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Morrowind:Unused Content

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Unused Content is content that is unreleased, scrapped, or unavailable to you through normal gameplay. This list includes content found in Tribunal and Bloodmoon.



  • NPC dialogue suggests a system where Blight Diseases could be contracted during ash storms. This was not implemented in the final game.


  • See Unused Items, list showing unused artifacts and other unused items. Included in this list are items that can be obtained through normal gameplay, but the intended feature they are meant to fulfill was not implemented.
  • Kata's Ring[1]:04


  • Please see Unused NPCs
  • Dagoth Ur, Gedna Relvel, Yagrum Bagarn, and Vivec have unused voice files.
  • Vinor Sarin, an outfitter in Gnisis[1]:05
    • "Vinor Sarin is the finest outfitter in Morrowind"[1]:05
    • "A wise choice Ser"[1]:05
  • Three different player characters can be spotted in the gameplay mockup screenshots:
    • Zabe' Vahas, a female Dark Elf[1]:04
    • Nograd the Bad, a male Nord[1]:05
    • Bendu, alternatively named Bendu Olo, a male Imperial who would also become one of the main player test characters in Oblivion


  • See the Test Cells page
  • Ald Redaynia: was stated to be a small village, in-game it is only a Velothi tower.
  • Sharapli features the "Pool of Forgetfulness", a named pool of water that, when activated, does nothing.
  • Several taverns and tradehouses do not actually offer a bed that one may sleep on, see their pages for more information.
  • In Bloodmoon, Vor Lair and Vor Lair, Chambers of Alta Vor are unused cells. It is confirmed it would have been near the Varstaad Caves.



Red TemplarsEdit

Through infomining, it can be ascertained that the Talos Cult presented in Morrowind were originally a slightly different group called the Red Templars, who were originated in some RuneQuest campaigns set in Tamriel during Morrowind's early development, run by Michael Kirkbride.[UOL 1] Kirkbride credits Sun Dome Templars of RuneQuest as inspiration.[UOL 1] The Red Templars themselves were a cult of psycho-crusaders within the Imperial Legion who "drank the blood of Talos to get short-term martial shouting powers." The rest of the Legion and Elder Council hated the Red Templars, and so they were shoved off to places like Morrowind.[UOL 1] The Templars were supposedly tied into the chain of command within the Legion, but in truth, the Templars didn't take orders from anyone but themselves.[UOL 2] There was an idea thrown out there during a forum roleplay that the Templars maintained a system of "Blood Dome Temples" across Tamriel, with each Temple being lead by a "Head Red." One such Temple was in Balmora.[UOL 3] During the actual development of Morrowind, the Red Templars concept became the Templars of the Sons of Talos,[UOL 4][nb 1] before inferably being written into the Talos Cult.[2] The armor made for the Templars was eventually retooled for use across the entire Legion, the Morrowind Codex from says this about Templar Armor: "Officers of the Imperial Legion and knights of the various Imperial military orders are privileged to wear this armor. Plate cuirass and greaves and a reinforced steel helm are worn over leather padding and chain. Though heavy and uncomfortable for campaigning, this armor gives excellent protection in melee combats."[3][4]

  • ^  The meshes and textures for the Stormcloak Officer Armor in Skyrim are labeled under the "sons of talos" or "sonsoftalos" in that game's archive files.



Splash ScreensEdit

These are unused loading screens taken from the game data.

See AlsoEdit


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

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