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Online:Symphony of Blades (Infinite Archive)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Symphony of Blades
Location Infinite Archive
Species Meridian Guardian
Health Arc 1: 1,215,000 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
The Symphony of Blades

The Symphony of Blades is a boss which may be encountered within the Infinite Archive. His original manifestation may be found in the Depths of Malatar.

During the fight, he can summon the four colors of Aurorans to aid itself, which will converge from each corner of the platform to join him in the center and empower him. He will also summon the Auroran Phalanx, a formation of Aurorans that march with Meridia's Light at their side and will empower the Symphony of Blades if they cross paths.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As a boss type enemy, the Symphony of Blades is immune to all crowd control effects.

Singing Blade
A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
Dissonant Blow
A charged heavy attack that deals high physical damage. Block or dodge this if possible.
Blade Dance
The boss spins around, dealing high physical damage around him as indicated by a red circle. The damage is reduced from his Depths of Malatar version, but this should still be avoided if possible.
Curse Expiry
The boss stabs the ground and an AoE appears around a random target. The target will take moderate magic damage and get stunned in a few moments. This is unavoidable and should be healed through.
The boss stabs the ground. After a few seconds, all players take 50% of their maximum health as Oblivion damage over 5 seconds. At the same time, all healing taken is nullified. Ensure the party is fully healed before this attack lands.

Auroran Phalanx mechanicEdit

Throughout the fight, the boss will summon Aurorans to attack the group. You must immediately kill at least one of these to survive the mechanic.

Summon Auroran Phalanx
A circle of Aurorans appears on the edges of the platform, and walks slowly towards the center. Behind them is a wall of light that will instantly kill anyone who touches it. Kill one of the Aurorans to open a gap in the wall to safely pass through.
Meridia's Light
An instant-kill attack that accompanies the Auroran Phalanx, being triggered if you run into their barrier.

Add PhaseEdit

After a while, the boss will call 4 Aurorans of different colors from each corner of the room. Each Auroran will grant the boss a new ability if they reach him, as listed below.

Meridian Destruction
This ability is similar to the Templar skill Radiant Destruction. The boss will shoot a beam of pure light from his hands at the tank. This ability is powered up if a golden Auroran shade reaches him.
When empowered by a red Auroran shade, the boss will send fire AoEs spiraling everywhere. You should try to avoid these.
Agonizing Bolts
When empowered by a purple Auroran shade, the boss will call down lightning AoEs from the sky that deal more damage if you are hit in succession.
Summon Ice Pillar
When empowered by a blue Auroran shade, the boss will summon ice pillars across the room.

It is advised that you focus on killing the red Auroran first and also the purple Auroran if possible, as their associated attacks are much more dangerous than the other two.

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