The Elder Scrolls Online Reveals Details on Gates of Oblivion — January 26, 2021
The Elder Scrolls Online team have revealed their plans for the major updates coming in 2021. This year will feature another year-long story arc, called the Gates of Oblivion. Gates of Oblivion will have you join forces with Eveli Sharp-Arrow and Lyranth as you unravel the plans of the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon and his mysterious Four Ambitions. Like in previous years, there will be four primary releases, two dungeon DLCs, one chapter, and one zone DLC. The names for the first dungeon DLC and chapter were announced, Flames of Ambition and Blackwood, respectively. They also provided most of the major details about the first two upcoming releases.
The Flames of Ambition DLC will feature two new dungeons, The Cauldron and Black Drake Villa. As usual, these dungeons will bring with them new item sets, story quests, and will be integrated as Undaunted Pledges. There will also be a new prologue quest to introduce the story and characters that will be featured, A Mortal's Touch. The Blackwood chapter will bring with it some major new additions to the game, including a new Companions system, a new Trial, Oblivion Portals as a world event, new delves, new public dungeons, new world bosses, solo content, as well as various minor updates and quality-of-life changes. Unsurprisingly, the chapter will be based in the Blackwood region of southern Cyrodiil, and will prominently feature the Argonians and Imperials who populate Blackwood. While its name is currently unknown, the fourth quarter zone DLC will be set in the Daedric Plane of Mehrunes Dagon, the Deadlands.
You can read the official announcement here. You can watch a VOD of the reveal stream here, and you can see the new trailer here.