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Online:Dame Falhut

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dame Falhut
Home Settlement Alcaire Castle
House Dame Falhut's Home
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of the Flame
Dame Falhut

Dame Falhut is a Breton knight who can be found at Alcaire Castle. She was among those who disagreed with the Duke Nathaniel's marriage to Duchess Lakana and is very suspicious of the Redguard regiment which has accompanied their diplomatic envoy.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Army at the GatesEdit

She can first be encountered at the Alcaire gates refusing entry to Envoy Darima. She will yell at the envoy:

"King Fahara'jad has no authority here!"

If you start the quest through her, she will complain about the visitors to you:

"Damned foreigners. We've had nothing but trouble ever since the duke married King Fahara'jad's daughter.
And now they bring an army to our doorstep and expect the Knights of the Flame to just stand aside?"
What's going on here?
"Envoy Darima marches up with an army, claiming she's on a diplomatic mission from King Fahara'jad of Alik'r. She says her message is for Duke Nathaniel alone and demands entry.
All I have to say is, 'over my dead body'."
Couldn't she come in alone?
"My mission is clear. No one from the Redguard camp allowed in the castle. I'm a Knight of the Flame and I will enforce that directive to my dying breath.
Sir Hughes is the head of our order. If you have concerns, speak to him inside the castle."
I'll seek him out, then.

If you started the quest through the other Knights of the Flame, who will direct you to her, the opening dialogue is slightly different:

"Damned foreigners. Nothing but trouble around here since the duke married King Fahara'jad's daughter.
And now there's a Redguard army on our doorstep, expecting the Knights of the Flame to just stand aside?"
What's going on here? (Proceeds quest dialogue above)

If you speak with her again, she will iterate that her orders come from up high and she will not budge unless she is ordered otherwise.

"I'm acting on orders directly from Sir Hughes. If he wants to make an exception, he'll let me know in due time.
Until then, the envoy stays out!"

Life of the DuchessEdit

Dame Falhut
Location Dame Falhut's Home
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 146590 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Brute
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of the Flame

After discovering that Falhut purchased poison in an attempt to kill the Duchess, Sir Hughes will ask that you help apprehend the knight in her home. Once you enter her home she will be waiting for you.

Dame Falhut: "If this is what it's come down to, then so be it!"

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
The enemy slashes the target's shins, dealing moderate physical damage and snaring. Blocking will reduce the damage taken, but not the snare.
Focused Charge
The enemy charges forward, doing moderate physical damage and knocking down any targets within the red rectangle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken and prevent the knock down. If the enemy does not hit anything, it will be stunned for a few seconds.