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The Moon-Singers are a secretive order of Khajiit storytellers and lorekeepers. They travel around the world and guard secrets of the Khajiit people and their history.[2][3] Their stories are focused on the elements relevant to the Khajiit culture and they rarely tell stories of the other races.[4] One of their main subject of the stories are Dragons,[5] and Khunzar-ri.[4] Knowledge of some ancient tales, such as the tale of Khunzar-ri and the demons, are split across several Moon-Singers in order to maintain its secrets.[6][7] Although moon-singers occasionally share their tales, certain elements of their stories are kept secret and not revealed.[8] Moon-Singers often travel to the shrines of Khunzar-ri. One such shine was located in Anequina. It was tended by Aneshi, the Keeper of the Shrine, which served as a frequented stop for Moon-singers.[9] Aneshi was also renowned for transcribing the tales of Moon-singers, preserving them in written form.[10]
Beginner moon-singers are chosen and taught by previous storytellers to guard the ancient tales.[11] Moon-Singers believe that the only joy greater than stories is the act of sharing those tales with others. They also emphasize the importance of the audience and state that "more who hear the stories, the greater becomes the joy."[8]
Moon-Singers are primarily storytellers and partake in oral tradition, but they also write down their tales. Their recitals occasionally take slightly different forms than the ones written in the manuscripts due to the active participation of their audience during their performances.[12][13][8] They also not always agree on certain details of the stories.[9]
Moon-Singers' life is often intriguing to young Khajiit, but many lose interest in witnessing their art in the adulthood.[14] Meeting a moon-singer on the road was considered a sign of prosperous journeys by the Khajiiti people.[15]
They were also of the belief that "the path to Oblivion is paved in good intentions".[16]
Little is known of the origins of the Moon-Singers and the date of their formation, but the stories they guard are ancient and date back to Merethic Era.[17]
At some point, before 2E 576 one of the Moon-Singers, Numara married King Hemakar of Anequina and became the Queen of Rimmen. She was the mother of Queen Khamira.[16][18][19]
Some time after the Planemeld ended, in 2E 582 Abnur Tharn and the Vestige obtained Wrathstone, an ancient tablet that formed a map which was believed to lead to a weapon that could end the Three Banners War once and for all. In order to find the weapon, they needed to find the Moon-Singers. Abnur and the Vestige asked Dagaril-dro, a renowned Khajiiti loremaster for help. The elderly scholar, also known as the Old Grandfather agreed to help and revealed the locations of the Moon-Singers to the Vestige and Abnur Tharn. The pair traveled throughout Tamriel to hear the stories of Moon-Singers. Abnur Tharn and the Vestige used the Moon-Singers' stories to pinpoint the locations of ancient reference points that would allow Tharn to use the map and locate the weapon.[20]
They traveled to the Halls of Colossus to recover the weapon. The Halls did not contain a weapon; rather, they were built to imprison Dragons. When the group reached the summit, the Wrathstone reacted to the massive doors in the heart of the Halls, flinging them wide open and releasing Dragons upon the land of Elsweyr.[21]
At the same time, another prominent individual, Sai Sahan sought Moon-Singer's counsel in order to learn every tale that related to the mythical hero Khunzar-ri.[22]
Known Moon-Singer StoriesEdit
Feziya-ko's storiesEdit
- Audience: "Tell me something scary."
- Moon-Singer: A truly terrifying tale can be quite life-affirming.
This one tells the story of the Betrayer—who killed Khunzar-ri and was killed in turn, his body parts strewn throughout Elsweyr."
- Audience: " His body parts?"
- Moon-Singer: Long after the Betrayer's body was dismembered, a thief dug up the traitor's severed hand. A ring on the Betrayer's thumb held a ruby the size of a robin's egg.
The greedy fool found and dug up the hand, chopped off the thumb, and stole the ring."
- Audience: " What happened?"
- Moon-Singer: He bragged of his conquest, as fools do. The next night, he woke to sounds of scratching and skittering. He feared scorpions, but when he looked around, all was still.
It wasn't until morning that he realized the Betrayer's ring was missing."
- Audience: " Where was it?"
- Moon-Singer: He wondered the same thing. He searched everywhere, but found nothing. Meanwhile, the skittering continued. He swore something moved in his tent, hiding in dark corners, just beyond his gaze.
Weeks later, he was found in his bed. Strangled to death."
- Audience: " The Betrayer's severed hand killed him?"
- Moon-Singer: Perhaps. Or perhaps a covetous friend got sick of his bragging. Stranger things have happened in Elsweyr."
- Audience: "Do you know any stories about finding treasure?"
- Moon-Singer: Not just any treasure, but the greatest treasure in all of Elsweyr ….
The last words of Nurarion the Perfect."
- Audience: "His words are a treasure?"
- Moon-Singer: A treasure, a weapon, and much more. Nurarion's voice could cut lightning bolts in half and turn mountains to rubble. Only his foes heard him speak, and even then, only in whispers.
It is said that he only screamed twice. Once, to save Sunhold."
- Audience: "And the other time?"
- Moon-Singer: When he died.
In a chamber deep beneath the earth, he screamed into a crystal, pouring years of rage and sorrow into the gem. It brought the cave down on top of him, crushing him. The crystal is still there, as are the echoes of his power."
- Audience: "How powerful are the echoes?"
- Moon-Singer: Very. Some claim the words would sunder Anequina from Pellitine. Others say they could level Rimmen in the blink of an eye."
- Audience: "Where can I find the gem?"
- Moon-Singer: Even if this one knew, she would not tell. Some secrets are best left buried."
- Audience: "How about a sad story?"
- Moon-Singer: A sad story about Khunzar-ri? Most travelers prefer cheerful tales, but this one believes that sad stories can often be inspirational and empowering.
Do you know the tale of Khunzar-ri's last day?"
- Audience: "No, what happened?"
- Moon-Singer: Khunzar-ri defeated the demons who plagued his beloved homeland, not with his strength, but with his wit. He tricked them into surrendering their power with false promises and locked them within a mighty fortress.
Elsweyr was at peace. For a time."
- Audience: "What did he do next?"
- Moon-Singer: He helped Elsweyr rebuild while the Khajiit emerged from the wilds and ruins, filled with hope for the future.
Khunzar-ri stood before the clans as they bowed before him and recognized their new queen, Anequina Sharp-Tongue."
- Audience: "I thought this was a sad story?"
- Moon-Singer: Hope and solidarity often precede sadness.
That evening, one of Khunzar-ri's kra'jun came to him, demanding the power of the Dragons. Khunzar-ri refused, but this man, his dear friend, would not take no for an answer …."
- Audience: "Khunzar-ri was killed by a friend?"
- Moon-Singer: To the shame of us all. He saved everyone in Elsweyr, but who was there to save him?"
- Audience: "Tell me a happy story."
- Moon-Singer: The world can always use more joy, yes?
This one will tell the tale of Anequina Sharp-Tongue, Flinthild Demon-Hunter, and Khunzar-ri—and how Khunzar-ri tamed the famous Dancer of the Moons."
- Audience: "Did they meet in Elsweyr?"
- Moon-Singer: Yes. Khunzar-ri formed a mighty Kra'Jun to defend his home from demons, gathering Nurarion the Perfect from Summerset, Flinthild Demon-Hunter from the frozen north, and the one now called the Betrayer.
Just one remained—Anequina Sharp-Tongue."
- Audience: "What happened?"
- Moon-Singer: Many say Khunzar-ri won her strength with words of love. Not so.
Anequina was proud and fierce. She had no love for outsiders and told Khunzar-ri as much. To his credit, he was persistent. They spoke for hours as Khunzar-ri explained his plan."
- Audience: "How did Khunzar-ri convince her?"
- Moon-Singer: The tales say Khunzar-ri produced a confection he came across while gathering his kra'jun—a sweetroll.
He ate with such joy and passion that Anequina was driven mad with desire for his pastries"
- Audience: "She joined his cause because of a sweetroll?"
- Moon-Singer: Sweets were her only vice. A vice the tribes of Elsweyr share to this day."
- Audience: "Do you know any stories about strange places?"
- Moon-Singer: Absolutely. This one is thankful as she does not receive that request very often.
Do you know the story of the Black Moon?
It was a place so strange that it mystified even the great Khunzar-ri."
- Audience: "No, what's the Black Moon?"
- Moon-Singer: This one cannot say. Even Khunzar-ri never confirmed it was a Moon, he only likened it to one. Anequina, his love, would dance for the Moons, and the Moons would move in adoration.
Sometimes, they took Khunzar-ri and Anequina with them."
- Audience: "What do you mean?"
- Moon-Singer: Once, Anequina danced and the Moons moved … strangely. Like some great thing pulled the stars and Moons from their paths.
Khunzar-ri suddenly fell, for where there used to be ground, now there was none. He could not stop himself from falling."
- Audience: "What happened to him?"
- Moon-Singer: He stopped, finding himself on a dusty surface, black as iron. He likened it to the moon, but not the red and silver of Jode and Jone. This was someplace else.
In the sky, he saw a great sphere … with green forests, red seas, and gray clouds."
- Audience: "What was it?"
- Moon-Singer: There are many theories, but even Khunzar-ri could not say for certain. He said he felt as though he was being folded, and suddenly found himself next to Anequina again."
- Audience: "Do you know any stories about war?"
- Moon-Singer: Oh, yes. Too many if this one is being honest.
This is not a tale of Khunzar-ri specifically, but of one of his kra'jun—the Altmer, Nurarion. They called him the Perfect, but some said he was the Voiceless, for only his foes heard him speak."
- Audience: "Why is that?"
- Moon-Singer: Because in the ancient days, Nurarion was brother to the king of Sunhold. Terrible storms swept their shores each season, brought by Orgnum of the Maormer, the Young King.
Nurarion decided to lead the mages of Sunhold in a counter-spell."
- Audience: "Did they succeed?"
- Moon-Singer: Yes, but at great cost. In order for Nurarion to best Orgnum, he had to turn to the Prince of Bargains, Clavicus Vile. He asked for a voice that could call forth a doom greater than any called by Orgnum.
Unfortunately, he got his wish."
- Audience: "What happened?"
- Moon-Singer: His newfound voice sent Orgnum's storms to the ends of the earth, but even his normal speech meant ruin for all who heard it. He could no longer live at court and risk the lives of others.
He saved his beloved Sunhold, but was forced into exile."
- Audience: "How did he meet with Khunzar-ri?"
- Moon-Singer: They say that Khunzar-ri found him much later, under much different circumstances. But that is a story for another time."
- Audience: "Do you know any love stories?"
- Moon-Singer: This one knows tales of love and hate, life and death, and everything in between.
Many know about Khunzar-ri's courtship of Anequina Sharp-Tongue. But few know the tale of his other companion, Flinthild Demon-Hunter."
- Audience: "Were they in love?"
- Moon-Singer: Was Khunzar-ri in love with Flinthild? No. But she was besotted with him for a time. He had come to her homeland, far in the north, seeking to form a mighty kra'jun to best the demons.
He heard of Flinthild's might and sought her out."
- Audience: "What happened?"
- Moon-Singer: Khunzar-ri found her at the great feast of Eastmarch, drinking and gorging on stuffed horker for two solid weeks! It is said that Khunzar-ri and Flinthild engaged in a drunken duel for three straight days."
- Audience: "Isn't this a love story?"
- Moon-Singer: It is! For during the days they dueled, sloppily trading blow after drunken blow, Flinthild saw the majesty of Khunzar-ri's graceful form.
She decided to kidnap him and make him her groom."
- Audience: "But she didn't marry him, did she?"
- Moon-Singer: When Flinthild sobered, she thought better of her plan. Did she see Khunzar-ri differently without a head full of mead? Perhaps. Or perhaps there was another reason."
Azargo Long-Tale's storiesEdit
Tale of Queen Anequina and the Baandari Pedlar[12]
- In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms were barely more than sixteen tribes, the great hero Khunzar-ri went on many adventures. After Khunzar-ri defeated the giant Drol by consuming four-hundred-and-one moon-sugar pies, he met a demon.
- The demon said, "My brothers and I shall take this land and its treasures. Even the moons from the sky!" Khunzar-ri objected, but the demon laughed. "You cannot stop us, little cat-thing!"
- Khunzar-ri said, "Not by myself, foul demon. I shall gather a Kra'Jun—a company of heroes—starting with the Altmer, Nurarion the Perfect, who communes among the buried roots of the Ayleid worms."
- These are the words and the words are true.
- Moon-Singer: In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms were barely more than sixteen tribes, the great hero Khunzar-ri went on many adventures. After Khunzar-ri defeated the giant Drol by consuming four-hundred-and-one moon-sugar pies, he met a demon."
- Audience: "A demon? Like a Daedra?"
- Moon-Singer: No, a different kind of demon. Now be quiet and listen!
The demon said, "My brothers and I shall take this land and its treasures. Even the moons from the sky!" Khunzar-ri objected, but the demon laughed. "You cannot stop us, little cat-thing!" - Audience: "What did Khunzar-ri do?"
- Moon-Singer: Khunzar-ri said, "Not by myself, foul demon. I shall gather a Kra'Jun—a company of heroes—starting with the Altmer, Nurarion the Perfect, who communes among the buried roots of the Ayleid worms".
These are the words and the words are true."
Mizbina's storiesEdit
- In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms were young and like kittens at play, the great hero Khunzar-ri gathered a company of champions to combat the demon and his brothers. They had come to Elsweyr to steal the moons from the sky.
With Nurarion already at his side, Khunzar-ri turned his attention to the next champion he planned to recruit. "The power of the moons will be ours, little cat-thing," taunted the demon. "How can two possibly hope to stop many?
Khunzar-ri said, "Because two shall become three, annoying demon. As soon as this one rescues Flinthild Demon-Hunter from the Ayleid lair of creeping ebony plants."
These are the words, and the words are true
- Moon-Singer: In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms were young and like kittens at play, the great hero Khunzar-ri gathered a company of champions to combat the demon and his brothers. They had come to Elsweyr to steal the moons from the sky."
- Audience: "That sounds ominous."
- Moon-Singer: Ominous? Indeed!
With Nurarion already at his side, Khunzar-ri turned his attention to the next champion he planned to recruit. 'The power of the moons will be ours, little cat-thing," taunted the demon. "How can two possibly hope to stop many?" - Audience: "What did Khunzar-ri do?"
- Moon-Singer: Khunzar-ri said, "Because two shall become three, annoying demon. As soon as this one rescues Flinthild Demon-Hunter from the Ayleid lair of creeping ebony plants".
These are the words and the words are true."
Satarri's storiesEdit
In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms roamed with wild abandon, the hero Khunzar-ri gathered champions to deal with a terrible demon and his horde. With Nurarion the Perfect and Flinthild Demon-Hunter, he sought a third companion.
The demon said, "Oh, little cat-thing, you amuse us! How can three tiny morsels ever stand against us?" Khunzar-ri laughed, "We may be tiny, but we are persistent! And tricky, too, as you will see."
Then Khunzar-ri turned to his Kra'Jun. "One more we need, a Khajiiti queen of renown. Anequina Sharp-Tongue, who loves to bask in the glow of the Big Moon when she reflects and thinks deep thoughts."
These are the words and the words are true."
- Moon-Singer: In the time before time, when the sixteen kingdoms roamed with wild abandon, the hero Khunzar-ri gathered champions to deal with a terrible demon and his horde. With Nurarion the Perfect and Flinthild Demon-Hunter, he sought a third companion."
- Audience: "Who was the third companion?"
- Moon-Singer: 'Patience. Satarri is getting to that part!
The demon said, "Oh, little cat-thing, you amuse us! How can three tiny morsels ever stand against us?" Khunzar-ri laughed, "We may be tiny, but we are persistent! And tricky, too, as you will see." - Audience: "What did Khunzar-ri do?"
- Moon-Singer: Then Khunzar-ri turned to his Kra'Jun. "One more we need, a Khajiiti queen of renown. Anequina Sharp-Tongue, who loves to bask in the glow of the Big Moon when she reflects and thinks deep thoughts."
These are the words and the words are true."
Other storiesEdit
- One day, a lowly adept arrived at a shrine to Khenarthi to offer prayers and leave alms. The adept found a small box placed prominently at the head of the shrine. He moved to discard the item when a mewling emerged from inside and the box shifted and rocked. There was something alive in there! The adept quickly threw open the lid and saw a tiny Khajiit babe reaching toward him with outstretched paws. As he lifted the babe from the box, it grew from an infant to a child before it cleared the top. He set the child down and it advanced to the size of a young adult. "Fragrant greetings, lowly adept," the young Khajiit said with confidence and swagger. "Khenarthi's breath sent me to bring glory to this shrine and all the land around." The adept fell to his knees and gasped, "Who … who are you?" The Khajiit grinned, "Today I am simply Khunzar, but tomorrow I will be the hero, Khunzar-ri!" So, never discard a box in Elsweyr without first checking inside.
Khunzar-ri and the Demon (Compilation)[25]
- Before Shazeer Firstclaw became the fierce and powerful Clan Mother of the Barrukit kingdom, she was a brave and curious child who got into a world of trouble. Take, for example, the time she climbed to the top of Shimmering Rise and suddenly found herself surrounded by a pride of hungry senche-lions. She was able to hold them at bay with a sharp stick and a pile of pebbles, but as night fell, weariness and her own hunger began to take their toll on the little cat. She called to Jone and Jode to aid her, and a Moonbeam illuminated the rise. Standing in the Moonbeam was a young male Khajiit, around the same age as Shazeer. "Where did you come from," Shazeer asked. "Jone and Jode sculpted me out of Moonlight, clouds, and your own courageous heart. I am Khunzar, and I am here to rescue you!" And that's what Khunzar did!
- Alkosh was grim. Guarding time was hard work, and he was in a foul mood. Mara tried to lighten his attitude, but he wanted none of her kind and loving words. Next Khenarthi attempted to breathe joy into the grumpy Alkosh, but he dispatched her with a roar. "I suppose it is up to me," said Sheggorath with an insane laugh. "Do you know how much moon-sugar it takes to satisfy Hircine's endless hunger?" Curious, Alkosh responded, "I do not know the answer, insane one, so please tell me." Sheggorath snapped his finger and scowled, "Drats, I was hoping you could tell me!" Everyone was silent as a strange look came over Alkosh's face. Then, all at once, he started to laugh. His laughter shook the sky and made the Moons dance. He laughed for thirty days and thirty nights, until finally a single tear of joy rolled down his cheek and fell upon Elsweyr. The tear landed with a splash and from its depths emerged the hero Khunzar-ri, fully grown and ready for adventure.
Notable Moon-SingersEdit
- Numara — Queen of Anequina.
- Ravith — The first Rajaska.
- Talbira — Ancient Moon-Singer and author of the Song of Binding.
See AlsoEdit
- For game-specific information, see the Elder Scrolls Online article.
- Khunzar-ri and the Demon by Various — A Khajiiti legend detailing Khunzar-ri's conflict with dragons
- Khunzar-ri and the Demons — The tale of Khunzar-ri battle against dragons
- Khunzar-ri: Origin Transcribed by Aneshi, Keeper of Legends for the 16 Kingdoms — A collection of stories detailing the origins of the hero Khunzar-ri
- ^ Nazdar's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Dagaril-dro's dialogue during The Demon Weapon in ESO
- ^ Abnur Tharn's dialogue during The Demon Weapon in ESO
- ^ a b Balga's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
- ^ Zahari's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Euraxia's Personal Journal — Euraxia Tharn
- ^ a b Mizbina's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Moon-Singer Feziya-ko's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
- ^ a b Aneshi the Shrine Keeper's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ a b c d Khunzar-ri: Origin — Aneshi, Keeper of Legends for the 16 Kingdoms
- ^ a b Satarri's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Azargo Long-Tale's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Khunzar-ri and the Demon: Part One — Moon-Singer Azargo Long-Tale
- ^ Trezzi's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
- ^ Fezzam's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
- ^ a b Khamira's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Abnur Tharn's dialogue during A Rage of Dragons in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Envoy Cashia's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Events of Two Queens in ESO: Elsweyr
- ^ Events of The Demon Weapon in ESO
- ^ Events of The Halls of Colossus in ESO
- ^ Meet the Character - Sai Sahan — Abnur Tharn
- ^ Khunzar-ri and the Demon: Part Two — Moon-Singer Mizbina
- ^ Khunzar-ri and the Demon: Part Three — Moon-Singer Satarri
- ^ Khunzar-ri and the Demon — Various
- ^ Khunzar-ri and the Demons