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Skyrim:Other Artifacts

< Skyrim: Items: Artifacts

There are a number of artifacts describable as Miscellaneous Items found throughout the game of Skyrim.

The definition used for artifacts on this article is that the item must meet all three of the following requirements:

  • Be unique in appearance.
  • Only appear once in the game.
  • Have a unique and useful enchantment.

None of these artifacts can be disenchanted to learn the enchantment. Some of them may be improved by smithing. The material and perk relevant to each item is given below. Improving enchanted items requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However, many artifacts do not have an applicable perk that allows improvement past flawless quality without a Smithing skill of greater than 100.

Many of the artifacts are of Daedric origin. These items are formed from the essence of a Daedric Prince, providing the items with their power. Nineteen Daedric Artifacts are available in the game; most are rewards for the Daedric Quests.



Azura's Star

Daedric Artifact: Azura's Star (00063b27)
(lore page)
Type Soul Gem
Editor ID DA01SoulGemAzurasStar
  Weight 0   Value 1000
Azura's Star

Azura's Star is a Daedric Artifact awarded to you by Azura if you purify her broken star by returning it to Azura's Shrine as part of The Black Star quest; you will also get the priestess as a follower. If you return it to Nelacar instead, the reward is the Black Star. The star is a zero weight reusable grand soul gem. Recharging weapons or enchanting objects with Azura's Star merely uses up the soul that it was carrying, not the star itself, unlike what happens to a regular soul gem. The possibility of multiple uses makes the star beneficial for both enchanters and other adventurers.

For more information, see the Azura's Star article.


The Black Star

Daedric Artifact: The Black Star (00063b29)
(lore page)
Type Soul Gem
Editor ID DA01SoulGemBlackStar
  Weight 0   Value 1000
The Black Star

The Black Star is an altered Daedric Artifact awarded to you by Nelacar for cleansing the soul of Malyn Varen from the star as part of the quest The Black Star. It is the alternative award to the original version of the artifact Azura's Star. The main benefit of acquiring The Black Star is the bonus that it offers to enchanters; the star is essentially a reusable black soul gem. Enchanting objects with The Black Star merely uses up the soul that it was carrying, but the star will be able to be reused to store another soul like a regular soul gem. The Black Star also has one clear advantage over Azura's Star: it can capture both black and white souls, unlike Azura's Star, which can only capture white souls.

For more information, see The Black Star article.


Oghma Infinium

Daedric Artifact: Oghma Infinium (0001A332)
(lore page)
Type Book
Editor ID DA04OghmaInfinium
  Weight 1   Value 2500
Oghma Infinium

The Oghma Infinium is a Daedric artifact acquired for completing the quest, Discerning the Transmundane. Reading the book will give you the option to boost either your combat, magic, or stealth skills by five levels.

For more information, see the Oghma Infinium article.


Skeleton Key

Daedric Artifact: Skeleton Key (0003a070)
(lore page)
Type Lockpick
Editor ID TG08SkeletonKey
  Weight 0.5   Value 0
Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key is a Daedric Artifact acquired after killing Mercer Frey. The Skeleton Key is an unbreakable lockpick, making it rather useful to enterprising thieves.

The Skeleton Key also has a secondary, less known function as being used to keep open Ebonmere, a well from which luck flows into the world. You are tasked with returning the key to Ebonmere in the Twilight Sepulcher to restore luck to the Thieves Guild. Until then, you may retain the key indefinitely for your own use.

For more information, see the Skeleton Key article.


The White Phial

Artifact: The White Phial (0002c25a)
(lore page)
Type Potion
Editor ID MS12WhitePhial
  Weight 0.5   Value 0
The White Phial
The cracked White Phial

The White Phial is a legendary bottle, forged in the days when Skyrim was just starting its turn to ice. A small container, made of the magically infused snow that first fell on the Throat of the World. It is said that the Phial will replenish whatever fluid is placed inside of it.

Visiting The White Phial and speaking to Nurelion reveals that The White Phial has been his life's obsession, to the extent that he even named his store after it. Nurelion's research has uncovered the current location of the phial, however he is in the last stages of a fatal illness but believes that The White Phial may be able to save him.

After the quest Repairing the Phial you will be rewarded with The White Phial (Full), which functions as a potion with the effects you choose. Drinking The White Phial (Full) moves it to your Miscellaneous section as The White Phial (Empty). After 24 hours the potion inside the White Phial will regenerate and the potion will be drinkable once again.

For more information, see The White Phial article.