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Online:Potency Improvement

< Elder Scrolls Online: Skills: Enchanting
ON-icon-skill-Enchanting-Potency Improvement.png Potency Improvement
Line Enchanting
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 free 1
Rank II 2 5
Rank III 3 10
Rank IV 4 15
Rank V 5 20
Rank VI 6 25
Rank VII 7 30
Rank VIII 8 35
Rank IX 9 40
Rank X 10 50
Potency Improvement I: Allows the use of Jora, Porade, Jode and Notade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 1-15.
Potency Improvement II: Allows the use of Jera, Jejora, Ode and Tade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 10-25.
Potency Improvement III: Allows the use of Odra, Pojora, Jayde and Edode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 20-35.
Potency Improvement IV: Allows the use of Edora, Jaera, Pojode, and Rekude Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of levels 30-45.
Potency Improvement V: Allows the use of Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs from level 40 to Champion 30.
Potency Improvement VI: Allows the use of Rera and Pode Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 30-50.
Potency Improvement VII: Allows the use of Derado and Kedeko Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 50-70.
Potency Improvement VIII: Allows the use of Rekura and Rede Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 70-90.
Potency Improvement IX: Allows the use of Kura and Kude Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 100-140.
Potency Improvement X: Allows the use of Rejera, Repora, Jehade, and Itade Potency Runestones to make Glyphs of Champion 150 and 160.

Potency Improvement determines the level of Glyphs you can make. These can be used to enchant your weapons, armor, and jewelry. You start with one free point already in this skill, allowing the crafting of Trifling and Inferior Glyphs.

The Potency Runes used to craft Glyphs are as follows:

Additive PotencyEdit

Name Potency Gear Level Translation Glyph Cost
ON-icon-runestone-Jora.png Jora 1 1 "Develop" Trifling 000000003030 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Porade.png Porade 1+ 5 "Add" Inferior 000000004242 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Jera.png Jera 2 10 "Increase" Petty 000000005151 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Jejora.png Jejora 2+ 15 "Raise" Slight 000000005454 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Odra.png Odra 3 20 "Gain" Minor 000000006060 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Pojora.png Pojora 3+ 25 "Supplement" Lesser 000000006666 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Edora.png Edora 4 30 "Boost" Moderate 000000007272 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Jaera.png Jaera 4+ 35 "Advance" Average 000000007878 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Pora.png Pora 5 40 "Augment" Strong 000000008484 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Denara.png Denara 5+ Champion Points10 "Strengthen" Major 000000008787 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Rera.png Rera 6 Champion Points30 "Exaggerate" Greater 000000009393 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Derado.png Derado 7 Champion Points50 "Empower" Grand 000000009696 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Rekura.png Rekura 8 Champion Points70 "Magnify" Splendid 000000009999 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Kura.png Kura 9 Champion Points100 "Intensify" Monumental 000000105105 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Rejera.png Rejera 10 Champion Points150 "Amplify" Superb 000000111111 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Repora.png Repora 10+ Champion Points160 "Reinforce" Truly Superb 000025082508 Gold

Subtractive PotencyEdit

Name Potency Gear Level Translation Glyph Cost
ON-icon-runestone-Jode.png Jode 1 1 "Reduce" Trifling 000000003030 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Notade.png Notade 1+ 5 "Subtract" Inferior 000000004242 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Ode.png Ode 2 10 "Shrink" Petty 000000005151 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Tade.png Tade 2+ 15 "Decrease" Slight 000000005454 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Jayde.png Jayde 3 20 "Deduct" Minor 000000006060 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Edode.png Edode 3+ 25 "Lower" Lesser 000000006666 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Pojode.png Pojode 4 30 "Diminish" Moderate 000000007272 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Rekude.png Rekude 4+ 35 "Weaken" Average 000000007878 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Hade.png Hade 5 40 "Lessen" Strong 000000008484 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Idode.png Idode 5+ Champion Points10 "Impair" Major 000000008787 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Pode.png Pode 6 Champion Points30 "Remove" Greater 000000009393 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Kedeko.png Kedeko 7 Champion Points50 "Drain" Grand 000000009696 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Rede.png Rede 8 Champion Points70 "Deprive" Splendid 000000009999 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Kude.png Kude 9 Champion Points100 "Negate" Monumental 000000105105 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Jehade.png Jehade 10 Champion Points150 "Divest" Superb 000000111111 Gold
ON-icon-runestone-Itade.png Itade 10+ Champion Points160 "Plunder" Truly Superb 000025082508 Gold

Patch NotesEdit