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Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle Wines

< Oblivion: Alchemy

These wines can be created by Talan after you complete the Battlehorn Castle quest and buy the wine cellar upgrade.

Wine Name Object ID Ingredients Required Effects Value Weight
OB-icon-misc-Wine.png Argonian Bloodwine xx00a6a8 Bergamot Seeds ×2
Foxglove Nectar ×2
White Seed Pod
Resist Poison 40% for 50s
Resist Disease 40% for 50s
Water Breathing for 50s
20 1
Colovian Battlecry xx00a6a5 Bog Beacon Asco
Cinnabar Polypore Red
Cinnabar Polypore Yellow
Shield 10% for 50s
Fortify Endurance 5pts for 50s
25 1
Frostdew Blanc xx00a6a2 Aloe Vera Leaves ×2
Green Stain Cup Cap ×2
Restore Health 1pt for 50s
Restore Fatigue 1pt for 50s
20 1
Julianos Firebelly xx00a6ab Sacred Lotus Seed
Lady's Smock Leaves ×2
Resist Frost 15% for 50s
Fortify Health 15pts for 50s
25 1
Numbskin Mead xx00a6a9 Dragon's Tongue
Lady's Smock Leaves ×2
Resist Fire 15% for 50s
Fortify Health 15pts for 50s
25 1
Sparkling Honeydew xx00a6ad Lavender Sprig ×2
Summer Bolete ×2
Fortify Personality 10pts for 50s
Fortify Speechcraft 10pts for 50s
30 1
Stumblefoot's Reserve xx00a6af Arrowroot
Flax Seeds ×2
Feather 25pts for 50s
Fortify Strength 10 pts for 50s
30 1


  • The process of brewing the wines evidently adds something that normal Alchemy does not. For instance, Bergamot Seeds, Foxglove Nectar and White Seed Pod will only generate a potion with one of the effects of Argonian Bloodwine (Resist Disease - Expert level or higher). Adding Dreugh Wax will generate all three effects (and with higher potency and longer duration at Master level) but with a Silence effect of 1s too.
  • ESO references these wines with the item Battlehorn Wine, Rare Vintage.


  • The label graphic on the Numbskin Mead bottle mistakenly describes the contents as "Ice Nerveshatter" and the Sparkling Honeydew label as "Sparkling Honeytongue".