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Skyrim:Conjure Undying Ghost

< Skyrim: Magic: Spells
SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Conjure Undying Ghost
School Conjuration Difficulty Novice
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Either Hand
Spell ID FExxx85E Editor ID ccVSVSSE003_SPELL_UndyingGhost
Base Cost 0 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 Range 24 ft
Tome ID FExxx88A Tome Value 50
Appears in random loot at level 1+
Purchase from
Undying Ghost
Consumes all magicka and summons an Undying Ghost for 60 seconds. The ghost's attributes are equal to twice the amount of magicka consumed (up to 600).

Conjure Undying Ghost is a Novice level Conjuration spell added by the Necromantic Grimoire Creation.



  • Summoner, increase range to 48 ft at first rank or 72 ft at second rank.
  • Necromancy, Greater duration for spell.
  • Dark Souls, increases Health with 100.


  • Conjure Undying Ghost is unaffected by Spell Absorption.
  • The (up to 600) refers to the maximum increase of the attributes and not the maximum magicka usage of the spell.
Creature (ID) Lvl       Abilities Attacks Soul
Undying Ghost (FExxx89D) 5 30-730†‡ 30-630† 30-630†

† Minimum and Maximum attributes.
‡ Includes Dark Souls.