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< Legends: Card Effects
Card Effect
First Appearance Dark Brotherhood
Card Appearance Creatures, Supports
Description When a creature Changes into another creature, it keeps its damage, items, and modifications.
Statistics Strength 2Intelligence 1Agility 0Endurance 3Neutral 3Dual Attribute 1
This count includes created, unobtainable and cards that change during play.

Change is a card effect that can be found on Creatures and Supports in the Elder Scrolls Legends that first appeared in the Dark Brotherhood set. When a creature Changes into another creature, it keeps its damage, items, and modifications.
All cards with Change follow the same principle, first a certain condition needs to trigger, followed by the change into the described card. The condition can be anything like the start of your turn or summoning a certain card. Change is found in Strength and Endurance.

Similar effectsEdit

  • Beast Form: Beast Form is a modified Change effect where the trigger is destroying an enemy rune and the card will change into a Werewolf.
  • Transform: Cards that Transform change into different cards, but will lose all modifications and items.

Cards with ChangeEdit

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class         Text
  Dawnfang Item   Neutral 4 4  Legendary +0/+3
At the end of your turn, if Dawnfang is in your hand, change it into Duskfang.
Slay: You gain 5 health.
  Duskfang Item   Neutral 4 4  Legendary +3/+0
At the end of your turn, if Duskfang is in your hand, change it into Dawnfang.
Pilfer: Draw a card.
  Gardener's Harvest Item   Intelligence 1 2  Rare +1/+1
At the end of your turn, if Gardener's Harvest is in your hand, it changes into a random item and keeps this ability.
  Innkeeper Delphine Creature (Breton)   Endurance 3 2 3 4  Legendary After you play a Dragon or Shout, Innkeeper Delphine changes into Grandmaster Delphine.
  Jiub Creature (Dark Elf)   Neutral 1 1 1 4  Legendary Slay: Change into Saint Jiub, Eradicator of the Winged Menace.
  Little Girl Creature (Vampire)   Endurance 4 0 2 2  Rare At the start of your turn, Little Girl changes into a 5/5 Ageless Vampire with Drain.
  Lord Harkon Creature (Vampire)   Endurance 4 2 4 4  Legendary Slay: Change into Harkon, Vampire Lord.
  Martin Septim Creature (Imperial)    Scout 4 3 7 4  Legendary At the start of your turn, gain all unspent magicka from your last turn.
When you have 30 or more magicka, Martin Septim changes into a 30/30 Avatar of Akatosh.
  Skyforge Support   Strength 3 4  Legendary Uses: 3
Activate: Equip a friendly creature with a Steel Dagger.
If Skyforge has equipped 3 daggers, it changes into Underforge.
  Unstable Madman Creature (Nord)   Strength 3 2 2 2  Rare At the end of your turn, Unstable Madman gains +1/+1. Then, if he has 5 or more power, change him into Unstoppable Berserker.


  • Change is not capitalized or bold like other card effects when used in the card text.
  • Change does not have any visual indicator. This can make it hard to keep track of and the card can unexpectedly change.