The Thalmor are the political and diplomatic representatives of both the Summerset Isles and the Aldmeri Dominion. They are responsible for almost every aspect of the Dominion on the mainland, and have the authority to do whatever is necessary to win the Alliance War.
Though they bear the Thalmor name, the Fists of Thalmor are not affiliated with the group, despite widespread misconceptions. The Fists are the military arm of the Dominion government, though not the Dominion army. The misconception has caused problems for Thalmor who visit a location after the Fists have been there. The Thalmor have proposed that the Fists retake their previous name, Justiciars, to ease these problems.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Named Members |
Generic Members |
- College of Aldmeri Propriety — A school in northwestern Auridon. (map)
- Elden Hollow I — A group dungeon found under Elden Root in central Grahtwood. (map)
- The Gray Mire — A community of Argonian refugees in southern Grahtwood, just east of Southpoint. (map)
- Hectahame — An Ayleid ruin in northern Greenshade, northeast of Dread Vullain. (map)
- Laughing Moons Plantation — A farm in the southwest of Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
- Seaside Sanctuary — A large destroyed island settlement in northwestern Greenshade. (map)
- Speckled Shell Plantation — A farm in the southeast of Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
- Thalmor Headquarters — A guildhall housing Thalmor representatives as well as the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild branches in Woodhearth. (map)
- A Pinch of Sugar: Help Juranda-ra save her plantation.
- Ancient Remains: Investigate Wood Orc activity in the ruins beneath Elden Root.
- Double Jeopardy: Uncover the Heritance spy's plan to conquer Valenwood.
- The Family Business: Assist a moon-sugar farming family during a trying time.
- The Misuses of Knowledge: Deliver notes about undead to their author.
- Harsh Lesson: Uncover abuse at a renowned school.
- Scars Never Fade: Investigate the Argonian refugees in the Gray Mire.
- A Storm Upon the Shore: Drive the Sea Vipers out of Seaside Sanctuary.
- Striking at the Heart: Defeat the shade of Prince Naemon.
- Veil of Illusion: Trick a Heritance spy into assassinating the "queen".