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Lore:Dark Elf Script

< Lore: Linguistics
Dark Elvish Script around Boethiah[UOL 1]

This script[nb 1] has been used by the Dark Elves in the closing days of the Second Era in their language—specifically, by retainers of House Dres adjacent to their city of Tear.[1][nb 2] The Dark Elven culture before and after this time widely utilized the alternative Daeric Alphabet by and large for their writing, signage, and symbology.[2][3][4][5] The script has also been used when rendering depictions of Boethiah.[UOL 1] Ultimately, the prominence of this script in relation to the Daedric Script is unknown.

The script is presented in a mirrored fashion, with sentences sometimes facing right instead of left, or left instead of right, depending.[1]

Known lettersEdit

Examples of usageEdit



  1. ^ a b The Origin of Cyrus!Michael Kirkbride
  2. ^ Events of ESO
  3. ^ Events of Morrowind
  4. ^ Events of Morrowind: Tribunal
  5. ^ Events of Skyrim: Dragonborn

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.