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Morrowind:Guild of Mages (Balmora)

< Morrowind: Places: Guild Halls
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Guild Hall:
Balmora Guild of Mages
(view on map)
Guildmaster Ranis Athrys
Console Location Code(s)
Balmora, Guild of Mages
Balmora, [-3,-2]
The Balmora Guild of Mages

The Balmora Guild of Mages is the Mages Guild branch in Balmora, located in the center of town next to the Guild of Fighters. The guild hall has three entrances: the main entrance on the ground floor, and another two on the second floor that is accessed by a staircase on the right side of the building. The building contains three levels.

The ground floor contains a few containers, a supply chest and the guild steward Ranis Athrys. She sells spells and offers training to high ranking guild members. She will also give a number of quests to higher ranking members.

The second story is occupied by Galbedir, who sells soul gems and some enchanted items, offers enchanting services, and provides training. There are a large number of filled soul gems on the desk nearby, all owned by her. Some of them are quite expensive, most notably grand soul gem filled with winged twilight soul. There is also a locked chest nearby containing some random enchanted equipment.

In the basement you will find the free bunks and the remaining guild members. The most notable is Ajira, who sells alchemy supplies and offers quests to low ranking members. Guild Guide and spell merchant Masalinie Merian is also found in the basement. Other than Masalinie, all of the guild members in the basement offer training.

Main hall of Balmora's Guild of Mages
Guild members hard at work

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Gra-Muzgob Informant: Deliver the Skull of Llevule Andrano to Sharn gra-Muzgob in exchange for information that Caius Cosades desires.

Mages GuildEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Ajira   Khajiit Alchemist Service Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 7 67 138 100 30 Merchant; Trainer
Estirdalin   High Elf Mage Service Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 55 140 100 30 Spell Merchant; Spellmaker; Trainer
Galbedir   Wood Elf Enchanter Service Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 7 57 132 100 30 Merchant; Enchanter; Trainer
Marayn Dren   Dark Elf Mage Service Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 8 75 124 90 30 Spell Merchant; Trainer
Masalinie Merian   Breton Guild Guide Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 12 79 158 90 30 Transport; Spell Merchant
Ranis Athrys   Dark Elf Nightblade Service Mages Guild Wizard(Wizard) 10 73 100 100 30 Spell Merchant; Trainer
Sharn gra-Muzgob   Orc Healer Service Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 7 85 94 100 30 Merchant; Spell Merchant; Trainer