- Cheydinhal Castle
- Guard Barracks
- Gate to the Nibenay Basin
- Newlands Lodge
- Borba's Goods and Stores
- Gate to the Nibenay Basin
- Cheydinhal Bridge Inn
- Mach-Na's Books
- The March Rider
- Mages Guild Well
- Cheydinhal Mages Guild
- Cheydinhal Fighters Guild
- Cheydinhal Fighters Guild
- Magrum gra-Orum's House
- Rythe Lythandas's House
- House for Sale
- Willow Bank
- Bazur gro-Gharz's House
- Oghash gra-Magul's House
- Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
- The Great Chapel of Arkay
- Abandoned House
- Ganredhel's House
- Aldos Othran's House
- Ohtimbar's House
- Llevana Nedaren's House
- Riverview
- Riverview