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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/Armor (Heavy)

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul: Items

Arch-Mage's ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 110.75 6825 32.0
Arch-Mage's Boots 01035791 13.75 825 1900 4.0
Arch-Mage's Cuirass 01035791 50.5 2850 3800 13.0
Arch-Mage's Gauntlets 01035792 8.5 825 1900 4.0
Arch-Mage's Greaves 01035793 29.5 1500 2850 7.0
Arch-Mage's Helmet 01035794 8.5 825 1900 4.0

Blades Elite ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 108.0 4800 39.75
Blades Elite Boots 0103578B 14.0 585 800 5.75
Blades Elite Cuirass 0103578C 48.0 1950 1500 14.0
Blades Elite Gauntlets 0103578D 9.0 650 750 5.75
Blades Elite Greaves 0103578E 28.0 1140 1000 8.5
Blades Elite Helmet 0103578F 9.0 585 750 5.75

Daedric Prince ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 162.0 55400 82.5
Daedric Prince Boots 0101ABF9 18.0 5400 2700 8.5
Daedric Prince Cuirass 0101ABFA 60.0 19200 5400 20.5
Daedric Prince Gauntlets 0101ABFB 12.0 5400 2700 8.5
Daedric Prince Greaves 0101ABFC 36.0 10000 4050 12.5
Daedric Prince Helmet 0101ABFE 12.0 5400 1350 8.5
Daedric Prince Shield 0101ABFF 24.0 10000 4050 24.0

Dread ArmorEdit

Name ID         Effects Notes
Full Set 162.0 25660 75.0
Dread Boots 01002650 18.0 4050 1350 7.5
  • Fortify Speed 5pts
  • Resist Disease 5%
  • Resist Poison 5%
Dread Cuirass 01002651 60.0 14400 4800 18.75
  • Fortify Endurance 5pts
  • Resist Disease 5%
  • Resist Poison 5%
Dread Gauntlets 01002652 12.0 2000 1350 7.5
  • Fortify Strength 5pts
  • Resist Disease 5%
  • Resist Poison 5%
Dread Greaves 01002653 36 3150 2500 11.25
  • Fortify Agility 5
  • Resist Disease 5%
  • Resist Poison 5%
Dread Helmet 01002654 12.0 2060 1350 7.5
  • Fortify Intelligence 5
  • Resist Disease 5%
  • Resist Poison 5%

Dremora Elite ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 162.0 10400 54.7
Dremora Elite Boots 01034941 18.0 975 1550 7.9
Dremora Elite Cuirass 01034942 60.0 3400 3000 19.25
Dremora Elite Gauntlets 01034943 12.0 975 1550 7.9
Dremora Elite Greaves 01034944 36.0 2325 1750 11.75
Dremora Elite Helmet 01034945 12 975 1550 7.9
Dremora Elite Shield 01034946 24.0 1750 2950 17.5

Eboron ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 116.75 3935 53.19
Eboron Boots 01006A95 13.0 385 520 5.35
Eboron Cuirass 01006A96 43.0 1390 1050 13.27
Eboron Gauntlets 01006A97 8.75 385 520 5.35
Eboron Greaves 01006A98 25.75 690 780 7.97
Eboron Helmet 01006A99 8.75 385 520 5.35
Eboron Shield 01006A9A 17.5 700 800 15.9

Fine Noble Plate ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 107.5 33200 63.0
Fine Noble Plate Boots 01007D04 10.5 3825 2700 6.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Fine Noble Plate Cuirass 01007D05 36.0 6825 3100 15.0
Fine Noble Plate Gauntlets 01007D06 6.5 5800 2700 7.0
Fine Noble Plate Greaves 01007D07 36.0 6825 2900 9.0
Fine Noble Plate Helmet 01007D08 6.5 3300 2700 7.0
Fine Noble Plate Shield 01007D09 12.0 6825 3600 19.0

Heaven's Fury ArmorEdit

(Note: These armor pieces cannot be taken unless you've started the quest A Path of Iron.)

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 147.75 19500 67.75
Heaven's Fury Boots 01004C84 16.25 1900 1100 6.75
Heaven's Fury Cuirass 01004C85 56.5 6800 2400 17.0
Heaven's Fury Gauntlets 01004C86 10.0 1900 1100 6.75
Heaven's Fury Greaves 01004C87 34.0 3500 1775 10.5
Heaven's Fury Helmet 01004C8A 10.0 1900 1100 6.75
Heaven's Fury Shield 01004C8A 21.0 3500 1775 20.0

Heavy Braided ArmorEdit

(Note: This armor can only be worn if you recover the Heart of the Wild Woods during the quest Shadows in a Struggle for Power.)

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 139.25 5630 56.32
Heavy Braided Boots 0103DDF3 15.75 550 520 5.67
Heavy Braided Cuirass 013DDF4 51.5 2080 1050 14.06
Heavy Braided Gauntlets 0103DDF5 10.5 550 520 5.67
Heavy Braided Greaves 0103DDF6 31.0 950 800 8.5
Heavy Braided Helmet 0103DDF7 10.5 550 520 5.67
Heavy Braided Shield 0103DDF8 20.0 950 800 16.75

High Chancellor's ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 110.75 6825 32.0
High Chancellor's Boots 01035786 13.75 825 1900 4.0
High Chancellor's Cuirass 01035787 50.5 2850 3800 13.0
High Chancellor's Gauntlets 01035788 8.5 825 1900 4.0
High Chancellor's Greaves 01035789 29.5 1500 2850 7.0
High Chancellor's Helmet 0103578A 8.5 825 1900 4.0
  • Sitting on the bedside table in Ocato's chambers in the Imperial Palace.

Imago Storm's ArmorEdit

Name ID         Effects Notes
Full Set 162.0 19025 75.0
Imago Storm's Boots 01029F17 18.0 3400 1350 7.5
  • Reflect Damage 3%
  • Reflect Spell 3%
  • Resist Fire 5%
  • Resist Shock 10%
Imago Storm's Cuirass 01029F18 60.0 4750 4800 18.75
  • Reflect Damage 3%
  • Reflect Spell 3%
  • Resist Fire 5%
  • Resist Shock 10%
Imago Storm's Gauntlets 01029F19 12.0 3400 1350 7.5
  • Reflect Damage 3%
  • Reflect Spell 3%
  • Resist Fire 5%
  • Resist Shock 10%
Imago Storm's Greaves 01029F1A 36.0 4075 2500 11.25
  • Reflect Damage 3%
  • Reflect Spell 3%
  • Resist Fire 5%
  • Resist Shock 10%
Imago Storm's Helmet 01029F1B 12.0 3400 1350 7.5
  • Reflect Damage 3%
  • Reflect Spell 3%
  • Resist Fire 5%
  • Resist Shock 10%

Imperial Legion ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 94.0 1330* 43.85
Imperial Legion Boots 01003C15 10.5 120 250 4.6
  • Worn by Imperial Legion soldiers.
Imperial Legion Cuirass 010016F7 35.0 400 500 11.5
Imperial Legion Cuirass 01003C16 35.0 400 500 11.5
Imperial Legion Cuirass (Black Cape) 010116F8 35.0 400 500 11.5
Imperial Legion Cuirass (Red Cape) 010116F6 35.0 400 500 11.5
Imperial Legion Gauntlets 01003C17 7.0 120 250 4.6
Imperial Legion Greaves 01003C18 21.0 230 375 6.9
Imperial Legion Helmet 01003C1A 7.0 230 460 2.5
Imperial Legion Shield 01003C1B 14.0 230 375 13.75

* Includes only one cuirass.

Noble ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 92.5 30350 56.25
Noble Boots 010072EF 10.5 3525 2000 5.67
Noble Cuirass 010072F0 36.0 6525 2900 14.06
Noble Gauntlets 010072F1 6.5 5500 2000 5.67
Noble Greaves 010072F2 21.0 5275 2600 8.43
Noble Helmet 010072F3 6.5 3000 2000 5.67
  • Found in random loot.
Noble Shield 010072F4 12.0 6525 3400 16.75
  • Found in Lipsand Tarn.
  • Found in Skingrad Lord's Manor, behind the bed.

Obsidian ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 131.4 8080 57.49
Obsidian Boots 0100CFCE 14.65 800 767 5.75
  • Worn by Hrun Illmouth, Rinfal Vrethu, various NPCs, and vampires.
  • Found in random loot.
Obsidian Cuirass 0100CFCF 48.5 2800 1550 14.37
Obsidian Gauntlets 0100CFD0 9.75 800 767 5.75
  • Found in random loot.
Obsidian Greaves 0100CFD1 29.25 1440 1150 8.62
Obsidian Helmet 0100CFD2 9.75 800 767 5.75
  • Worn by Rinfal Vrethu.
  • Found in random loot.
Obsidian Shield 0100CFD3 19.5 1440 1150 17.25
  • Found in random loot.

Ornate Obsidian ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 123.0 9890 58.85
Ornate Obsidian Boots 010329CF 14.0 1200 950 6.0
Ornate Obsidian Cuirass 010329D0 40.0 2950 1750 14.5
Ornate Obsidian Gauntlets 010329D1 13.0 1150 900 6.0
Ornate Obsidian Greaves 010329D2 26.0 1720 1300 8.85
Ornate Obsidian Helmet 010329D3 13.0 1150 900 6.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Ornate Obsidian Shield 010329D4 17.0 1720 1350 17.5

Tarnished Imperial Legion ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Tarnished Imperial Legion Boots 0100D851 10.5 110 225 4.55
  • Worn by Imperial Legion soldiers.
Tarnished Imperial Legion Cuirass 0100D857 35 380 450 11.38
Tarnished Imperial Legion Cuirass (Black Cape) 010116F9 35 380 450 11.38
Tarnished Imperial Legion Gauntlets 0100D856 7 110 225 4.55
Tarnished Imperial Legion Greaves 0100D855 21 210 337 6.82
Tarnished Imperial Legion Helmet 0100D853 7 110 225 4.55
Tarnished Imperial Legion Shield 0100D852 7 130 337 13.63
Imperial Prison Guard Cuirass (Tarnished) 01018830 35 400 475 11.44

The Bear's ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 150.5 15800 63.0
The Bear's Boots 01044F32 15.5 1300 650 6.5
The Bear's Cuirass 01044F33 40.0 4200 1200 15.75
The Bear's Gauntlets 01044F34 40.0 4200 700 6.5
The Bear's Greaves 01044F35 26.0 2300 1050 9.5
The Bear's Helmet 01044F37 10.0 1300 700 6.5
The Bear's Shield 01044F38 19.0 2500 1100 18.25

The Dragon's ArmorEdit

Name ID         Effects Notes
Full Set 132.0 19010 61.55
The Dragon's Breath 01025674 2.0 4320 725 2.5
  • Resist Disease 25%
  • Does not appear in game.
The Dragon's Companion 01025673 10.0 1500 1270 5.9
  • Resist Poison 50%
The Dragon's Guardian 01025675 20.0 2700 10300 17.75
  • Spell Absorption 15pts
The Dragon's Iron Fist 01025671 10.0 1660 2625 5.9
  • Feather 25pts
The Dragon's Pace 01025670 12.5 1750 6750 5.9
  • Reflect Damage 10%
  • Resist Fire 15%
The Dragon's Savior 0102566F 48.0 4380 5550 14.75
  • Fortify Speed 15pts
The Dragon's Spellshards 01025672 29.5 2700 3600 8.85
  • Reflect Spell 12%

Worn Dwemer ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 101.25 1700 47.55
Worn Dwemer Boots 01001202 11.25 160 325 4.75
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Worn Dwemer Cuirass 010011EB 37.5 600 650 11.9
Worn Dwemer Gauntlets 01001204 7.5 160 325 4.75
Worn Dwemer Greaves 01001205 22.5 310 485 7.15
Worn Dwemer Helmet 01001210 7.5 160 325 4.75
Worn Dwemer Shield 01001213 15.0 310 485 14.25

Worn Iron ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 71.45 348 37.0
Worn Iron Boots 01001C4F 8.75 36 120 3.75
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Worn Iron Cuirass 01001C50 22.0 90 250 9.0
Worn Iron Gauntlets 01001C51 5.6 36 120 3.75
Worn Iron Greaves 01001C52 18.0 90 190 5.75
Worn Iron Helmet 01001C54 5.6 36 120 3.75
Worn Iron Shield 01001C53 11.5 60 190 11.0

Worn Orcish ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 114.75 3760 52.47
Worn Orcish Boots 01002AEE 12.75 360 500 5.25
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Worn Orcish Cuirass 0102108 42.5 1340 1000 13.12
Worn Orcish Gauntlets 01002AEF 8.5 360 500 5.25
Worn Orcish Greaves 0102AF0 25.5 670 750 7.85
Worn Orcish Helmet 01025F4 8.5 360 500 5.25
Worn Orcish Shield 0102AF1 17.0 670 750 15.75

Worn Steel ArmorEdit

Name ID         Notes
Full Set 88.75 762 42.5
Worn Steel Boots 01021BC1 9.75 74 200 4.25
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Worn Steel Cuirass 01021BC2 33.5 260 400 10.63
Worn Steel Gauntlets 01021BC3 6.5 74 200 4.25
Worn Steel Greaves 01021BC4 19.5 140 300 6.37
Worn Steel Helmet 01021BC5 6.5 74 200 4.25
Worn Steel Shield 01021BC6 13.0 140 300 12.75


Name ID         Notes
Imperial Battlemage Cuirass 01018835 35 550 650 12.0
  • Worn by Imperial Legion soldiers.
Imperial Commander Cuirass 0101882F 35 950 850 13.55
Imperial Elite Cuirass 0101882E 35 700 700 12.55
Imperial Guardian Cuirass 01018832 35 550 650 12.0
Imperial Prison Guard Cuirass 01018831 35 450 525 11.56
Imperial Warder Cuirass 01018833 35 475 575 11.75
Imperial Watch Cuirass (Purple Cape) 010116FA 35 450 525 11.56
Imperial Watch Cuirass (White Cape) 010116FB 35 450 525 11.56
Unfinished Blackwood Cuirass 010485D8 36 720 575 11.8
  • Worn by unnamed Blackwood Company members.
Unfinished Daedric Cuirass 0103AB96 48 8400
  • Does not appear in game.
Unfinished Dwemer Cuirass 0103AB97 32.0 640 680 11.0
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Unfinished Ebony Cuirass 0103AB98 41.5 3200 1600 13.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Unfinished Iron Cuirass 0103AB9B 23.0 110 230 8.75
  • Worn by various NPCs.
  • Found in random loot.
Unfinished Orcish Cuirass 0103AB9C 37 1420 980 12.25
Unfinished Steel Cuirass 0103AB9D 28 240 390 10.0
Unfinished Worn Dwemer Cuirass 0103AB9E 29.5 440 550 9.89
Unfinished Worn Iron Cuirass 0103AB9F 22 90 200 7.75
Unfinished Worn Orcish Cuirass 0103ABA0 34.5 980 800 11.62
Unfinished Worn Steel Cuirass 0103ABA1 26.5 180 325 9.13


Name ID         Notes
Imperial Horseman Helmet 01003C19 7 140 250 4.6
  • Worn by Imperial Legion horsemen.
Tarnished Imperial Horseman Helmet 0100D854 7 130 225 4.55
  • Worn by Imperial Legion horsemen.


Name ID         Notes
Arctic Wolves' Clan Insignia 01001251 12 90 225 12.0
Black and White Akaviri Shield 01025BBF 16 710 225 12.0
Blue and Red Shield 0100124F 12 90 225 12.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Crownblood Iron Shield 0100124C 12 490 325 15.25
  • Worn by vampires.
Elite Dragonborne Insignia 01025BB9 13 730 500 15.25
Green and Gold Shield 0100124E 90 225 225 12.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Hestarius Family Crest Shield 01025BBB 20 1040 980 16.5
Ice Dragon Clan Insignia 01001250 12 90 225 12.0
Knotblood Iron Shield 01001253 12 490 325 15.25
  • Worn by vampires.
Nightblood Iron Shield 0100124D 12 490 325 15.25
  • Worn by vampires.
Orcish Nobility Shield 01027167 19.5 1800 1500 19.5
Protector's Insignia Shield 010077A8 14 180 400 13.5
Ranger's Insignia 01001254 15 210 450 14.0
Red and Green Decorative Shield 0101C2DD 12 90 225 12.0
  • Does not appear in game.
Redguard Nobility Shield 0101AFCB 17 1400 1200 17.5
Three Wolves' Clan Insignia Shield 0101256 12 90 225 12.0
Torne's Blockade 01043D9D 18 920 900 16.5