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The Undergrove
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Exarch Ulfra
Gray Host Chillrenders, Lost Soul, Witch Pike
Lightless HollowBlackreach: Greymoor Caverns
In the center of the Midnight Barrow
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"Netherroot, a rare and exotic plant. It can only be found in Blackreach, and even then only in select locations. Fortunately, I have obtained a bountiful supply. A place called the Undergrove, in the heart of the Midnight Barrow." —Exarch Tzinghalis
The Undergrove

The Undergrove is a ritual site within the Midnight Barrow. This chamber is well hidden within the center of the ruins and can only be accessed during the related quest. Rada al-Saran is present conferring with Exarch Ulfra before departing.

Exarch Tzinghalis first discovered Netherroot here, which became an intergral ingredient in the creation of harrowstorms. Shortly after, the Undergrove was also used to further test properties of harrowstorms in preparation for the Gray Host's strike on Solitude.

Correlating with this, the main chamber is lush with plant life, which isn't typically seen in other Nordic ruins.

Related QuestsEdit

  •  The Gray Host: Create a defense against the Harrowstorms and learn the Gray Host's plans.

