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Skyrim:Staff Enchanter

< Skyrim: Places / Enchanting
The Staff Enchanter
Myrwatch Staff Enchanter

The Staff Enchanter, found in Tel Mithryn, is used to create enchanted staves. It is initially located behind a locked door, requiring you to first complete the Reluctant Steward quest in order to gain access.

Related QuestsEdit

Other LocationsEdit

  • A Staff Enchanter can also be found at MyrwatchCC, with the added advantage that it can be accessed after only a short introductory quest without ever having dealt with Neloth.
  • A Staff Enchanter can also be found at Bloodchill CavernCC. The introductory quest for this enchanter is far more difficult, involving a fight against leveled enemies.

Craftable StavesEdit

The Staff Enchanter does not require the Enchanting skill, but still increases the skill when used. In order to create an enchanted staff, you must possess an unenchanted staff of the type desired (unenchanted staves may be purchased from Neloth), know the spell with which you wish to enchant the staff, and possess enough heart stones needed to enchant the staff.

There is no requirement that you be able to cast the spell you wish to use to enchant the staff; merely having read the spell tome for it is enough. Not all spells can be enchanted. The number of heart stones used to enchant the staff has no effect on the amount of Enchanting skill experience earned.

The Staff of Sheogorath can be crafted here as part of the Staff of Sheogorath Creation. The enchanted versions of the Arm of the Moon and the Arm of the Sun can be crafted here as part of the Arms of Chaos Creation.


These use an unenchanted Alteration staff as base object.

Created Staff Spell Heart Stones
Staff of Magelight Magelight 2
Staff of Paralysis Paralysis 4


These use an unenchanted Conjuration staff as base object.

Created Staff Spell Heart Stones
Staff of Banishing Banish Daedra 3
Staff of Daedric Command Command Daedra 4
Staff of Dread Zombies Dread Zombie 4
Staff of Expulsion Expel Daedra 4
Staff of Reanimation Reanimate Corpse 2
Staff of Revenants Revenant 3
Staff of Soul Trapping Soul Trap 2
Staff of Zombies Raise Zombie 1
Staff of the Familiar Conjure Familiar 1
Staff of the Flame Atronach Conjure Flame Atronach 2
Staff of the Frost Atronach Conjure Frost Atronach 3
Staff of the Storm Atronach Conjure Storm Atronach 4


These use an unenchanted Destruction staff as base object.

Created Staff Spell Heart Stones
Staff of Chain Lightning Chain Lightning 3
Staff of Fireballs Fireball 3
Staff of Firebolts Firebolt 2
Staff of Flames Flames 1
Staff of Frostbite Frostbite 1
Staff of Ice Spikes Ice Spike 2
Staff of Ice Storms Ice Storm 3
Staff of Icy Spear Icy Spear 4
Staff of Incineration Incinerate 4
Staff of Lightning Bolts Lightning Bolt 2
Staff of Sparks Sparks 1
Staff of Thunderbolts Thunderbolt 4
Staff of the Flame Wall Wall of Flames 4
Staff of the Frost Wall Wall of Frost 4
Staff of the Storm Wall Wall of Storms 4


These use an unenchanted Illusion staff as base object.

Created Staff Spell Heart Stones
Staff of Calm Calm 2
Staff of Courage Courage 1
Staff of Fear Fear 2
Staff of Frenzy Frenzy 3
Staff of Fury Fury 2
Staff of Inspiration Rally 3
Staff of Vanquishment Rout 4


These use an unenchanted Restoration staff as base object.

Created Staff Spell Heart Stones
Grand Staff of Repulsion Repel Undead 4
Grand Staff of Turning Turn Greater Undead 4
Minor Staff of Turning Turn Lesser Undead 2
Staff of Mending Heal Other 3
Staff of Repulsion Repel Lesser Undead 3
Staff of Turning Turn Undead 3
Staff of the Healing Hand Healing Hands 2

Creation ClubEdit

Crafting these staves does not require knowledge of any spell. Despite requiring the use of a Staff Enchanter, these items are not added by the Dragonborn DLC and instead come from various Creation Club Creations.

Created Staff Related Quest Heart Stones Notes
Arm of the MoonCC The Arms of Chaos 0 Requires the Arms of Chaos Creation. This staff uses the unenchanted version of the Arm of the Moon as a base object, and requires a Green Sigil Stone instead of a Heart Stone.
Arm of the SunCC The Arms of Chaos 0 Requires the Arms of Chaos Creation. This staff uses the unenchanted version of the Arm of the Sun as a base object, and requires an Orange Sigil Stone instead of a Heart Stone.
Staff of SheogorathCC Put A Fork In It 2 Requires the Staff of Sheogorath Creation. No unenchanted staff is needed for the base; instead, you must obtain the Branch of the Tree of Shades and Ciirta's Eye.


  • Myrwatch's staff enchanter is not affected by the DLC2StaffEnchantingMult perk, which causes it to grant 20 times more experience than normal.
  • Bloodchill Manor's staff enchanter does use the DLC2StaffEnchantingMult perk, but that perk isn't added to the player until they visit Solstheim for the first time. This means that the staff enchanter will grant 20 times more experience than normal until the player visits Solstheim.