Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Order of Itinerant Priests
< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: FactionsOrder of Itinerant Priests T_Cyr_ItinerantPriests |
Locations: | |
Leaders: | |
Elders: | |
Favored Skills: | |
Favored Attributes: | |
Friends & Foes: | |
Cyrodiil Imperial Legion | +2 |
Great Faiths | +2 |
Kingdom of Anvil | +2 |
Kingdom of Kvatch | +2 |
Kingdom of Sutch | +2 |
West Navy | +2 |
Abecean Trading Company | +1 |
Cyrodiil Mages Guild | +1 |
Imperial Geographical Society | +1 |
Cyrodiil Dark Brotherhood | -1 |
Cyrodiil Thieves Guild | -1 |
The Order | -1 |
Aundae Clan | -2 |
Baluath Clan | -2 |
Berne Clan | -2 |
Khulari Clan | -2 |
Orlukh Clan | -2 |
Quarra Clan | -2 |
"The Itinerant Priests are a network of priests, monks, pilgrims, sages, and clerics. Some say we're social misfits, cult order drop-outs, or sinners in search of redemption. Maybe there's some truth to that, but we're also adventurers devoted to helping others, wanderers in search of spiritual insight, or wise elders who prefer to spend their last years on the open roads. All of us are looking to understand our place in the world, and as part of that goal we look to undertake spiritually fulfilling works." - faction members on the Itinerant Priests topic.
Cyrodiil brims with cults and faiths in the thousand, and yet most of those inclined to priestly or monastic life dedicate themselves to primarily one saint, spirit or deity. The Order of Itinerant Priests are different however, being a loose collective of those who travel the world in a personal exploration of faith, seeking tasks that may prove spiritually fulfilling. They are often viewed as an impartial source of support to the many cults of Cyrodiil, although views on them among the Great Faiths differ. Followers of Akatosh, Arkay and Zenithar may tend to dismiss the usefulness of a nomadic spiritualist, while followers of Kynareth and Stendarr - patrons of wanderers and beggars - tend to favour the Order, or even see them as potential recruits.
Joining the Order of Itinerant PriestsEdit
Almost every member of the Order will be willing to induct you into it. For example, any of the following:
- Runs-Towards-Time in Anvil's Hostel of Saint Rosunius
- Alsia Juvanus in Brina Cross's Crossing Inn.
- Gerius Siralus in Charach's Chapel of the West Wind.
Order of Itinerant Priests RanksEdit
Rank | Required Attributes | Required Skills |
0. Layman | Personality 30 Willpower 30 | — |
1. Novice | Personality 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 10 |
2. Gyrovague | Personality 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 20 |
3. Robe-Bearer | Personality 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 30 and two at 5 |
4. Seeker | Personality 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 40 and two at 10 |
5. Disciple | Personality 31 Willpower 31 | One skill at 50 and two at 15 |
6. Mendicant | Personality 32 Willpower 32 | One skill at 60 and two at 20 |
7. Elder | Personality 33 Willpower 33 | One skill at 70 and two at 25 |
8. Marabout | Personality 34 Willpower 34 | One skill at 80 and two at 30 |
9. Wayfarer | Personality 35 Willpower 35 | One skill at 90 and two at 35 |
Order of Itinerant Priests QuestsEdit
Alsia Juvanus's Quests, Brina Cross |
Gerius Siralus's Quests, Charach |
Haela Ysonian's Quests, Strident Coast |
Luaki and Dalia Lasalian's Quests, Anvil |
Runs-Towards-Time's Quests, Anvil |