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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS)
Schedule: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS) Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Krusty (CS) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by mxk101 (in-game) House Contents: written by GuildKnight (N/A - doesn't own a house), checked by Krusty (CS) Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game) Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS) Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS) |
Vantus Prelius (RefID: 0002C7DD) |
Home City | Leyawiin | ||
Location | Five Claws Lodge | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+5 | Class | Knight |
RefID | 0002C7DD | BaseID | 0002C7C7 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 43 + (5+2.6)x(PC+4), PC=1-14 | ||
Magicka | 100 + 1.5x(PC+4) (max=250) | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Always | ||
Faction(s) | Leyawiin; Fighters Guild (Warder ![]() |
Vantus Prelius, an Imperial knight, is a Warder of the Leyawiin Fighters Guild who can be found causing trouble at the Five Claws Lodge with his associates Dubok gro-Shagk and Rellian during the quest Drunk and Disorderly. You will need to find him and his underlings new jobs in order to convince them to lay off the booze; as the ranking member, Vantus will be your main point of contact.
Vantus will not appear in-game until the related quest is started. Once the quest has been completed, he will spend all his time searching for Ogre's Teeth near Undertow Cavern, along with Dubok and Rellian, to fulfill their contract with Margarte.
He wears a complete set of steel armor and has a silver claymore for combat. Besides this he carries a small amount of gold and a pewter mug. Vantus has the ability to use a leveled set of knight spells.
Related QuestsEdit
- Drunk and Disorderly: Find out why several of your guildmates are causing trouble in Leyawiin.
Drunk and DisorderlyEdit
While entrusting you with a second Guild duty, Modryn Oreyn will explain the issue at hand and task you with tracking down the unruly guild members and sorting them out:
- "Some of our boys are causing trouble in Leyawiin. Looks bad for the guild."
- "Some of your brothers have been getting rowdy at the local tavern. I've got no problem with cutting loose, but I don't like it when we all look bad. You're looking for Rellian, Vantus Prelius, and Dubok gro-Shagk. I haven't had any trouble with them before, so find out what's going on."
When you arrive in town you'll hear about the drunkards from both ordinary citizens and fellow guild members respectively:
- "There are some folks causing trouble, that's for sure. Head over to the Five Claws Lodge. You'll see."
- "I suppose you got sent down here to stop them. Good. We've tried, but they won't listen. Head over to the Five Claws. You can't miss them."
Sure enough, you will first encounter Dubok chugging drinks inside the Five Claws Lodge and being generally obnoxious. A seething Witseidutsei, the inn's publican, will tell you what Dubok and his comrades have been up to:
- "Causing trouble, yes. Causing much trouble. Scaring customers. Breaking furniture. Bad, bad men."
Interrupting Vantus while he's drinking will net you a mild threat:
- "It's not wise to interrupt us in the middle of our discussion."
- Causing trouble
- "I don't think so. I'll tell you what real trouble is. It's trying to pay my debtors when there's no work. It's my wife taking in wash to buy food. That's been the state of things since the Blackwood Company began moving in."
- Blackwood Company
- "I spit on them. Mercenaries sent by the Emperor to reclaim territory in Black Marsh. When they failed, they came back and set up shop. They've been undercutting us on contracts ever since, and they've no qualms about accepting jobs no guild member would be caught dead doing."
- You and your men must stop.
- "Oh? We must? Well, last I saw, you didn't outrank me, Journeyman. I suggest you mind your manners... and your own business."
- Then I must report this to Oreyn.
- "Report us? Oh, no. Why, we might never get work from the guild again! And that would be different how, exactly?"
- You need work to keep busy.
- "A brilliant idea! Oreyn only sends his best these days. Tell you what. You go find us some paying work, and we'll happily go about it."
When ending the conversation he'll once again suggest that you leave them alone: "Can't you take a hint?"
If approaching him again, he will restate:
- "I've told you what we need. Until we've work, we'll stay here."
- Fighters Guild Jobs
- "Jobs would be great. Too bad no one is giving us any these days. If you can find some work for us, we'll do it."
While awaiting employment, he can be heard hurling insults against yourself, Witseidutsei and both of his companions:
Dubok gro-Shagk | Rellian | Witseidutsei | Player |
"You've never worked an honest day in your life, you stupid orc!" | "You've always been too smart for your own good." | "How about you send over a few more drinks, sweetheart?" | "Get outta here! We don't need you around." |
"Go root in the mud, pig man!" | "I'm tired of working with you anyway. And you're a lousy swordsman, Rellian!" | "Barkeep! A refill!" | "You shouldn't be here." |
"If it weren't for me, you'd be mucking stables in Orsinium!" | "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you." | "Hurry it up, swamprot! I'm thirsty over here." | "Mind your damn business, stranger." |
Meanwhile Vantus will himself be the target of insults from his companions and Witseidutsei:
Dubok gro-Shagk | Rellian | Witseidutsei |
"You need to find us work. You're supposed to be boss!" | "We wouldn't be here if you'd done your job!" | "Nothing more for you, Imperial! Get out!" |
"You don't find something soon, I'm gonna lose my temper." | "I should have stayed in Hammerfell." | |
"I'm tired of wasting time with you!" | "You're not half the man your father was." |
Once you report to Vantus that you've secured steady work for him and his companions, he'll gladly accept the new work:
- Fighters Guild Jobs
- "Find ingredients for Margarte, huh? Works for me. I'll let the other men know. Appreciate your help, friend. And Oreyn should be happy."
His attitude towards you will change drastically and he'll now greet you with:
- "We're in your debt."
- "My friend! What can I do for you?"
- Fighters Guild Jobs
- "My men and I should be able to keep busy for now. Thank you for your help."
When parting ways, he will now say: "Much obliged, my friend."
- Vantus had two additional lines of dialogue ("You're being rude." and "Do I want to hear this?") for when you approached him in the inn, but his other insults take precedence, so you will never hear these.
- Vantus and his comrades will still hurl insults in the direction of Witseidutsei even if she is dead and thus not present.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.5.3, fixes this bug.