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Morrowind:Edras Oril

< Morrowind: People
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Quests: not written

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none), checked by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Forfeit (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos (there's still more dialogue to be added)

Spells: written by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro
Edras Oril (edras oril)
Location Ascadian Isles Region, [3,-4] (map)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 5 Class Savant
Other Information
Health 59 Magicka 116
Alarm 0 Fight 20
Follower During The Scholars and the Mating Kagouti
Edras Oril

Edras Oril is a Dark Elf savant who is studying the flora and fauna of the Ascadian Isles with his colleague, Thoronor. Unfortunately, while conducting their studies near the Fields of Kummu, the two have become separated and need your help.

Edras wears an extravagant shirt with matching pants, belt, and shoes. He also carries up to 40 gold. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You can find Edras standing near the road that leads from Pelagiad to Suran, hiding away from a small group of kagouti that seems to have trapped him there. If you speak with him, he expresses his relief that someone has finally found him:

  • "Oh, thank heavens you found me! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up. I've been trapped here by some kagouti since my friend and I were separated."

If you have already met Thoronor and have moreover dealt with the kagouti, you can tell him that you have already spoken to his friend, which will prompt him to follow you back to where the Wood Elf stands:

  • my friend
  • "Ah... you've met Thoronor! Yes, he and I became separated when I went off to investigate some sounds I heard. Of course, it turned out to be a pack of kagouti that trapped me here. But, I see you've taken care of them. Did you notice any distinctive sounds they may have made when you were battling them? They have the most fascinating vocalizations. But, enough of that for now. Shall we go back and meet Thoronor?"

Once the quest has been completed (you should talk to Thoronor to get your reward), you can speak with him a bit more:

  • "It's good to be away from those kagouti, though they're really marvelous beasts. Did you notice the coloration? And the larger one was a real ripper!"
  • kagouti
  • "Magnificent beasts, aren't they. Truly gorgeous creatures!"