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Oblivion:Scripted Deaths

< Oblivion: NPCs

This article provides a list of all Oblivion characters who die because of a scripted death at some point in the game. A scripted death is one where a game script forcibly kills the character, no matter what choice the player makes. Scripted deaths are usually caused by a quest, in cases where the quest assumes that the character has died. The deaths ensure that there are no continuity errors or other unexpected glitches later in the quest.

Guaranteed DeathsEdit

Name Found Dies
Aldos Othran Cheydinhal During Corruption and Conscience
Aleron Loche Fort Grief During Caught in the Hunt
Banus Alor Applewatch During Honor Thy Mother
Belisarius Arius Applewatch During Honor Thy Mother
Biene Amelion Water's Edge During Infiltration
Chana Mona Chapel of Mara After completing Nature's Fury
Dumania Jirich Chapel of Dibella At the start of the Knights of the Nine questline
Eduard Retiene Water's Edge During Infiltration
Eldamil Mankar Camoran's Paradise During Paradise
Errandil Chapel of Arkay During The Sword of the Crusader
Glenroy Imperial City Prison During Tutorial
Hannibal Traven Arcane University At the start of Confront the King
Irlav Jarol Arcane University During The Bloodworm Helm
Jeanne Frasoric Bruma During A Plot Revealed
Jolie Retiene Water's Edge During Infiltration
Laralthir Chapel of Dibella At the start of the Knights of the Nine questline
Lucien Lachance varies, see NPC page During Following a Lead
Prior Maborel Weynon Priory During Weynon Priory
Marie Alouette Water's Edge During Infiltration
Marz Chapel of Mara After completing Nature's Fury
Ohtesse Chapel of Arkay During The Sword of the Crusader
Olava the Fair Chapel of Mara After completing Nature's Fury
Captain Renault Imperial City Prison During Tutorial
Sir Roderic (added by Knights of the Nine official download) varies, see NPC page At the start of The Sword of the Crusader
Raven Camoran Mankar Camoran's Paradise During Paradise
Rona Hassildor Castle Skingrad At the end of Vampire Cure
Ruma Camoran Mankar Camoran's Paradise During Paradise
Selena Orania Bruma Mages Guild At the start of A Plot Revealed
Trevaia Chapel of Dibella At the start of the Knights of the Nine questline
Uravasa Othrelas Chapel of Mara After completing Nature's Fury
Emperor Uriel Septim (VII) Imperial Prison During Tutorial
Viranus Donton Chorrol At the start of Trolls of Forsaken Mine
Volanaro Bruma Mages Guild During A Plot Revealed

Conditional DeathsEdit

These characters will only be killed by a scripted death under certain circumstances. The relevant quest page provides details on whether the character can survive the quest, or whether the character dies in some other way.

In addition to these, an unnamed Ascended Immortal will run in front of Anaxes' rock-cage once the player loosens it, trying to keep him in. He will be killed by Anaxes smashing the rock into him. This can be prevented, however, if the player blocks his path.

Name Found Dies
Ajum-Kajin Glademist Cave During Information Gathering
Arnora Auria Bruma During Two Sides of the Coin
Baenlin Bruma During Accidents Happen
Celedaen Leafrot Cave During Affairs of a Wizard
Glarthir Skingrad During Paranoia
Martin Bruma During Defense of Bruma if the player leaves the battlefield.
Roderick Fort Sutch During Bad Medicine
Ulrich Leland Cheydinhal During Corruption and Conscience
Umbacano Imperial City Talos Plaza District During Secrets of the Ayleids
Fithragaer Nenyond Twyll During Liberation or Apprehension?
(Fithragaer only dies when he triggers a specific trap. However, keeping him alive can cause some subsequent problems with the quest.)

See AlsoEdit