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< Morrowind: People / Trainers
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Quests: written by TheRealLurlock

Services: written by Dragon Guard

Personal Inventory: written by Dragon Guard, checked by Salamangkero

House Contents: written by Dragon Guard

Unique Dialogue: written by Legoless, checked by Salamangkero

Spells: written by Dragon Guard, checked by Salamangkero
Nine-Toes (nine_toes)
Home City Balmora
House Nine Toes' House
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 10 Class Hunter
Training Athletics (54)
Illusion (50)
Sneak (50)
Other Information
Health 80 Magicka 94
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Blades 2(Journeyman)

Nine-Toes is an Argonian hunter living in a house in Balmora, and a member of the Blades, as Caius Cosades will indicate. He is one of the Blades Trainers, and will provide you with medium training in Athletics, Illusion, and Sneak, but only if you join the Blades. If you mention it to him, he'll give you four portions of Moon Sugar, just the thing you need to make almost every merchant in the game refuse to do business with you (you might want to stash it somewhere before trying to purchase anything in town, or take it straight to Ajira, Ra'Virr, or any other Khajiit merchant). He is a suspect in the Death of Ralen Hlaalo.

He is wearing common pants with a matching belt and shirt. He is carrying a steel crossbow along with eighty steel bolts. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater. In addition, he also knows the following spells: Righteousness, Absorb Speed [Ranged], Free Action, Balyna's Antidote, Cure Poison, Seryn's Gift, Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Common Disease, Resist Frost, Resist Magicka, Balyna's Perfect Balm, Strong Heal Companion, Troll's Blood, and Veloth's Grace.

He will also tell you that, as a part of his Blade activities, he is under command to update the map of the Bitter Coast, a task he finds to be impossible.

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit



  • Greeting:
    • "Welcome, %PCRank %PCName. Nine-Toes is my name, Hunter is my trade. I'd be happy to share a little advice or Morrowind lore with a fellow Blade. Or maybe you'd like to catch up on the latest rumors?"
    • "Hello again, %PCRank %PCName. Is this about my trade. Or are you here for a little advice? Or Morrowind lore? Or the latest rumors?"

  • Blades:
    • "I'm a Blade, too, and I report to Caius, like you. You're welcome to use my bed to rest, but leave my other stuff alone, please."
    • "Yes, we heard Caius had been recalled. He said we'd still be forwarding our reports to him. I think he thought what you're doing is important -- whatever it is -- he didn't tell us -- and we weren't supposed to bother you." (after starting Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies)
  • Blades Trainers:
    • [4 Moon Sugar has been added to your inventory.] "The basics we can teach you, won't cost much. Advanced training, though... that's expensive. If you're already skilled, you're much harder to teach. Maybe I can help you out. Here's a little moon sugar, on the house. You do know that trade in moon sugar and skooma is against the law, and most alchemists and apothecaries won't buy it. But Khajiit generally will. Try Ajira at the Balmora Mages Guild, or Ra'Virr, the trader in Balmora. Sell the sugar, and start saving for training."
    • "Yes, I offer training, but only to Blades."
  • latest rumors: "I'm trying to update our maps of the Bitter Coast. There are no goods maps of this area. Period. Islands, mountains, swamps, lakes, rivers. It's impossible. I'm getting to know the swamps and waterways here, maybe as well as the natives. But I can't blend with the natives, and I'm useless in the West Gash or the Ashlands. And I don't see why the maps are so important. Smuggling, maybe. But I'm wondering if they're thinking about landing and moving the Legions through here. In case of trouble." (if a member of the Blades)
  • murderer's description
    • "See? Now you know I am innocent."
  • Nine-Toes:
    • "Yes, I am Nine-Toes."
  • Ralen Hlaalo
    • "I have heard the rumors, but I am not a murderer. I believe someone is spreading these rumors because I am a foreigner and an Argonian."
    • "I heard you found the real murderer. I am grateful to you, soft-skin."
    • "I heard you found the real murderer. It is good to trust each other among these slavers, %PCName." (if you are an Argonian)


  • Contrary to his name, he has six toes.