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Morrowind:Kagouti Mating Habits

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Book Information
Kagouti Mating Habits
ID bk_notes-kagouti mating habits
SeeĀ Also Lore version
Value 50 Weight 3.0
Related to The Scholars and the Mating Kagouti
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Notes - Kagouti Mating Habits
Everything you never wanted to know about kagoutis' private lives

Observations made on wild kagouti in southeastern Morrowind.

Kagouti do not seem to travel in large packs, as previously believed. Perhaps they group into larger packs when mating season is imminent.

Females seem to be dominant sex. Males will bring gifts of food in exchange for mating advantage. Males sometimes attacked.

Loud vocalizations heard exchanged (believed to be from males), especially at night. Fascinating.

Males do not seem to engage in physical confrontation for reproductive rights. Some posturing, but no conflict.

All kagouti display increased aggressiveness during mating. Must be careful not to be seen.

Mating kagouti found to be increasingly territorial.