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Legends:Solo Arena/Ikar, the Black

< Legends: Solo Arena: Opponents
Ikar, the Black
The Victorious
LG-arena-Darkelf 3.png
Class IntelligenceAgility Assassin
Elo 800
Theme Tempo
Prophecies Prophecy 2x Blacksap Protector, 1x Camlorn Sentinel, 1x Dark Harvester, 1x Sparking Spider, 1x Wisdom of Ancients
Attributes Intelligence 16Agility 12Neutral 2
Rarity Common 18Rare 8Epic 3Legendary 1


Attributes Rarity Magicka Curve
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Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
1 Agility Shadow Shift Action 1 1Common Common Move a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
1 Agility Finish Off Action 2 1Common Common Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
3 Intelligence Ice Spike Action 2 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
1 Agility Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
1 Intelligence Wisdom of Ancients Prophecy Action 2 3Epic Epic Prophecy
Give each friendly creature a random Keyword.
2 Agility Blacksap Protector Prophecy Creature (Wood Elf) 3 3 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy, Guard
1 Intelligence Camlorn Hero Creature (Breton) 3 4 2 1Common Common Summon: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1 Intelligence Camlorn Sentinel Prophecy Creature (Breton) 3 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Intelligence Cunning Ally Creature (Dark Elf) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Put a Firebolt into your hand if the top card of your deck is Intelligence.
1 Agility Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1Common Common Charge, Drain
2 Agility Greenheart Knight Creature (Wood Elf) 3 1 5 1Common Common Charge
1 Agility Thievery Action 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage to your opponent and gain 3 health.
1 Intelligence Ash Servant Creature (Ash Creature) 4 2 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
2 Intelligence Baron of Tear Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Summon: Give other friendly Intelligence creatures +1/+0 and Guard.
1 Intelligence Dres Renegade Creature (Dark Elf) 4 4 4 2Rare Rare Guard
Other friendly creatures are immune to Shackle.
1 Intelligence Dres Tormentor Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 4 2Rare Rare When an enemy creature becomes Shackled, deal 3 damage to it.
1 Agility Hidden Trail Support 4 3Epic Epic Ongoing
Summon: All Field Lanes become Shadow Lanes.
Friendly creatures have +1/+0.
1 Neutral Sparking Spider Prophecy Creature (Dwemer) 4 2 3 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Intelligence Tome of Alteration Item 4 1Common Common +2/+2
Summon: Draw a card.
1 Agility Camoran Scout Leader Creature (Wood Elf) 5 2 2 3Epic Epic Summon: Summon a 2/2 Wood Elf Scout with Charge in each lane with a Wounded enemy creature.
1 Intelligence Glenumbra Sorceress Creature (Breton) 5 5 1 2Rare Rare Ward
1 Intelligence Lillandril Hexmage Creature (High Elf) 5 5 4 1Common Common After you play an action, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
1 Neutral Dark Harvester Prophecy Creature (Dreugh) 7 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Gain 4 health.
1 Intelligence Shocking Wamasu Creature (Wamasu) 8 4 4 1Common Common Summon: Deal 4 damage to a creature.
1 Agility Tazkad the Packmaster Creature (Goblin) 9 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Breakthrough, Charge
Last Gasp: Summon a 4/4 Durzog.