers! | An Argonian-centric poster condemning the slavery of Goblins | ||
Frelytte and Pular: A Love Song | A Nordic love story | ||
The Friend of All Mortals | the Resolute Templar of Ska'vyn | On Stendarr, the God of Mercy and Justice | |
From a Breton travel journal | An observer's notes on Orcish battle preparation | ||
From a Copy for the Archive | Nicolas | A journal entry from the ex-guildmaster of the Thieves Guild | |
From a discussion with Tatianus Lepidus, Colovian Historian | Tatianus Lepidus | A Colovian scholar's admonishment of the Nibenese during the Interregnum | |
From Argonian to Saxhleel | Vicecanon Heita-Meen | A brief history of how the Argonians joined the Ebonheart Pact | |
From Exile to Exodus | Tarvyn Aram | A Dunmeri myth about Boethiah, Trinimac, Malacath, and the origin of the Orcs | |
From Frog to Man | Meekus Ralbrek | The life cycles of Baliwogs and Grummites | |
From Nirn to the Aether | Icarian | Research notes on a wizard's attempt to reach the heavens | |
From Nizun-ja's journal | Nizun-ja | The musings of a Khajiit on a potential theft | |
From Old Life To New | Botjolf Meadwarmer | The tale of a mythical hungry wolf | |
From the diary of Cwyniel | Cwyniel | An entry from the diary of a young Bosmeri | |
From the journal of Aretille, High Elven scholar | Aretille | A journal entry criticizing the lack of trade routes through Valenwood | |
From the Journal of Dranos Velador, Field Captain of the Silken Ring | Dranos Velador | The journal of a Mephalan cultist | |
From the journal of Elea Dantaine, Stargazer Initiate | Elea Dantaine | The journal entry of a Stargazer initiate recounting her nightmare | |
From the journal of Guradai, apprentice smith | Guradai | An Orcish smith's thoughts on apprenticing under Redguards | |
From the journal of Henyarie | Henyarie | A fish breeder laments the loss of his prized silverscales | |
From the journal of Irgalfa Owlcloak, Alchemist | Irgalfa Owlcloak | The journal entry of an alchemist's travels through Bleakrock Isle | |
From the journal of Logang Foxbite | Logang Foxbite | A journal entry recounting a giant's fight with a pack of wolves | |
From the journal of Munamur | Munamor | A journal entry regarding a Bosmeri sermon | |
From the journal of Ornenya | Ornenya | A journal entry regarding troublesome spriggans | |
From the journal of Orothea of Koeglin Village | Orothea | The recounting of a vivid nightmare | |
From the journal of Tholmgar, smith | Tholmgar | The journal entry of a smith who has suspicions about the local Mages Guild | |
From the journal of Tullius, bandit | Tullius | A bandit's musings on moving to Reaper's March | |
From the journal of Ugarlesh, Forge-Wife | Ugarlesh | An Orcish mother's thoughts on her daughter's future as a Forge-Wife | |
From the journal of Uldris Farelas, blademaster | Uldris Farelas | A Dunmer warrior's observational notes on soldier training | |
From the journal of Ultavius Celatus | Ultavius Celatus | An Imperial soldier's reasons for fighting in the Alliance War | |
From The Memory Stone of Makela Leki | Makela Leki | A record of the memories of Makela Leki, a Redguard warrior and master of Ansei | |
From the notebook of Helfar Ice-Mane, trader | Helfar Ice-Mane | A merchant's journal entry written while taking refuge during an ash storm | |
From the notebooks of Flaccus Terentius, Scholar | Flaccus Terentius | A scholar recounts his nightmares surrounding the Planemeld | |
From the notes of Adolos Darethi, Shein connoisseur | Adolos Darethi | Notes from a connoisseur's tasting evening in Guar-Hop Estates | |
From the notes of Ancemion, Ceremony Coordinator | Ancemion | The notes of a planner's search for exotic beverages | |
From the notes of Culalanwe, Sapiarch of Oblivion Studies | Culalanwe | Research notes on residual Daedric energies after the destruction of Gil-Var-Delle | |
From the notes of Emilja Snowmead, clothier | Emilja Snowmead | A clothier's thoughts on Yokudan armor and her attempts to re-create it | |
From the notes of Jumps-Over-Fire, Historian and Scholar | Jumps-Over-Fire | The dissatisfied research notes of an Argonian scholar | |
From the notes of Radsii Andules, scholar | Radsii Andules | A scholar's notes on the common ground shared between Dunmer and Nords | |
From the notes of Samiel Gavendier, sorcerer | Samiel Gavendier | Research notes regarding the Serpent constellation | |
From the notes of Verbaud Derre, architect | Verbaud Derre | Notes on Redguard architecture and its Yokudan roots | |
From the notes of Vonaraame, High Elf scholar and historian | Vonaraame | Musings on the Maormer's storm and weather magic | |
From the record of Endelion, Aldmeri Dominion Cartographer | Endelion | A cartographer's notes on charting the coastline of Khenarthi's Roost | |
From the records of Ah-Tee, Tree Minder | Ah-Tee | An Argonian's concerns for a Hist tree | |
From the records of Kahanad al-Hegathe | Kahanad al-Hegathe | A warrior's notes on his trials in Betnikh | |
From the sales records of Belyni Llendu, trader | Belyni Llendu | A traveling merchant's record of sales in Windhelm | |
From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale | Garnozag, Master Smith | An account of Argonian weaponmaking methods from an Orc smith's perspective | |
Frontier, Conquest | University of Gwylim Press, 3E 344 | Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel | |
Frostbitten Journal | The journal of a follower of Umaril | ||
Frostbreak Chalice | Notes on an enchanted goblet | ||
Frostcrag Spire Memoirs | Taris Rendil, Arch-Mage | Excerpt from the Memoirs of the former owner of Frostcrag Spire | |
The Frostfall Coup | Tandemen, Sapiarch of Foreign Observations | A treatise on Euraxia Tharn's incursion into Rimmen and Northern Elsweyr | |
The Fruit and the Stone | A tale surrounding the fruit of the Hist | ||
Fundaments of Alchemy | Alyandon Mathierry | A fundamental primer on alchemy | |
Fun with Daedra: Games for Adventurers | Instructions on playing a game involving a clannfear | ||
The Furstock Song | A song about the different breeds of Khajiit | ||
Further Notes on the Sload | Telenger the Artificer | A noted scholar discusses the sload and their soap in some detail | |
The Fury of King Ranser | Wafimeles Masteret (Lorekeeper) | How Ranser's War led to the formation of the Daggerfall Covenant | |
Fynboar the Resurrected | A Reachfolk tale of a deal with Mora and the consequences |