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Skyrim:Unmarked Places Hjaalmarch

< Skyrim: Places: Hjaalmarch / Unmarked Places

Adventurer's CampsiteEdit

  • ChillwindDepthsExterior01

This campsite is down the path from Chillwind Depths. The Adventurer's Journal states that they were here to investigate the cause of recent caravan attacks. Three bedrolls are present.

Ambushed CaravanEdit

  • POITundra22

Southeast of Dragon Bridge, on the side of the road, is a caravan loaded with crates, rugs, and a knapsack. Next to it are the corpses of a horse, a Nord man, and a Redguard woman, the latter carrying the Merchant's Journal. Falmer Arrows stuck in the horse and more Falmer arrows and a Falmer Ear lying around suggest a Falmer attack, possibly related to the nearby Chillwind Depths. (map)

Black Arts Burial GroundEdit

  • POITundra18

Just outside of Morthal, to the southeast, a Nordic barrow can be found, guarded by a leveled skeleton. Inside, a copy of the Illusion skill book The Black Arts On Trial rests atop a shelf. To the left, the body of a novice conjurer with a dagger in his chest can be found in front of an open tomb, next to a table with a Scroll of Turn Lesser Undead on top of it. A Staff of Revenants is located to the left of this table, on the floor. (map)

Collapsed Burial GroundEdit

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West of Ustengrav and south of the Abandoned Shack is a Nordic ruin with two Draugr corpses, a novice-locked dungeon chest, a burial urn and nightshade. The northern corpse contains the sneak skill book Sacred Witness. (map)

Dead MammothEdit

  • POITundra23

A dead mammoth lies near the Hjaal River, to the east of Dead Men's Respite. A bear lies beside it, resting after its kill.

Dragon Burial MoundEdit

Southeast of The Apprentice Stone, there is a Nordic barrow that is partially submerged in the swamp, and is being guarded by five mudcrabs. A chest with a novice-level lock and a copy of the Lockpicking skill book The Locked Room can be found inside. (map)

Ghost BarrowEdit

  • POISnowy08

If you head over the hills southeast of Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp, you will come across a trap door grate set in a platform with a set of steps leading up to it. Opening the trap door will give access to a spiral staircase leading down to a sealed sarcophagus. If you come here between 8pm and 5am, either on your own or following the ghost that leads you here from Kjenstag Ruins, you will find two leveled bandits in the process of looting the now-opened tomb. The tomb can then be looted for its leveled treasure: a necklace, an enchanted weapon, and a shield. One of the bandits carries a copy of the Block skill book A Dance in Fire, v2. (map)

Harmvir's Summit Hunter's CampEdit

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Karth River HengeEdit

  • POITundra21

East-southeast of Dragon Bridge, on a promontory in a bend of the river, you will find a warlock working at an alchemy lab, which has a copy of the alchemy skill book Mannimarco, King of Worms placed on it. Next to the alchemy lab is a bowl containing ingredients.

There is the body of a dead Imperial in a ritual circle of candles. (map)

Riverside Bandit CampEdit

  • POITundra39

East of Dragon Bridge, there is a camp under a rocky outcropping inhabited by two bandits. There are two bedrolls around the campfire, as well as a novice-locked chest containing leveled loot. Right next to the chest lies a copy of the Block skill book Warrior. (map)

Sabre Cat RockEdit

  • POITundra20

Northeast of Broken Tower Redoubt and west of Robber's Gorge is a pair of sabre cats guarding Nordic ruins and their dead victims including a Nord woman and two hunters. In the bloodied wreckage is a necklace, two coin purses, a helm and a satchel. (map)

Single Hunter CampEdit

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290 ft north of North Cold Rock Pass, is an unmarked hunter encampment, occupied by a single hunter. Under the tent is a copy of the Archery skill book The Gold Ribbon of Merit. (map)

Smuggler's AlcoveEdit

Northwest of Folgunthur is an abandoned camp. There are two hay piles and a cooking spit under an overhang, in front of which is a nondescript ruin. A copy of the Pickpocket skill book Purloined Shadows lies on a crate to the side of the camp. (map)

Summoning StonesEdit

This is where Falion can cure the Dragonborn of vampirism for one filled black soul gem in the quest Rising at Dawn.

Swamp Pond MassacreEdit

  • POITundra25

North-northwest of The Apprentice Stone, there is a small uninhabited camp with two hay piles and a smoking firepit. A copy of the Restoration skill book The Exodus can be found here. There is no other notable loot. (map)

The Conjurer's CaravanEdit

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Southwest of the Great Lift at Mzinchaleft, northeast of Stonehills, you will come across a battle between a group of conjurers driving a horse-drawn wagon, and a group of bandits. The wagon contains a pair of crates holding a selection of potions and alchemical ingredients, two satchels containing more ingredients, and a copy of the Speech skill book A Dance in Fire, v6. (map)