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Vale FawnEdit

Though this adorable fawn's kin shimmer with hues different than its own, the first color ever seen was the pearly white glow on this one. Give it enough care and you can help it overcome its shyness, allowing it to cavort at your side.
Vale Fawn

The Vale Fawn was available in the Crown Store for 00800800  . It first became available on August 13, 2020, and was removed from the Crown Store on January 19, 2021. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid crates. Its default name is "Wetnose".

Vale Sabre CatEdit

Syliril the trapper caught a sabre cat from the Vale and presented it to Emperor Durcorach in 2E 531. Not to be outdone, Durcorach's beastmaster created a more resplendent cat. He was fed to the hunting dogs when the color washed out of the cat's fur.
Vale Sabre Cat

The Vale Sabre Cat is available as an Epic-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crates. Its default name is "Lilyfang".

Vampiric Dragon ImpEdit

This imp, after being caged by Vampires, freed itself and can now join you in your journeys. Easily spooked, it often changes into a Vampiric Dragon form, hoping to seem fiercer than it is.
Vampiric Dragon Imp

The Vampiric Dragon Imp was included in the free Player Appreciation Bundle. It is actually a red Illusion Imp, but most of the time it will magically disguise itself as a tiny vampiric dragon. Its default name is "Needletooth".

Vashabar Petal MothEdit

"I think Y'ffre has a lesson for us in all his creations. Moths especially. It's easy to overlook them. But they remind us how to be soft. How to move lightly through the world, and how to follow the light."—Gundelion of Vashabar

The Vashabar Petal Moth is an upcoming non-combat pet. Its default name is "Vellina."

Verdigris Haj MotaEdit

A haj mota is an ambush predator, waiting patiently in concealment until its prey should come into attack range. The Verdigris breed tends to hide in algae-covered pools where its color acts as camouflage.
Verdigris Haj Mota

The Vedigris Haj Mota is received for free upon entering Lilmoth in the Murkmire DLC for the first time. Its default name is "Burrower".

Vermilion ScuttlerEdit

A reptilian pal from Morrowind, where they're known for quickness, devotion, and a mildly offensive odor.
A pet Vermilion Scuttler

Vermilion Scuttlers were given to players with the Explorer's Pack pre-order bonus. Its default name is "Warty".

Vineyard VoriplasmEdit

"The metamorphic nature of the voriplasm is a bit of a passion of mine. Nothing in all of Tamriel is as adaptive as this simple-minded gel. My lab sample collection grows daily, showing unbelievable specificity in their adaptations."—Gabrielle Benele
Vineyard Voriplasm

The Vineyard Voriplasm was a reward for the Fallen Leaves of West Weald event. It was unlocked when players reached the 33% threshold on the event's progress bar. Its default name is "Slimelier".

Viridescent Dragon FrogEdit

"A tale says these green frogs grew as large as Dragons, but envied the Dragons their wings. One pact with Peryite later, and they gained their wings but lost their size. So, best not to make pacts with Peryite. Yet they are amusing companions."—Daixth
Viridescent Dragon Frog

The Viridescent Dragon Frog is a green dragon frog pet. It was available for free as a Twitch Drop to all players who watched the Elder Scrolls Online Global Reveal Event live on Twitch on January 26, 2021. As with all Twitch stream promotions, your Twitch account had to be linked to your ESO account in order to receive the pet. Its default name is "Happyhopper".

Vivec's Promise ButterflyEdit

Like the Warrior-Poet himself, this striking butterfly is bisected by two distinct color palettes. The Tribunal's faithful consider it a good omen to see one of these creatures, and a blessing from Lord Vivec himself if one chooses to follow you.

The Vivec's Promise Butterfly is an upcoming non-combat pet. Its default name is "Felicitous."

Volkihar Death HoundEdit

"Rarely do these inky black death hounds venture beyond Castle Volkihar—most serve their master's purpose at home better than abroad. The ones wandering after folk are probably some form of spy for the Volkihar vampires."—Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith.
Volkihar Death Hound

The Volkihar Death Hound is an onyx death hound pet with ghostly pale blue eyes. It was available in the Crown Store for 010001000   from August 25 to September 1, 2022. Its default name is "Inkdrool".


A mage from Lilmoth found a way to, ahem, 'tame' these green slimes. Yes, it will follow you around, leaving a disgusting trail of slime, but it's hardly docile. My apprentice's so-called 'pet' woke me by trying to engulf my face.—Aleri Andalor

Acquired by finding and using seven Voriplasm Trap Parts, which can be found in Murkmire Strongboxes during the Murkmire Celebration. Its default name is "Gibblegog".


The Common, or Demotic Vvardvark has become, in just a few years, an everyday sight on the island of Vvardenfell. But where did they come FROM? Popular opinion points the finger at the wizards of House Telvanni—but they get blamed for everything.
A Vvardvark

Vvardvarks were available from the Crown Store for 00700700   from July 13, 2017 through February 12, 2018. They can currently be obtained from Psijic Vault Crates and Ragebound Crates as a Superior-level reward. Its default name is "Lickspittle".