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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/Quest Notes

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This is a list of the quest notes that are added by Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. In addition, a list of books can be found here, broadsheets can be found here, and notes here.

Name (ID) Text Location
Betrayal Note From a Skyrim Bandit


[This note is signed with a rough drawing of three wolves' heads--it appears to be the insignia of a Skyrim Nord clan]
Wicked witch! I swear she's got Marlek under a spell!
Two moons ago, clear night. T'was bright enough to dispel the darkest omens of Vaermina. No game in sight. The wolves howling with reason. And still, she convinced him to hunt, leaving the camp heading south toward Dragonclaw Rock and down to the Silver Road. There goes, like a starving mutt following a trail of breadcrumbs. No matter that the pretty soldiers of the Legion patrol these lands. Can't mess with them woodsmen. Bruma guards, Ha! Could not brave the night without a matron leading them by the hand. Not those rangers, no. And, there goes. I swear, for the white wolf, Marlek's plans be damned! Vyka keeps meddling, and she'll wake in a bed of red snow!
Till he returns from the western camp, she'll bore and sleep like a bear. Most she'll do is send another errand boy to deliver her venomous words to him. Wait west-northwest of Hermaeus Mora's shrine. You can't miss him, carrying her next load of horse shit. What else after Hothlar's cape? Your own skins! Read her deceiving words and understand! Marlek's tent is full of those. She is playing us for fools.
What say you? Are the brothers of the Ice Dragon men enough to take on their own leader's toy? Needn't die fast. Can have some fun with her before tossing the carcass to the wolves. Or prefer to chit-chat with their neighbours in Hermaeus' shrine? T'was Marlek who follows that whore, maybe he's consorting with ol'Herma too! Betrayal of our Nord's blood once over is too many!

  • On a crate in an unmarked camp just west of Cloud Ruler Temple.
Azzan's Reports to Countess Umbranox


[This message contains a report from Azzan to Countess Millona Umbranox regarding important discoveries by the Fighters Guild]
My most esteemed Countess,
I am writing you in order to bring to light a report from one my trusted men. Rhano, a well known swordsman and citizen of Anvil has recently encountered suspicious members of ranger circles from Valenwood. He urged me to advise you on the matter so that you may take the necessary precautions in warning our citizens and visitors of this potential threat.
The following text is the full content of his report. I would agree with him in that this activity is highly worrisome. I suggest that you issue a warning to be posted at the gates of the city. As soon as we discover more information on this matter I will report to you immediately
Your loyal subject,
Rhano's report:
Azzan, there is a matter I wanted to bring to your attention.
I have witnessed a very high influx of Bosmer arriving from Valenwood into the Gold Coast, during my usual trips along the coast. It is clear that they are not ordinary folk. They are armed to the teeth, wear high-quality armor and move about the land as if they had lived here all their lives. My guess is that they belong to the ranger societies of Valenwood, probably from the Sylvan Circles of Valkwasten Wood. I would not be surprised if some had come all the way from the Elden Grove itself--their worn clothes and expressions bespeak of a very long journey.
From what I can tell, there seem to be two distinct groups. Some Bosmer wear a very elaborate, dark green armor. Without fail, I have seen those always together. It is almost as if they had formed an independent army. They look disciplined and battle-hardened. That is unusual. Most rangers from Valenwood form loose societies without much care about rigid structures like proper attire and military formations. I have managed to stay out of sight in most occasions. It is very difficult to sneak upon them. More than once I have had to run in order to avoid contact. Call me a coward, but something tells me they are not here to make acquaintances, on the contrary. They have the eyes of predators stalking prey. I do not wish to cross my blade against them. That should tell you something, eh?
The other group of Bosmer conforms to what I have come to expect of Valenwood rangers. They wear distinctive clothing, but not as a uniform. There are patterns to their insignias and garbs, although these are much more eclectic than what the first group favours [sic]. Also, in contrast, they do not walk the wild attempting to remain unseen. It is clear that they do not fear being spotted by the local authorities. I would not be surprised if they came to the city to speak with us. One of them spotted me as I inspected their make-shift encampment, east of Fort Strand, and simply waived at me. Then she joined her fellow rangers and took off running towards the Ayleid ruins east of Smoke Hole Cave. They were not fleeing. It looked like they were scouting the area.
My assessment of the situation is that the two groups are interconnected. They are probably not in friendly terms, as I never saw them together and their behaviours [sic] seem opposite. I venture that, whoever the militarized rangers are, they are at odds with the second group of Bosmer. The first group is clearly in hiding, and they seem determined to carry on with whatever purpose brought them here. The second group is weighing the situation, looking to find the other group's whereabouts and activities. This is all speculation, but, with the little information I could gather, it is the most sensible explanation so far.
Perhaps we should seek out rangers of that second group and inquire about their intentions. Call it a hunch, but I am sure that they are going to need help. I smell blood in the air, and we better make sure that it does not spill into the streets of our city. Beyond that, maybe our intervention could tip the balance of the struggle in our favour [sic]. In these dark times one can't have too many friends.
One last thing, I advise that you speak with Millona to let her know about my findings. It would be wise to warn the people of the potential danger in venturing far away from the roads and patrols.


Countess Umbranox's Message to Dairihill


I have received a report from Azzan, of the Fighters Guild, that spells trouble for the citizens of the city and county. He believes that certain groups of rangers, recently arrived from Valenwood, are engaged in a struggle that could spill its violence into even the streets of the city.
So that we can independently confirm his suspicions, I want you to send our best scouts into the area. They are to comb the entire Gold Coast and extend as far as Kvatch. Bring me news of the situation.
Also, have an imperial message posted at the city gates warning of potential threats in the lands surrounding the city. I am hesitant to issue an order of curfew without sufficient proof. For now, a strong warning will have to do, lest the population becomes overly alarmed about what may turn out to be a mere false threat
Azzan's report is in my chambers. Read it, but do not misplace it. I would not want a word from its actual contents spreading through the castle. The gossip here already is bothersome enough for us to allow even more useless chatter.

Eidkee's Message to Kizra


Yeshani is right. We cannot afford to hide and wait for the Legion to do short work of the Dunmer scum. Cyrodiil is in too large a state of turmoil for the legion to divert forces all the way to our lands. It is up to us to deal with this situation. But, let's not make it even easier on them. After this task we need you to get out word about the situation to your contacts in Cheydinhal and Bravil.
Select a few of your finest and equip them well with the best our contraband offers in your lair. Attack the slaver encampment at Seran, in the cover of the dark. Free our kin and deliver death unto these arrogant and foolish Dunmer. Retreat to Deep Cover and entrench your position there, until you can make it back to Red Gill.
That will show them who the masters of Black Marsh are. Their deaths will tempt their hand. Once they attack our homes we will be waiting for them, ready to claw through their black skins and black hearts. I have dispatched several messengers to our kin's tribes with offerings. Reinforcements will flow steadily. If the rewards were not enough, the wrath against our enemy would alone suffice to set their minds in course.
Still, any help against the slavers is welcome, however much I doubt now of its effects. Yeshani has slowly given me wisdom. I am now more ready to accept that we should be willing to make exception and accept support from strangers, even if it means discovering our operations to them in some degree. I trust we can keep them leashed with rewards they will not find anywhere else. Distrust Dunmer, they may be more inclined to work for our foes, but instruct the ranks to not attack them on sight until they have proven where their allegiances lie. Let's not treat them too nicely. If they were to snoop around more than necessary, slay them without a second thought.
May the marsh embrace you like water and fall upon our enemies like a cascade pummels the rocks beneath its rage.
I miss you.

Eregor's Note to Lareil


My dear, dear, Lareil, Perhaps I was mistaken about you, after all. Not a word from me and you still managed to understand the wishes of Molag Bal. Yes, indeed I may have been wrong in thinking you the lesser one among my lieutenants. Please me, please our master, and you shall receive, my dear girl.
Beware of Fheilir and Jan'val. Their envy overwhelms their pathetic minds. It was you, alone, who snatched the Heart of the Wild Woods right under Vivaithlir's nose! Those cowards cannot bear the shame every time I remind them of your deed. They will try to prove themselves again, and what better way than to slip a dagger's blade between your ribs? Were they to succeed perhaps I would be proven wrong again and my initial suspicions be confirmed. Will you let that happen, sweet Lareil?
Do not worry. I am certain that your chance to demonstrate your worth will arrive soon--and not by the insignificant hands of my men. Did you expect otherwise? Our all-too-brave former friends have followed us into Cyrodiil. Their demise here shall be thrice as bitter as their defeat in Valenwood. Yet, it would be foolish to not take advantage of our resources, don't you agree? Yes, you do. Oh, yes, that pretty face nods to every word I utter.
Thus, I need not tell you that your life is now tied to the fate of your deed's prize--nor that our plans depend on your competence -- do I? No, no my sweet betrayer. I am sure that is not needed. Why, providing us with the safeguard against the meddling of the dim and stale Rangers of the Circles might even earn one a taste of Graithlan's power! Would not you like to revel in its wake? Would not you like to strike fear upon the hearts of those who vexed you? Sister Juhris beware! Here comes your destiny in the ethereal forms of the Beyond! Ha!
Tsk, tsk, are you surprised? Oh, dear, dear Lareil. My ears reveal to me more than you could possibly imagine. Earn your keep if you wish to visit demise and fury on her. Prove your worth and I shall pour onto your cup the power to destroy her, and her family, and her friends, and her line, and to erase her memory from the damned lands of Valenwood forever.
Should you fail, I may have no recourse but postpone the search for the last vessel of Graithlan's soul and to return to Yeleri. You would not want to inconvenience the designs of our master so gravely, would you? No, you do not. For, if you do, I shall crush your pretty face and bury my gauntlet deep in your bosom. Then I shall drag you outside rotten Yeleri, where you will die with neither grace nor ground, cast into the waters of the Abecean Sea and left to rot. Mudcrabs never before would have enjoyed such a beautiful corpse--don't you agree, my sweet Lareil?

Hlofor's Battle Plan


[This paper collects Hlofor's battle plans regarding "vessels of Graithlan's soul". Its map highlights several forts in the Nibenay Basin.]
Our spies confirm that the legacy of Graithlan has been finally discovered outside of the inner circles of the Mages Guild and necromancer cults. I suspect that Traven's banning of necromancy will only speed the search for the Dread Artefacts.
Lien Valeth and his newly formed army of necromancers are no doubt searching for the vessels of Graithlan's soul. If my previous information is correct, they will take some time to find the location of the largest collection of these dark artefacts. Guardians of Valenwood's forests are keepers of most of them. Still, it is possible that much has changed since I last learned of this.
(Action: Check with Lucia's contact. It has been some time since her last report--we need someone inside the Putrid Hand, immediately).
The recent sightings of sylvan rangers in the Gold Coast could be related to the search for Graithlan's dark power. If it is, then we must make haste in recovering what we can before the Dread Armor can be made whole.
(Action: Send a contingent of spies to Anvil and its surroundings--need of more information is imperative. Assume risk and divert forces engaged against bandit gangs, from eastern and northern Cyrodiil--must control the plains and road accesses to hamper the movement of our opponents).
Something is amiss in what we know about the King of Worms. It is highly suspicious that we have not learnt of any movement, what to say of acknowledgement, regarding Graithlan's legacy. Mannimarco knows of it, but appears to sit back while the rest of powerful players in this game go through their motions--irritating. What is that old bastard planning to do?
(Action: Check the contacts in the Mages Guild that know about the double-agents of Mannimarco within the guild. Trying to infiltrate his own ranks is far too risky, but something should trickle down if he is indeed planning something large.)
We are spreading ourselves too thin. It is imperative that we regroup our forces and move in clusters. There are many who now pose a threat to our continued dominance of the province's untamed lands. Everything is shifting so quickly that we must flow with the ease of water and strike with the compact force of an avalanche if we are to prevail. And we thought that our days of excitement were far behind!
Sheil and Faran will benefit from this struggle, if we come out of it at all. Once they return from the forts of Facian and Flecia we will be in a bargaining position once more. (Note: Despite their great power, all help will be useful--send four squadrons of raiders to support their forces.)
Vistilia, once you go through the orders and send the commands, for all that is holy, return my pillow immediately, woman! Yes, witch, my old butt is tired of decades of sitting on icy rocks and cold stones--I don't give a guar's lick about what the men say.

Hlofor's Letter to Sheil Hestarius


Dear Sheil,
You have been a joy to behold, in these last years of this old man's life. I know that you are not accustomed to hear me speak like this. Ha! The Arctic Bear has a glimmer of light and a pulse of warmth in his cold heart! Yes, dear Sheil. I too, despite my might, feel.
A tide is coming, child. I want you and your brother to lead the raiders of Cyrodiil once I am gone. Yes, even an old bear must pass its final winter, alone. But you will not be alone. You will have the combined might of your lineage and my forces at your command. You will need them.
Traven has unleashed more than he can imagine. I know the reason for his actions, but I suspect that even he cannot foresee the full consequences that are about to be released upon all of us. Listen, child.
The banning of necromancy has shattered the binds of balance. Like an avalanche, the weight of this pregnant tension will spread its seed throughout the lands. Friends against friends, family against family, a struggle for power is at the maw of our cave. Betrayed, the necromancers will seek to amass that power to exact revenge upon those who wronged them. The words echo like an eagle's screech across mountain peaks. Others will soon learn of their plans--they will soon learn of the power lying untamed and dormant beneath the ground. When they do find its trace, they will seek it. They will seek it with all their might. The void in the hierarchy of power must be filled, and the contenders align their pawns even as I write this.
The vessels of Graithlan's soul must not fall into hands other than our own, lest they spell our fate, forever trapped in their icy embrace. Beware of the necromancers. They are searching for the artefacts of Dread without restrain.
Beware of the Mages Guild, for they are reacting to their brother's fury in equal manner. I expect them to strike at what they believe to be their root and source, but they will fail to stop the tide of change. Traven lives in an illusion if he thinks that the old King of Worms is the gravest danger that they face.
Beware of the Legion, for they will have no recourse but to attack anything that resembles that which they will come to fear.
Beware of the conjurers of the land. They do not concern themselves with the realm of the unliving. They believe that their alliance with the Daedra suffices to guarantee their safety. Yet, soon they will learn otherwise and will use their power to oppose the encroaching upon their own enclaves.
Beware of all those who may come from far away lands to fill the void of power. The hounds of war smell the blood in the air, and no doubt they are already marching into our province to scavenge whatever prize they may find. Some will learn of the secrets of Graithlan's spectral artefacts, and they will become another player in this game of madness.
Child, I have not mentioned this to your brother. He is far too quick to judge, far too quick to burn with rage and far too loyal to our friends to restrain his hand. You must be careful. You must observe the field and plan your moves with deadly precision. One false step and you may fall into the abyss. Keep Faran's hot blood cooled, Sheil. You may become the greatest power in the land if you are able to work together.
Once you are done inspecting Fort Facian, bring me Graithlan's relic. Yes, I know it is there. I wanted you to recover it. Rejoin forces with Faran in Fort Flecia. I am sure he won't have trouble dispatching the goblins that now inhabit the ruins. Return to me as soon as possible. Stay out of sight.
Child, stay safe. Do not thrust this old man's last years into a colder world. Remember, my love is with you. The Bear feels for you and your brother. This is, to me, more important than anything else. If you should encounter insurmountable resistance, then retreat, return to Dasek Moor and we shall plan our next move with patience and time.
May the winds of the mighty Jerral Mountains bring you back to us, victorious, and safe.
The Arctic Bear.

Hlofor's Mission for Faran Hestarius


I have instructed your sister to travel alongside you.
You will separate once you reach the Silver River. There, you will head northeast towards the ruins of Fort Flecia. Sheil will go further north, towards Fort Facian, but also stopping at Fort Entius. I have discarded Fort Naso as an option--it is overrun by powerful vampires, who would have already disposed of the relic, had it been there.
The texts uncovered out of the clutches of those vile necromancers are clear. The burial of Graithlan's eldest lies somewhere north of the Silverfish River and west of the Valus Mountains. The forts I mention must be searched thoroughly, Faran. I know I can trust you with this deed, my boy.
You are a strong man and a worthy heir to your noble title of the House Hestarius. I am only an old Nord with ragged dreams of glory. Long ago, I brimmed with energy, like you do today. But now the Arctic Bear needs to let the winter pass. I want the secrets of Graithlan's soul.
Return to me victorious and safe, dear Faran. Prove your worth and I will entrust you with the command of all the raiders of Cyrodiil. With the influences given to you and Sheil by your blue blood, and the underground power of the raiders, you would become one of the most powerful men in the provinces of Tamriel.
May the blood of ice shatter your foes.
The Arctic Bear.

Jan'val's Report to Eregor


My lord,
The search for the remaining piece of Graithlan's armor will soon come to an end.
It is dangerous. There are many who seek to stop us. Rangers from Valenwood have intercepted some of my scouting parties. We lost men, but made them pay dearly for our losses. They did not live to report our expeditions beyond the Gold Coast
The Imperial Legion, the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild have not yet sent troops against us. If they dare to interfere, I will crush them in your name and for your glory, my lord.
But for now they are no threat to us. We slip through their patrols like shadows in a moonless night. Yet, my Lord, I bear disturbing news.
We have learned of others who seek the items of spectral power. We don't know the names. We don't know their origin. Only some clues, my lord.
The man who leads a rag-tag group of petty thieves has somehow discovered lore behind the work of Graithlan. He may know of the others, too, but I know that he has sent for the missing helmet. The prisoner who gave us this information died before revealing much--she was well trained.
Her master is secretive, but I believe that his base of operation is located near Kvatch--probably south of the city. Those marauders, petty raiders, will not stand a chance before us, my lord. I will destroy them.
She barely showed emotion when told that we already had learned of the armour's location through her comrades. Yet, I sensed a brief moment of doubt when she heard mention of fortresses' ruins in the Nibenay Basin.
Our scouts have found several battlements in this area, including Fort Entius, Fort Facian, Fort Flecia and Fort Naso. These ruins lie north of the Silverfish River and east of the Road River. I will bring war parties to the basin immediately and continue the search.
Fheilir believes that our earlier information is more accurate. He has set out northward to explore necromancer enclaves near county Bruma. This information relied on old texts that we found in a former lair of necromancers, probably abandoned after their expulsion from the Mages Guild.
I do not trust them.
They spoke of their master, a certain Fayth Noor, whose search had long ago uncovered other vessels to the spectral realm. If this is so, why would they cower in fear before the aggression of their former guild? Those cowards, if they possessed these items of power, I would crush them beneath my foot and make them beg me to let them join the dead.
My lord, I am certain that they do not hold such power. My search is far more successful than Fheilir's desperate attempts. I will earn the favour [sic] of the master, and your own. Only your word stops me from putting an end to his wasteful efforts.

Nayon Camp Slaver's Orders


Alright, scum! Get those black butts off the mud. Gotta peel some snake-skin! Those slithering beasts have attacked Seran, and now they gonna pay. If you still live from our previous raids then get ready to die now, punks.
I want every able one of you sorry lot to march, I don't care if that soils your delicate feet. On the double, from Nayon to Drowned Hopes caverns. Butcher all you see. Make them talk about their leaders, by all means necessary. Derahed's a fool--what do I care if they tell the truth or not, the fun's in the torturing!
Then regroup at Seran, restock and head over Deep Cover in the morning. That's right, don't get too happy if you make it to Seran, and take your chances to run then, fools, because you'll dine with the fishes the next day.
If by some miracle you make it back to Nayon, consider yourself lucky. I'll have some goodies for whoever brings me most trophies--perhaps some stuff from our stock, perhaps you'll be sent with the next caravan over to Vvardenfell. Pay a visit to the House of Earthly Delights while you are there. The goods won't last much longer than that, scum.
Master Lerys.

Note From the Brethren of Jephre


[This note is written in delicate, yet ornate, handwriting.]
Rangers, seek the aid of your fellow protectors and set camp in the Gold Coast. Eregor has moved its forces into the south-western lands of Cyrodiil. We suspect that his search for the artifacts of power that will bind him to the plane of the dead nears its end.
It is imperative that Eregor does not gather parts of Graithlan's armor and jewellery. Were he to gain access to the spectral plane, he would be able to arm our corrupted brethren with weapons against which our own might stands little chance.
We trust in your judgment and are confident that you shall bring the just fury of Jephre to our wayward companions. May your courage restore balance where their folly threatens its equilibrium.
One more thing, brave Rangers: we have sent word across the Valenwood about the peril that infests the Gold Coast. Those who heed the call shall establish strategic encampments from where to disrupt Eregor's vile efforts. We have provided them with copies of this urgent message--they will await your arrival should you need their assistance. Let the joy of the Storyteller show you the way to our friends.
"Great Oak Grove's Circle"
"Sister Aihnjali"

Recent Disturbances Near Bruma


[This note is sealed with the Blades insignia--it appears to be a Blades' report on recent problems in the vicinity of Cloud Ruler Temple.]
Captain Steffan,
It appears that several warring parties of Nords have descended into the valleys east and west of Bruma. They bear the markings of Skyrim clansmen. So far we have identified members of the Arctic Wolves' and the Three Wolves' clans--there are signs of a third group, although we have not been able to identify them yet.
These are not fearsome bandits, but are armed and dangerous enough to pose a threat to commoners. It is surprising to see them this far south. Something must have changed in their allegiance structure in order to see these clans working together.
Achille believes that the third, unidentified, clan may be behind their sudden alliance. He speculates that one, or more, powerful and charismatic leaders must have forced a truce among the warring clans and convinced them to join forces in their pillaging of rich Cyrodiil.
We have not spotted any Orcs with them. This leads us to believe that they are not related to the recent incursions of Nords and Orcs against the Dunmer of Morrowind.
I would also like to remind you that one of the camps lies directly west from us, just north of the ruins of Rielle. Their presence disturbs access to the northern pass. I would gladly see to it that their encampment is reduced to rubble, Captain. What are your orders?

Blade Ferrus.

Smoke Hole Cave Ranger Camp Scroll


The initial exploration of nearby ruins confirms our information--even our own brothers and sisters, in their madness and folly, cannot silence the voices of the land. Ayleid battlements are completely overrun, whereas other ancient settlements and caves remain without blemish from their corruption. It is safe to assume that they are searching for Dread Artifacts within the dwellings of our long lost kin.
We have identified several Ayleid ruins in the vicinity. The halls of Arondar, to the northwest of the encampment, and Cehani, which lies eastward past Smoke Hole Cave, must be breached and explored. The odds are overwhelming, resistance will be fierce, but we cannot allow Eregor to accomplish his wicked designs.
I suggest to all of you who decide to use this camp as foothold into our enemy's claims that reconnaissance expeditions be launched at dawn. If successful, and if reasonable, these approaches must be followed the next day by a full incursion into the ruins' bowels--this should prevent Eregor from reinforcing the assaulted battlements.
Once you emerge victorious, report your findings to the surrounding encampments and scouts. If possible, send word promptly to the Great Oak, or the Deep Ravine, Circle--their guidance may prove more valuable than the sharpest of our weapons.
Let the Songs of the Singer lead your hearts into battle, my brethren.
Brother Fustais Hloras
Mist Ridge Grove Circle

  • In a tent in the Smoke Hole Sylvan Ranger Camp.
Strid River Ranger Camp Scroll


Without fail, my sisters and brothers, our eyes and ears reveal the truth of the world. Eregor's followers defile the ruins of the great Ayleid. We shall smite their foul presence and bring back balance to these sacred halls. Retain this knowledge as you would hold in memory the precious songs of the eternal forests
Narind, lying northwest from our encampment, is subject to an infestation. Eradicate their leader, for we know that she guards the treasure of Green Fire Cove. Our lord bids us return this relic to its rightful owners--the embrace of Vivaithlir grows cold without the radiance of the Singer's heart. Surely, he shall grant favour [sic] to those brave enough to carry the deed forward.
Rosulas, whose magnificent entrance once teemed with praise for the glory of the wild, has also succumbed to the onslaught of our fallen brethren. Explore its lush surroundings, east of here, and clear the first line of defense established under Eregor's orders. Once they have joined the dead to which they now pay homage, replenish your strength and, at dawn, under the spell of the rising golden lights, break through their entrenched contingents--bring the purity of fire to their blackened hearts, my brethren!
This, we shall accomplish. Were we to fail in the attempt, then the grace of Jephre be upon you!--you, who will take our stead and restore our glory among the heroes of ancient tales by remembering our names in your songs of ruinous blood and silvery water.
Sister Geila Jeharan
Cove of the Forgotten Circle

  • In a tent in the Strid River Sylvan Ranger Camp.
Vyka's Change of Plans


[This note is signed with an elegant and curvy drawing of a single wolf's head--it appears to be the insignia of a Skyrim Nord clan.]
How's my strong man today? Refreshed after our tiring hunt, I wager. But maybe you are not tired enough, animal of a man that you are. Better keep your hands off that woman in your camp, you know what would happen to you otherwise, don't you? I might have to teach you two a lesson, that's what! She'd run in shame after catching a glimpse of my body--she may be a champion of your clan, but nature did not chose her like she chose me, as you well know... don't you, now?
Marlek, Marlek, savior of our peoples. Marlek deserves the best that this life can offer; deserves the warmth that emanates from its hearth; you deserve me above all else, and I am but a servant to your will. Tell me, order me, and hold me prisoner to your commanding voice. I am your prize.
The riches of Cyrodiil await for you to grasp them firmly, with your mighty hands. You spoke to us of honor and glory, of brotherhood and victory. Those who would turn against your wish will face my wrath. You can trust in the allegiance of the Arctic Wolves, Marlek--you can trust in me.
Let us rip this land asunder and drink from their springs. Let us march into their farms, into their villages, into their homes and take what belongs to you, by the right of your might. We will make the world give to us what it is promised, what you see and desire. We will pay in kind for their long hatred and disdain of our people, like you want. Let us dream together of a future for our kin. By your side I am safe. By your side I am great. Let me help you turn the winds of Skyrim into a storm that will sweep everything that opposes you. I am yours to do your will--your will to reach for the beyond.
When your deeds are sung across Hrothgar, when your memory becomes etching into the hearts of our brethren, my own dreams will have reached that beyond which you seek. I will lie there, for your taking, for your doing as you please, forever. My prize is your sign of power and destiny. Take it, come to me and take me where only you know the way, Marlek.

  • In Marlek's tent in the Ice Dragon Clan Camp.
West Kvatch Ranger Camp Scroll


We have reached deep into the lands of the Gold Coast. Our scouts have yet to discover the presence of our corrupted friends this far north from our home.
It is clear to us, for we have long deliberated our findings, that the invasion of the Imperial Province by Eregor's forces does not stretch thin, but is concentrated in the rims of the coast and its flanking rivers.
Our courageous Rangers and Protectors south of this camp already lay siege to several Ayleid ruins. In this we also have reached agreement--Eregor seeks the spectral artifacts within the dwellings of our old kin.
There is nothing for us, north of our settlement. The enemy will not pass through us unnoticed. We will hold this ground and report to the Circles. Still, we have debated our role in the coming struggle and we agree that we could not sit idly while our friends face such terrible dangers. We will do our part, and encourage you to follow our steps into the ruins of Barastas and Dostares. The journey is long but our resolve is firm. We have come to the conclusion that spreading our marches far and wide, in search for Ayleid ruins, will let us accomplish two goals:
First: fighting at Barastas and Dostares, which are found north and south of the port town of Anvil, respectively, may provide us with clues as to the resting place of Eregor's party. We also agreed in that these ruins must also hold information about the precise objectives that Eregor, persuaded by the infinite evil of Molag Bal, so desperately attempts to fulfil.
Second: it seems obvious to us that the long distance between our camp and these two ruins implies a great possibility of intercepting travelling scouts or war parties sent by Eregor. Such opportunities cannot be passed, we concur, and urge you to consider their relevance with the same degree of care and thought that we invested in our conversations.
Desist in your attempts to find the followers of Eregor, and of Molag Bal, anywhere north of us. Focus your energies within the southern and western rims of the Gold Coast for the most efficient results. Our expeditions north-bound discovered the ruins of Nonungalo, but they are only inhabited by minotaurs--and by the occasional raiding party of Ogres.
Take advantage of the long distances between the camp and the ruins we mention for your own purposes. Keep your senses alert to whatever may disturb the balance of the land. Perhaps we shall learn more about Eregor's plans. The Circles must immediately receive any new information so that they may debate the course of action as informed as possible.
Due to the length of the journeys, we suggest that you do as we planned. Leave early in the morning and use the rays of light to your benefit. Keep away from sight but allow the piercing sun to reveal our foes and their movements. As always, careful exploration before venturing deep inside the lairs of our enemies must be observed if you are to face them at your best.
Brother Rehel, Sister Yjahla, Sister Aeirnas
The Long Litany Grove Circle

  • In a tent in the West Kvatch Sylvan Ranger Camp.