Online:Mnemonic Planisphere
< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Clockwork City / Dwemer Ruins / Quest Hubs
Quest Hub | ||||
Discoverable | Yes | |||
Completion | Objective | |||
Occupants | ||||
Afadi, Chath-Jaa, Zaimira (Quest-related) Dancing Spider, Factotum Adjudicator, Factotum Arbalest, Factotum Charger, Factotum Conduit, Factotum Expurgator, Firepot Spider, Whispering Assassin, Whispering Brute, Whispering Butcher, Whispering Cutthroat, Whispering Lurker, Whispering Sentinel, Whispering Shadecaller, Whispering Soldier, Whispering Stalker |
Zone | ||||
Clockwork City | ||||
Location | ||||
South of Brass Fortress | ||||
Loading Screen | ||||
"Ordinary people keep a journal. Sotha Sil decided to store his memories as star-data in an artificial astronomical matrix keyed to his philosophical musings on the structure of the Aurbis. Of course." —Almalexia
The Mnemonic Planisphere is a memory storage facility in the central Clockwork City.
A number of Sotha Sil's memories are stored within the Planisphere in the form of stars. Whispering Shadows cultists have recently trespassed into the complex with the goal of finding a way to harness those memories. Skeevatons can be found throughout the halls.
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 11 can be found here. You'll also find a piece of the Precursor Factotum here during the related quest. Fortress Excavators patrol the Radius south of the Planisphere.
The Memories of Sotha Sil is located in the foyer of the Mage's Wing, while The Astronomer's Power is located elsewhere within the section. The Will of Our Mistress can be found in the Hall of the Warrior, next to the back door to the Planisphere. Stealing the Stars is found in the Hall of the Thief.
Related QuestsEdit
- Mnemonic Planisphere Objective: Help secure Sotha Sil's memories. / You secured Sotha Sil's memories.
- The Astronomer's Apprentice: Restore the corrupted memory stars inside the Mnemonic Planisphere.
- Family Feud: Resolve a family feud between the Vanos siblings.
- Loose Strands: Gather metal strands and artificial lodestones to aid the residents of Slag Town.
- The Precursor: Assist an Apostle in reassembling an ancient factotum with pieces from all across Tamriel.
There are several bookshelves and four Nutriment Dispensers in the antechamber, as well as two side rooms. The room on the right appears to be a study full of desks, bookshelves, and mechanical instruments: to the left of the entrance lies a room with two tables fully outfitted with a set of four chairs each.
This large, open room is a hub with three doors. You'll find the Astronomer here as well. Surrounding the Planisphere are three wings, each named after one of the three guardian signs. The Warrior's Wing lies through the western door, the Mage's Wing lies straight ahead in the north, and the Thief's Wing lies on the east end of the room.
Throughout each wing, you'll encounter stars: these contain Sotha Sil's memories, and occasionally speak. Standing within 5 meters of one will suppress your ability to stealth. The stars will also reveal hidden Whispering Shadows cultists if they pass over them, who if not revealed, will ambush you as you navigate the halls. Static stars seen in some dead-end in the complex don't have these properties. During the quest, you'll find Corrupted Stars within the three wings.
Factotums are patrolling the corridors of each wing, while Whispering Shadow acolytes tinker with tubes in the modular rooms. The Factotum enemies in the wings are not set: if a Factotum Arbalest is killed, a Factotum Expurgator may respawn in its place. The three wings all share one map.
Warrior's WingEdit
The Warrior's Wing encompasses the western section of tunnels. Past the first intersection, an elevator leads to the Upper Warrior's Wing. Two star-containing tubes are present here.
Upper Warrior's WingEdit
The Upper Warrior's Wing sits above the Warrior's Wing and houses one additional star-containing tube.
Mage's WingEdit
The Mage's Wing encompasses the northern section of tunnels. A copy of The Memories of Sotha Sil is sitting on a platform on the east side of the foyer just as you enter the wing. Two star-containing tubes are present here.
Upper Mage's WingEdit
The Upper Mage's Wing holds no tubes, but instead two rooms each containing a small Factotum depot.
Thief's WingEdit
The Thief's Wing encompasses the eastern section of tunnels. Past the first intersection, an elevator leads to the Upper Thief's Wing. Two star-containing tubes are present here.
Upper Thief's WingEdit
The Upper Thief's Wing sits above the Warrior's Wing and houses one additional star-containing tube.
Throughout the wings, there are eight large tubes housing light blue "stars" (technically named "multi-planar mnemonic receptacles"), with two in the Warrior's Wing (west), one in the Upper Warrior's Wing, three in the Mage's Wing (north), two in the Thief's Wing (east), and one in the Upper Thief's Wing. They contain memories of Sotha Sil, and when in close proximity of one of these stars, they begin to play varying excerpts of speech by numerous people who have some relation to him. There are also a number of released stars freely traveling throughout the area which will prohibit sneaking when close by.
All stars have a small chance to say one of the following things, which usually quote Sotha Sil himself:
- Star: "Our soldiers are useless against the sheer volume of Kagrenac's machines. We're sending those mer out for slaughter."
- Star: "You want me to do the impossible, Vivec? I may have power, but even I cannot overcome whatever Dumac has found."
- Star: "We can use that to our advantage. Kagrenac's machines will be useless once they lie at the bottom of the sea."
- Star: "My friend, what have I become?"
- Star: "We've cursed them all. They'll be cast out. Disgraced."
- Star: "I'll need to regulate the water cycle to create the proper humidity needed for a breathable atmosphere."
- Star: "The Celestiodrome will need to have rotating girders for proper topography to be formed."
- Star: "Soul gems are common power sources, but ultimately ineffectual for more ambitious designs."
- Star: "Factotums will need a voice. Something consistent but easily replicable. Perhaps something comforting."
In the southern part of the Warrior's Wing, the stars in speak with a calm female voice. It is likely the voice of Sotha Sil's mother speaking to him when he was a child:
- Star: "Now, now, my little lord. Let's dry those tears. Everything will be alright."
- Star: "Don't you want to be like the Brave Little Scrib? He would never cry over such a silly thing."
- Star: "There we go. All better. No more need for tears, my little lord."
In the northern part of the Warrior's Wing, the stars speak with a disgruntled female voice. It is likely the voice of Sotha Sil's sister, Sotha Nall, trying to convince a young adult Sotha Sil to sneak out somewhere they are not allowed to go:
- Star: "You're overthinking this. We sneak out, we sneak back in, and no one will ever be the wiser."
- Star: "What, are you afraid of Nanny finding out? You're an adult now!"
- Star: "No one will even realize we're missing. Besides, what's the worst Mother can do? A scolding?"
In the western part of the Mage's Wing, the stars speak with a rough male voice. It is likely the voice of Orvas, the name used by The Astronomer before he agreed to become the caretaker of the Planisphere:
- Star: "Stars, my lord? I don't wish to overstep, but the practical application of such a form..."
- Star: "The multi-planar mnemonic receptacles should be stable enough to maintain form."
- Star: "The Planisphere should be fully operational within the week, my Lord. Have you thought more on who will maintain it?"
In the central part of the Mage's Wing, the stars speak with the voice of someone who is discussing the creation of one of Sotha Sil's creatures:
- Star: "What purpose could these creatures hold for the good of Nirn?"
- Star: "Let us not think of what it is, but what could be. A more efficient energy source that could power the most complex machines."
- Star: "To think I played a part in these creatures' creation. They're abominations."
- Star: "They're living nightmares, Magus. We must destroy them."
In the eastern part of the Mage's Wing, the stars speak with a haughty male voice. It is likely the voice of Divayth Fyr, speaking to Sotha Sil following the Battle of Red Mountain:
- Star: "Yes, I've heard quite a few refer to you by your new title. I think it should be obvious that I shall abstain from doing so."
- Star: "It seems Azura has kicked up quite a fuss about your newest experiment, Sil."
- Star: "Why change yourself, Sil? Why degrade yourself to this cursed appearance? After all, you are one of the few who can resist Azura's curse."
Within the southern part of the Thief's Wing, the stars in the southern part speak with a female voice. It is likely the voice of Almalexia:
- Star: "You can't care too much, my dear. How else will they learn to fend for themselves?"
- Star: "You're a bore, Sil. You've just forgotten because everyone else is too scared to tell you."
- Star: "Curse them? Why, we've given them the gift of divine protection."
- Star: "We made a pact. A vow. How could I have done this?"
In the northern part of the Thief's Wing, the stars speak with a disgruntled female voice. It is likely the voice of Sotha Sil's lover talking to him before leaving him:
- Star: "You're just so cold to me, you never seem to open up."
- Star: "I can't be with you like this. We're not equals. We never have been."
- Star: "I don't wish to say goodbye, but I fear I must. We're worlds apart, you and I."
In the Upper Warrior's Wing, the stars speak with a grand male voice. It is likely the voice of Indoril Nerevar speaking to Sotha Sil before going into battle:
- Star: "Your guidance and wisdom has been invaluable to me. Where would I be without you?"
- Star: "We're going to win, Sil. We have to believe that."
- Star: "I'll stand beside you, my friend. Till the end."
In the Upper Thief's Wing, the stars speak with a robotic male voice. It is likely the voice of The Precursor, a Series 1 Factotum, and one of the first he ever created:
- Star: "Are you content, Lord Sotha Sil? Is there anything I can retrieve for you? A book, perhaps? Something to eat?"
- Star: "How may I serve you today, Lord Sotha Sil? Do you need your clothes washed? Your hair washed? Any pets washed?"
- Star: "You wish me to go to this location, Lord Sotha Sil? I would be happy to! It should only take a few years to walk there."
- All of the Firepot Spiders in the complex are already in an overcharged state and will rush and explode at you and become Dancing Spiders the moment they enter combat.