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Online:Zazaradi's Quarry and Mine

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Southern Elsweyr / Mines / Striking Locales
Zazaradi's Quarry and Mine
(view on map)
Striking Locale
Discoverable Yes
Completion None
New Moon Apprentice, New Moon Berserker, New Moon Chemist, New Moon Dreadnaught, New Moon Legionary, New Moon Lurker, New Moon Flame Adept, New Moon Pyromancer, New Moon Scorcher, Mudcrab, Salamander
Southern Elsweyr
West of South Guard Ruins
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"This one's mother, and her mother's mother, cut limestone in this quarry. We will not give it up to the likes of your New Moon cult!" — Last words of Yanudji, Quarry Taskmaster
Zazaradi's Quarry and Mine

Zazaradi's Quarry and Mine is a quarry located west of South Guard Ruins in Southern Elsweyr. It is occupied by the Order of the New Moon, who exploit it for its aeonstone deposits. The inside of the mine serves as the lair of the red dragon Yahgrondu.

A chest can be found in the eastern portion of the quarry, in the water. A thieves trove is sat upon a crate on the docks to the south.

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  • It is known in some files as Empyrean Quarry.
  • The cultists standing watch on the higher scaffoldings cannot be targeted with attacks and abilities.



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