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ON-icon-furnishing-Petrified Watcher.png
Petrified Watcher
Category Gallery (Display)
Quality Superior
Limit Type Traditional Furnishings
Bind Bind on Pickup
Close study indicates this Watcher was petrified in an instant, prompting the question of what circumstances caused this transformation. This is a standard house item.
Petrified Watcher

Available FromEdit

  • This Antiquity has not been found for sale on the Necrom Merchant.

Antiquity JournalEdit

  • Codex Entries required: 3


This antiquity furnishing can be obtained via the Antiquities system. First, you must obtain the following Antiquity lead:

Icon Lead Location Source(s) Difficulty Codex
  Lead: Petrified Watcher Apocrypha Advanced Reginus Buca Amalien Gabrielle Benele
Who knew Mora could be so cruel to his own eyes that serve him. Hard to say for sure that Mora had a hand in this. Perhaps some natural process created this situation? After all, they're so cute. My analysis leads me to believe a mage attempted to wrest control of this Watcher from Mora, violently. Perhaps it holds secrets the Knower wished to keep.

Release Notes

Update 40 (Infinite Archive - October 2023)

  • Released