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Goblin-ken is an unspecific term used to refer to several different beastfolk, including goblins, ogres, and gremlins.

  • Rieklings — Blue skinned ice goblins. Tiny variants are found on Solstheim, but they tend to be bigger on mainland Tamriel.
  • Riekr — White skinned ice goblins that have an innate connection to magic. They can be found in Wrothgar.
  • Falmer — Pale blind elves believed to be a form of goblin also known as "riekr-kin". Though incredibly similar in nature and physique, they are not related to goblins. In fact, they are just the corrupted descendants of the Snow Elves. However, they shall be found here, nonetheless.


Image Name Type Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
  Goblin Totem (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)


Image Name Type Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
  Boar Totem, Balance (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
Vendor: Housing Editor
Looting: Enemies in Frostvault dungeon
This is a standard house item.
  Boar Totem, Solitary (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
Vendor: Housing Editor
Looting: Enemies in Frostvault dungeon
This is a standard house item.
  Hovel, Rock (page) Conservatory
(Boulders and Large Rocks)
000045004,500   This is a large house item.
  Palisade, Crude (page) Structures
(Walls and Fences)
Vendor: Housing Editor
Looting: Frostvault dungeon
This is a standard house item.
  Reikling Totem, Skull (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000010001,000   This is a small house item.
  Riekling Banner, Boar Pelt (page) Parlor
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Banner, Wolf Pelt (page) Parlor
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Bedding, Icy Straw (page) Suite
000025002,500   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Bonfire, Ceremonial (page) Lighting
000040004,000   This is a large house item.
  Riekling Brazier, Ceremonial (page) Lighting
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Grinding Stone (page) Hearth
00000450450   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Lean-To, Boar Pelt (page) Structures
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Pelt, Boar (page) Gallery
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Pit, Ash and Bone (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
000075007,500   This is a large house item.
  Riekling Rack, Giant Bone (page) Structures
000030003,000   This is a standard house item.
  Riekling Shelter, Painted Megaliths (page) Structures
000040004,000   This is a large house item.
  Riekling Tanning Rack, Stretched (page) Workshop
00000450450   This is a standard house item.


Image Name Type Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
  Riekr Tent, Snowy (page) Structures
000035003,500   This is a large house item.


Image Name Type Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
100px Falmer Fence, Reinforced (page) Structures
(Walls and Fences)
g Data]](?)  This is a standard house item.
  Falmer Fence, Stick (page) Structures
(Walls and Fences)
00000200200   This is a standard house item.
  Falmer Gate, Stick (page) Structures
000030003,000   This is a standard house item.
  Falmer Hut, Long (page) Structures
0001400014,000   This is a large house item.
  Falmer Tent, Conical (page) Structures
000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Falmer Totem of Dominance (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
Vendor: Tirudilmo in Markarth
Achievement: Gloomreach Explorer "I would ask the scholar who wrote 'I discovered Falmer mark their territory with such totems' more about this ill-scented column and these Falmer she mentions, but she died after penning this entry in her journal. How inconvenient."—Scholar Tuintaatel


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.