Item |
Location(s) |
Quest |
Description |
Addict Blood Sample |
From Deranged Pirate corpses in Moonlit Cove. |
An Answer in Blood |
Blood drawn from the vein of a recent victim of skooma overdose. With any luck, Guybert's client can use it to develop a treatment. |
Annotated Goutfang Scroll |
Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground |
Goutfang Pariah |
A scroll that tells of the secrets of the Goutfang masters, with recent invective-laden commentary. |
Arrows |
Shrine of the Reforged |
An Answer in Blood |
Well-made arrows, useful for firing from a bow to hurt things. |
Auberic's Token |
From Zurnash in Senchal. |
The Deadliest Prey |
According to Selloe, this ornate metal token belongs to a wealthy Breton named Auberic Dufont. |
Bag of Precious Jewels |
From Sai Sahan after starting the quest. |
The Dragon's Lair |
Sai Sahan has gathered these jewels to bribe Senchal locals. |
Bolts of Shredded Silk |
From crate near ruined caravan in South Guard Ruins |
A Childhood in Flames |
All that remains of these once expensive fabrics are frayed scraps. |
Blue Poppy Petals |
From flowers near the Khenarthi's Breath Temple |
Chiaroscuro Crossroads |
A handful of vibrant blue poppy petals. |
Broken Wine Bottles |
From crate near ruined caravan in South Guard Ruins |
A Childhood in Flames |
These shattered bottles surely contained expensive foreign wines. No longer. |
Dragonguard Grappling Bow |
Given by Za'ji in Moonlit Cove |
Uneasy Alliances |
A combination of a crossbow and grappling hook, used to easily reach high locations. |
Dragonguard Grappling Bow |
Given by Aeliah Renmus in the Halls of the Highmane |
The Pride of Alkosh |
A combination of a crossbow and grappling hook, used to easily reach high locations. |
Dragonguard Grappling Bow |
Given at certain point while in Dragonhold |
New Moon Rising |
A combination of a crossbow and grappling hook, used to easily reach high locations. |
Crudely Drawn Map |
The Sweet Breezes Inn |
Order of the New Moon |
A map drawn by a drunkard. It should lead to the house of a New Moon cult recruiter. |
Encanted Candle |
Given by Guybert Flaubert when quest is accepted. |
Solace By Candlelight |
The ghostly wax of this enchanted candle allegedly possesses the power to calm the restless dead. |
Etched Ring |
From Falls-with-Grace at Zazaradi's Quarry and Mine. |
Out of Murkmire |
A name is etched along the inside of this ring: Falls-with-Grace. |
Exclusive Entertainments Token |
From Lady Ghisiliane in Senchal. |
The Deadliest Prey |
A silvery token, given to me by Lady Ghisiliane |
Forged Diplomatic Papers |
From Darkhu after paying him with jewels. |
The Dragon's Lair |
Papers identifying you as a diplomatic emissary from Grahtwood. |
Gourmet Moon-Sugar |
(?) |
Another Khajiit's Tale |
This appears to be one of the stolen crates of Hizhikar's gourmet moon-sugar. |
Gourmet Moon-Sugar |
(?) |
Another Khajiit's Tale |
This appears to be one of the stolen crates of Hizhikar's gourmet moon-sugar. |
Gourmet Moon-Sugar |
At Ruddy Fang camp on beach east of the Forsaken Citadel. |
Another Khajiit's Tale |
This appears to be the final crate of Hizhikar's stolen gourmet moon-sugar. |
Half-Melted Token |
On the road north of Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground, by the burning wagon wreck. |
The Deadliest Prey |
This strange brass token clearly carries some significance. Alas, the Dragon's fiery assault partially melted it. |
Herbalist's Remedy |
From chest near Jansen Nashrith. |
The Herbalist's Product |
Each package of the herbalist's remedy contains a number of vials filled with an unknown substance. |
Ingredient Bottle |
On the river bank north of Vigwenn Owl-Watcher. |
Song of the Sand-Whale |
One of Vigwenn's missing ingredient bottles for her special concoction. It's practically empty. |
Ingredient Bottle |
Base of tree near a Mountain Bristleback. |
Song of the Sand-Whale |
One of Vigwenn's missing ingredient bottles for her special concoction. It's practically empty. |
Ingredient Bottle |
At base of tree hidden by ferns northeast of Vigwenn Owl-Watcher. |
Song of the Sand-Whale |
One of Vigwenn's missing ingredient bottles for her special concoction. It's practically empty. |
Invitation to the Hunt |
Auberic Dufont's Residence |
The Deadliest Prey |
This finely written letter bears the seal of Lady Ghisiliane. |
J'saad's Note |
From backpack near the Pridehome Wayshrine. |
J'saad's Stone |
A letter from J'saad to his beloved Adhimba in Black Heights. |
Khunzar-ri's Claw |
From the Ancient Tomb in Moonlit Cove. |
New Moon Rising |
A claw that supposedly belonged to the mythic Khajiiti hero, Khunzar-ri. |
Lumpy Sack |
East of Black Heights or taken from Brokk the Smuggler. |
Take Your Lumps |
Janessa is sleeping in this sack. |
Letter to Shirnama |
In attic of a house in Senchal |
Order of the New Moon |
A letter to Shirnama from the leader of the Order of the New Moon. |
Locket of Honoria |
Given by Catina Garrana. |
Dreams of the Forsaken |
This golden heirloom appears very old—perhaps even ancient. It features a compartment that refuses to open, no matter how hard you pull. |
Lost Cat |
Purring Rock |
Little Lost Cat |
This note asks anyone who finds it to return Tender Claw to its owner Kishima in Senchal. |
Mask of Alkosh |
Picked up from the Walk of Ancient Kings during The Pride of Alkosh |
The Dragonguard |
A mask worn by champions of the Pride of Alkosh. |
Moon-Sugar: A Better Plan |
At the abandoned farm near Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground |
Another Khajiit's Tale |
A note written by a scheming smuggler with greasy fingers. |
Moon-Sugar Plans |
Near bedroll at Ruddy Fang camp near Khenarthi's Arch. |
Another Khajiit's Tale |
Plans describing the distribution of the stolen gourmet moon-sugar. |
Moonlit Cove Key |
Moonlit Cove, accessible with grappling bow. |
Uneasy Alliances |
The skeleton key of Moonlit Cove. Za'ji believes it will open the door to Bahzahar's hideout. |
New Moon Pendant |
From Shirnama at the Black Kiergo Terrace. |
Order of the New Moon |
A gold pendant engraved with a crescent moon. |
Nishzo's Journal |
On a table in Nishzo's Hideout. |
Masterpieces |
A tragically short journal left behind by an ill-fated Alfiq thief. |
Nishzo's Tapestry Piece |
Next to the body of Nishzo in his hideout. |
Masterpieces |
A stolen scrap from a priceless Khajiit tapestry. |
Odd-Shaped Stone |
From backpack near the Pridehome Wayshrine. |
J'saad's Stone |
A odd-shaped stone. It emits a colorful aura. |
Pouch of Jewels |
From crate inside the Warehouse Cellar in South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
This leather pouch contains a heaping handful of precious and semi-precious stones. |
Prune Morel Mushroom |
Moonlit Cove |
Moonlit Mushrooms |
The loamy, herbaceous scents swirling around this mushroom nearly make your eyes water. |
Ruined Anequine Spices |
From crate near ruined caravan in South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
Daini's terror birds tore open these expensive spice sacks, scattering their contents to the wind. |
Sack of Rice |
Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground |
A Rogue and His Rice |
A hardy grain, good for cooking in large quantities. |
Saliva Covered Bones |
From Dragonscour areas in Southern Elsweyr. |
The Good Bits |
A collection of bones covered in the thick, viscous saliva of a Dragon. |
Scholar's Notes |
Shrine of the Reforged |
Scholarly Observations |
A would-be expert on Meridian architecture made cryptic notes and sketches about the temple. |
Sealed Akaviri Tome |
Forsaken Citadel |
Tomes of the Tsaesci |
A thick layer of dust clings to this ancient tome. It surely contains secrets of Akavir, but an ornate lock binds it shut. |
Sealed Missive |
From drop off point in Malak's Maw |
Taking Them to Tusk |
Sealed with the sign of the New Moon Cult. |
Singed Lady G Note |
On the road north of Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground, by the burning wagon wreck. |
The Deadliest Prey |
Luckily, the Dragon's flaming breath only destroyed parts of this note. Much of the text remains legible. |
Slimy Key |
Vomited up by Marekki in the Hunter Master's Ruins. |
The Deadliest Prey |
This old, brass key is covered in bile, but should still grant access to Lady Ghisiliane's chambers. |
Springmint |
Ri'Atahrashi's Training Ground |
Helping the Healers |
A fragrant herb that grows in higher altitudes, used for healing. |
Stolen Books |
From marked crate in the warehouse at South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
Various books taken from caravans and seized ships, ranging from religious texts to private journals. None appear valuable. |
Stolen Ceramics |
From marked crate in the warehouse at South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
This assorted pottery would fetch a decent sum if sold on the black market, but it would prove difficult to transport. |
Tablet Fragment |
Moonlit Cove |
New Moon Rising |
A fragment of a stone tablet. Engraved words cover the surface. |
Tablet Fragment |
Moonlit Cove |
New Moon Rising |
A fragment of a stone tablet. Engraved words cover the surface. |
Tablet Fragment |
Moonlit Cove |
New Moon Rising |
A fragment of a stone tablet. Engraved words cover the surface. |
Temple Bell |
In Bahzahar's Hideout within Moonlit Cove. |
Uneasy Alliances |
This small, golden bell is engraved with Khenarthi motifs. It emits a bright tinkling note when rung. |
Temple Dust |
Collected from the Shrine of the Reforged. |
Dust Smote |
The dust shimmers slightly in a range of hues. |
Tender Claw |
Automatically gained after Tender Claw is picked up at Purring Rock. |
Little Lost Cat |
I should return this lost cat to its owner in Senchal. |
Terror Bird Blood |
From Terror Birds near Khenarthi's Breath Temple |
Chiaroscuro Crossroads |
Blood taken from a flightless bird. |
The Many Threads |
Nishzo's Hideout |
Masterpieces |
Cryptic notes from an Alfiq criminal, tracking his fellow thieves and their tapestry pieces. |
Torval Brandy |
From marked crate in the warehouse at South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
A potent local spirit. Too common to fetch a high price on the open market. |
Turo's Cargo Manifest |
On top of crate near ruined caravan in South Guard Ruins. |
A Childhood in Flames |
This manifest details all the treasures and trade goods the caravan ferried to South Guard. |
Waning Lily |
Given by Guybert Flaubert when quest is accepted. |
Lilies for Remembrance |
Khajiit often plant these delicate flowers in remembrance of beloved family members who have passed to the Sands Behind the Stars. |
White Sycamore Bark |
East of Black Heights, across the water. |
Chiaroscuro Crossroads |
The bark of a fallen white sycamore. |