The Cult of the Profane Bond is a Dunmeri Daedric cult active on Vvardenfell. Cultists can be found at Maelkashishi and inside Tusenend, shrines dedicated to Sheogorath and Molag Bal respectively.
- Maelkashishi — A Daedric ruin found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Gnisis. (map)
- Tusenend — A Daedric ruin dedicated to Molag Bal found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, south of Tel Fyr. (map)
- While members of the cult are identified as "Reviled" Dunmer in-game, The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Collector's Edition Strategy Guide refers to these enemies as Cultists of the Profane Bond (pages 286 and 253).